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The large group began moving, Rick and Glenn told you and Daryl that they have a camp, said they heard about it a while ago from one of the recruiters but never gave it a chance. You later learned that the man who had Judith, the baby, is named Tyrese.
Following right next to Daryl you look over at him, watching how the breeze plays with his black hair, his eyes are a beautiful blue, sparkling in the sunshine. His hands had callouses on them from god knows what. "Hey Daryl, what did you do before this?" You asked, looking up at the taller man, "Didn't do much." He replied cooly, "I asked what you did before not if you did much." You asked him again, "Leave it, I don't want to talk about it." He growls at you. You stare at him, 'why is he always in a bad mood' you thought to yourself before walking in silence.


Your group arrived to some sort of place with high walls made out of metal, Rick walks straight to a gate and begins talking with the guard about how they were recruited by a man named Aaron. You and Daryl have kept mainly to yourselves, not sure of these strangers you just met. The gate screeches open and you guys are welcomed by a short ginger women. "Hello everyone, my name is Diana, and welcome to Alexandria." Rick goes to talk with the leader of this place. "I will show you where you guys will be living." The women motions for everyone to follow her.


Walking through the town it's weird.. it's like before, no walkers, people are fed, happy, clean, there's even dogs here. "Daryl, (Y/N), you two will be staying here." She shows you the beautiful house, "Why are we together?" Daryl stares at the women, "We don't have enough houses." She responds nicely. You sigh as you just walk into the house. As you enter the home you look around, the floors are clean, no broken windows, walls nothing, you walk into the living room, running your hand along the soft couch, looking at the bookshelf and the coffee table, walking into the kitchen you see a stove, oven, fridge. You're overjoyed that you have a place that feels like before. "Gonna cry over there?" Daryl laughs, "Oh shut up, I know you're happy you don't have to sleep in deer shit anymore." You laugh. "Let's check out the rooms shall we." You hold your arm out jokingly for Daryl to grab, he just stares at you with a blank expression and walks away. Feeling a bit embarrassed, hoping he would at least have some humour in his.. horribly.. dry personality. Tonight you're going to crack his shell open. You walk upstairs to explore the rooms. Turning from the stairway you go down a hallway, opening the first door you see, a simple washroom with the basics, toilet, shower, sink, and toothpaste. Closing the door gently you see two more doors across the hall from each other with a window at the very end of the hall. Heading into the room on the left you're greeted by a soft cozy bed. A sudden through broke you from your excited state. 'Where is Daryl?'  You question yourself, speed walking out of the room, down the stairs and out the front door you see the scruffy man sitting on the porch. "You scared the shit out of me." You call out to the blue eyed man, his eyes only met yours and then back to his hands. "Okay, so this living situation is only going to work if we actually get to know each other." You stare down at him, hands on your hips as you wait for his response. He just grunts in response, before you can say anything else he stands up, "What makes you think I'm living here." He says while getting closer to you. "This shit here, is just a dream, none of this is going to last." His gaze could burn a hole through you if it could. "I'm.. I'm not sure how to respond." You muttered to the man. "Well, I mean we've been together for a few days now, and we barely know each other ." You say, hoping he will just agree. He just scoffed and walked off saying, "I'm not staying here." Lost for words you just go upstairs to clean yourself up in the washroom.


You change into a fresh shirt and shorts, it feels amazing having clean clothes. You walk down the hallway once again, the sun is setting, casting a beautiful soft glow on the town, you reach for the handle of the room you previously checked out and grab onto it and pull. Walking into the room, and finally laying on a beautiful soft bed. Pulling the covers over yourself and laying your head on your pillow you drift off to sleep.


You swear you hear your door slowly open, heavy footsteps walking towards your bed, you're too tired to even think about it just wanting to sleep. The bed sinks beside you. The warm smell of cigarettes fill your lungs. Opening your eyes to turn to see Daryl next to you. "What are you doing?" You groan at Daryl rubbing your face. "I'm trying to sleep there's another room." You yawn. "I don't want to be alone in this place, I don't trust it." Daryl says quietly. You sigh, "Alright, let's sleep in the living room then." You force yourself out of your cozy bed and walk downstairs, yawning every few seconds with Daryl behind you. As your feet connect with the cold floor of the living room you shiver. Daryl walks in front of you, you're met with his bare back, you're taken back as you see long, deep scars running down his back. "Where did you get these?" You question him as you reach your hand out to touch the raised skin. He flips around and shoos your hand away, "None of your business." He hissed. "Just tell me Daryl." You pleaded, a sinking feeling began to settle in your stomach, clearly it's not from surviving in the apocalypse. "(Y/N) I said to leave it alone." He stares hard at you. You throw your hands up in defeat, "Fine whatever! You win again." Your frustration with his horrible conversation skills is clearly showing. You just want to get to know this strange man, something draws you to him, but his guard is too high for you to even know his last name. You walk to a corner in the room and lay down, closing your eyes, ready to finally go back to sleep. You hear the floor squeak, you sigh once again, "Daryl-" "My dad beat me growin' up, my brother left me, it was just me." Daryl confesses. "That's where they came from." You can feel the pain in his voice. Regret bubbles in your stomach for even asking him. "Daryl I.. I'm sorry I didn't know I wouldn't have asked." You turned over to look at him, he's kneeling next to you with his head down, you sit up and put your hand over his. "What matters is you're safe now." You say ducking under his hair and looking at his eyes. He nodded and got up and went to sleep on the couch. "To answer your other question, all I did was follow my brother around, doin' whatever he was doin', drug deals, all of that. But growing up I learned how to track and hunt, I use that now to help me live." Daryl breaks the silence.  "Why are you telling me all of this now?" You question, just a few hours ago Daryl had walls up, not letting you know anything. "Dunno, maybe I just like you, or maybe I just feel bad for before, you'll never know." He responds. You hear the older man breath in sharply. "Found Carol on the highway when the whole town was trying to leave, causing a traffic jam." He laughed. "I don't want to stay here." He trailed off. After that last sentence it was silent, assuming he fell asleep you passed out, exhausted from the day.

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