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Kenma’s eyes slowly opened as he woke up. The blonde tried to sit up, but found himself being held down by strong arms. He looked in front of him and saw Lev still there and holding tightly to his waist. The little setter squirmed against Lev’s arms, needing to use the restroom first thing. “Lev.. wake up..” he said. "Mhm.." Lev said as he let go of the boy and rolled over still in a sleeping mind state as he went straight back to sleep. Kenma sat up fully and he rubbed his eyes. He looked down at Lev, who was blocking the edge of the bed. “Lev get up.” He said. He tried to go over the other, but winced when he moved. Lev felt the boy try and climb over him as he laid on his back grabbing the boys wrist who was now sitting over him, Lev smiled warmly "and good morning to you too kenma" Lev said and yawned as he looked up at the boy who was starting to tremble, Lev looked the boy up and down. He was doing all he could to not pull the boy down to lay on him but he resisted, he kept his grab around the boys wrist. Kenma leaned back a little so he could close his thighs. His hand was trembling a little and he looked down at Lev. “Lev move, I gotta go..” he said. The blonde was squirming in place from how badly he needed to go. "Me move? You're the one who's sitting on me all squirmy, where do you gotta go at this time of morning hmm?" Lev said pulling the boys wrist closer to him, he felt how hot the boy was on top of him, stressing up a sweat. Lev smirked and glared his eyes at the boy deviously, he waited for the boy to answer him. Kenma pushed his free hand up to his thighs while grimacing. His brows were furrowed and he looked Lev in the eye. “I need to use the bathroom.” He said through a clenched jaw. Lev could hear the amount of desperation in his voice, Lev smiled warmly and let go of the boys hand. "Alright you win" Lev said as he pushed the boy off of him and rolled over on his side closing his eyes to go back asleep. Kenma got out of the bed and he staggered to the door. His knees were slightly buckled as he made way to the front of the cabin. He saw Yaku already up in the kitchen, offering him a small nod as he got to the door. Kenma let out a sigh as he pulled it open and stepped out. It was much easier to go alone now that it was light outside. The blonde began walking a ways away from the cabin to find a private spot where no one would see him. Lev opened his eyes to see the boy was gone, he sighed and got up as he walked though the kitchen "where's kenma?" Lev asked though he knew the answer, yaku looked up and pointed to the front door. Lev nodded softly with a smile and opened the front door, he closed the door behind him before he turned around to scan the area to see if he could see kenma but couldnt. Kenma got up to a tree and he pulled his pants off. He looked up at the sky and shrugged his shoulders a bit before starting to go. After he finished, he pulled up his pants. His hand ran over his patch from the night before, and he made a mental note to take it off when he got back. He put his hands in his pockets and shivered a little as the crisp morning air nipped at his face.  Lev started to walk as the boy came out from behind a tree and almost bumped into him as Lev stood his ground, he looked down at kenma and smiled "im surprised you didn't beg me to come and help" Lev joked as he have the boys red nose a boop and chuckled. Kenma wrinkled his nose and swatted Lev’s hand away. “I only like it when Kuroo does that..” he said. He walked by the taller to get back into the cabin where it was warm. Lev through his hands up with a confused face before pouting a following the boy back, his strides were bigger so he soon over took kenma and turned of the balls of his feet and stood in front of him. "You also said that you liked it when Kuroo cuddled you when you were scared, you certainly didn't mind last night that it was me" Lev said pointing to himself with an angry pout. Kenma came to a quick halt so he didn’t bump into Lev. He looked up, eyes narrowed into a small glare. “I just imagined it was Kuroo.” He admitted. He couldn’t wait to see the black haired again. The setter veered around Lev and grabbed the door handle. "Yeah you literally called me Kuroo last night, if you imagine him cuddling you then why can't you imagine him pressing on your little fucked up bladder in the middle of the woods!" Lev grumped angrily, he hated Kuroo hated him so much it made his blood boil as he kicked the front door that kenma was trying to open. Kenma jumped and he whirled his head around so he was looking at Lev. The blonde looked both scared and upset, Lev’s words settling in. He glared and took a step closer to the taller. “I can’t help my condition, Lev.” He tried to say without letting his words tremble. His eyes flickered down and there was a dent on the door where the silver haired boys foot hit. Lev took a step closer and scoffed as he pushed the boy back "whatever!.. ugh I could break him in half right now!" Lev shouted as he opened the door and used his shoulder to push the door open, yaku looked up as Lev stormed passed him with angry tears and a scrunched facial expression as he went into the room slamming the door making yaku close his eyes from the loud slam and opened them again. Kenma had stumbled back and fallen down. He hissed in pain as part of a stick punctured into his hand. “Fuck!” He cried, jerking his hand up and looking at the wood sticking out of his palm. Yaku opened the door after hearing a swear of pain, he looked around before lowering his view to the ground where kenma sat holding his wrist with his other hand. Yaku was quick to go down on his knees in front of kenma "what happened??" He asked as he grabbed Kenmas sore hand to investigate it. A steady stream of blood began to drip down the side of his palm and on to his thighs. He let out a distressed wail as he tried to close his fist. The boy had a look of panic flashing in his eyes as he looked at Yaku. “L-Lev pushed me and my hand..!” "He what?? Pushed you??" Yuka said shocked as he took off his jacket and wrapped it around Kenmas hand tightly, yaku pulled kenma up by the elbow and walked him inside as he listened to the boy cry out in pain. Lev could hear the boy wailing out "crybaby.. I didn't even push him hard!" Lev said frustrated as he threw his pillow that kenma had cuddled all night, he fell to his knees and pulled the boys bag open before angrily crying and grabbing the boys patches and medication out and storming to the window where he threw them before falling to his knees where his angry cry turned into a sob. He just wanted kenma to want him to NEED him but no matter what he did he just wanted stupid rooster guy and that made his heart throb in pain as he pulled his knees to his chest and sobbed into them. Tears sprung into kenma’s eyes and he hissed at any movement in his hand. The blood started dripping on the floor as he walked with Yaku. “I-It hurts..” he said while sniffling. Yamamoto was on the couch and heard all the commotion. Since Kenma was fine with Yaku, he stood and walked over to the door Lev had slammed. He knocked quietly before opening it. “Lev? What happened?” "Shut up! Nothing just go away!" Lev yelled as he hit the wall beside him with the side of his hand that bruised instantly as he didn't react and pulled it back in to wrap it around his legs with the other hand. Yaku was in the kitchen as he pulled kenma a seat and ran to the kitchen draw for the medical kit, yaku could handle blood unlike throwing up which made him queasy just hearing someone gag. He pulled out another seat and quickly sat in front of kenma as he unwrapped the boys hand to see the stick poking out his hand deeply, he grabbed a roll of cotton and wrapped it tightly around the boys forearm to stop the bleeding. His first aid class that he was forced to go to was finally paying off, he watched as kenma kept his head down as tears fell into his lap. Yamamoto put his hands up in defense. He noticed the clothes from kenma’s suitcase were sprawled out. “What did you do? Why does Kenma have a twig in his hand?” He asked the quite visibly upset boy. Kenma glanced at his hand and he felt sick to his stomach. Video game blood was no problem for the boy, but real blood made him queasy. He tried not to look and let Yaku properly deal with it. "What do you mean a stick?" Lev said as he pushed himself up and huffed in pain from his hand, he pushed passed the boy and made his way to kitchen where he saw yaku and kenma sitting face to face as kenma held his hand out and yaku waited for the bleeding to stop before doing anything to his hand. Yaku looked up and grave an angry look "what the fuck happened to you?" Lev asked as yaku grinded his teeth and stood up "go away! You've done more then enough Lev! Go!" Yaku said pointing for the silver haired boy to leave, "fuck you and fuck you too kenma!" Lev said as he stormed out the front door slamming it hard behind him. Kenma flinched from all the yelling. He pulled his head down into his arms and covered his ears. He felt like it was his fault, even though he knew it was Lev’s. The boy jumped when he heard the slam. The loud noise made him tremble a bit as he stared at the ground. The blood was still dripping, getting on his arm. “I’m sorry Yaku..” "No don't be, you didn't do anything and the blood you can't help that" yaku said as he grabbed cotton balls and softly dabbed the area around the punctured area, "im the one who's about to be sorry" yaku said as he pulled at the twig in the boys hand as it came out, yaku looked at the sharp part of the stick that punctured the skin before gulping and dropping it on the ground "just don't look" yaku said with a hesitant breath. Kenma’s body stiffened up and he cried out in pain. Tears streamed down his cheeks and he couldn’t hide his emotion any more. “Fuck!” He whined again. The blonde glanced down at his hand which was now covered in blood. A new stream had started when Yaku pulled the twig out. Yaku quickly put more cotton balls in the boys palm and forced Kenmas fingers down to stop the flow, it was a bloody mess quite literally as he looked at his hands and the floor before using his forearm to wipe his forehead with a shake in his breath. He looked up at kenma and frowned " No more tears, shh it's okay" yaku hushed as he wiped the boys tears streaming down his face that left a smudge of blood on Kenmas face. Kenma gagged as the blood smeared on his cheek. It felt warm and sticky, and just the thought made him shudder. “I-I need to tell Kuroo..” he said while starting to pant. The boy furrowed his brows and sat there breathing hard. His heart was pounding in his chest, eyes wide. "You can tell him later kenma, first priority is you" yaku said before wiping the blood off of the boys face with a tissue, " okay open your hand, I got to wrap it up and we will see how it goes" yaku said holding Kenmas wrist. Lev was still storming off as he stopped in front of a tree and kicked it and spat at the tree before he fell to his knees sobbing in a fit, he was mad at everyone. He wanted kenma so bad he would do anything to control that boy and have him in his arms right now but he hurt him and he couldn't do that now he ruined it which made him more angry. Kenma’s arm was trembling as Yaku held it. He slowly opened his hand, whining in pain. “It hurts Yaku..” he said while pushing through the pain to keep it open. He could feel the blood dripping everywhere and making a mess. Yaku placed a cotton patch over the open wound and than started to wrap around it up before securing it in place, he undid the tight knot he did and sighed rubbing Kenmas arm "sorry, it was really tight on your arm" yaku said as he cleaned up the medical kit. " If it continues to bleed we might have to go to the hospital" yaku said closing the lid on the kit. Kenma’s stomach dropped at the mention of the hospital. He shook his head no and pulled his hand back. “Nuh uh.” He said. He hated needles almost as much as he did the dark. There was a lot the small boy was afraid of, almost too many to count. He sniffled and looked at his hand. “Thank you..” Yaku stood up and stood around the blood to go get something to clean it up "don't use your hand too much now, don't be scared to ask for help if you need anything" yaku said as he grabbed some cleaning spray and paper towels. Kenma nodded and looked down at all of the blood on the ground. His eyes widened since he hadn’t expected to see so much. He sight of it made his stomach churn, and the boy quickly left the room so he could change. He walked into the bedroom he shared with Lev, confused when he saw his things messy in his bag. Yaku kneeled down cleaning the blood up, he knew Lev was in the wrong but he didn't want to leave him gone too long. He decided to wait a bit more until he knew Kenma was okay, he cleaned it up putting it in a bag. The blood smelled really strong as it was clumping as time went on, he threw the bag in the bin and washed his hands before knocking on Kenmas door. Kenma looked up at the door, which was cracked. “Come in..” he said. He was crouched down and re folding his clothing. The blonde rifled through his bag and felt his stomach drop when he couldn’t find his pills or his patches. He started to look through everything he folded. “What..?” He looked up at Yaku. “I can’t find my medicine.” "Its a mess that's probably why, here let me help" yaku said as he kneeled down taking the clothes off him gently "let me look" yaku said pulling everything out of Kenmas bag, "what did you do with them last? Did you take them last night or this morning?" Yaku asked as he neatly folded the boys clothes up and put them back in the bag. Kenma ran a hand through his hair. “I took some last night.. and I know I put them back. My patches are gone too.” He said. He stood and began to pace while he thought of where they could possibly be. “I know I kept them in there.. a-and when I came in my bag was a mess.” He said. "I'm sure you'll find them, but I need to ask what happened between you and Lev?" Yaku asked confused as he zipped his bag up and took a stand as he looked with concern. He didn't know what had the boys so twisted lately. Kenma stopped walking and he crossed his arms over his chest. “I.. I just thought he was being nice to me, but then it started getting weird. He always wanted to be around be and.. and when I mentioned Kuroo he snapped.” He said while looking at Yaku. "That's really weird.. He didn't hurt you? Well apart from your hand" yaku asked with a small frown, why was Lev being so weird lately. Kuroo texted 'hey how have you been?' Kenma heard his phone buzz and he sighed. “He’s been weird about.. my condition.” Kenma admitted. He didn’t know why he was telling Yaku all of this, but he felt like he could trust him. “Like this morning he said ‘I’m surprised you didn’t beg me to come help you’ it’s like.. like he wants to be there..” Kenma wrinkled his nose a bit as he realized just how bad it sounded. "Oh.. yeah.. I don't think that's okay kenma, you should of come to us" yaku frowned as he looked over at the boy " if he comes back don't let him knock you around like that" yaku felt really bad about it all, he put his hand on his shoulder. Kenma nodded and he sighed. “I’m going to call Kuroo..” he said. He knew if he didn’t tell Kuroo what was happening, Yaku most likely would for the safety of the setter. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed Kuroo’s number, pressing call and holding the phone to his ear. "Hello? You didn't get back to me I was starting to worry" Kuroo said sounding slightly anxious. Lev had finally stopped his fit and got up walking back to the cabin where he met with yaku, "you idiot you hurt him really bad! And don't start me on the words you've been taunting at him about his condition" yaku said as he stood in front of lev " move" Lev said as he pushed past the libero making his way back to his room. Kenma settled back on to his bed, feeling ease from hearing Kuroo’s voice. “Hi Kuroo.. a lot happened.” He said. He didn’t know where to begin, end he sighed. “I punctured my hand with a twig..” "You what?? How did you do thst" Kuroo asked really worried, he knew Kenma could be clumsy but this was next level. Kenma laid down with his back to the door. “Well.. Lev has been weird since you left..” he said. He began explaining everything he had said to Yaku, wincing because his hand was throbbing. "That bastard! Do you need me to come down and put him back in his place?" Kuroo shouted across the phone, Lev walked back in and sat on the bed before laying down. Kenma heard Lev come in and he went quiet. He sat up and got out of his bed, leaving the room. “No.. I just don’t know what to do..” he said to the other. He leaned on the wall and winced. “My stomach is sore and I can’t even use a patch." "Do you need me to bring you more down bud? I can bring them tomorrow around lunch" Kuroo asked kenma. Lev rolled out of bed and followed kenma out the room "who's on the phone?" He asked bluntly as he balled his sore hand from hitting the wall so hard.  Kenma ignored Lev and he walked into the living room. He sat down on the couch and sighed. “Yes please.. And we need to call the doctor for a new prescription.” He said with a frown. "I can do that once off work I'll call first thing" Kuroo told kenma, Lev followed kenma around. He wasn't answering him and it pissed him off, yes he was harsh before but he had calmed down. Only thing ticking him was kenma ignoring him "i said who is it?" Lev asked again. "Who's that talking to you, I can hear someone," Kuroo told kenma. He wished he could be with the boy right now but there was a drive between them right now. Kenma glanced up at Lev before looking away. He ignored Lev and stood up once again, walking away to the kitchen. “Okay, thank you Kuroo..” he said. The blonde leaned on the counter and looked down at his hand. Lev grinded his teeth and swore as he went back to the room, yaku was in the kitchen as he saw kenma come in a little frantic. " You okay kenma?" He asked the small boy, shit he should of been keeping an eye on him so Lev didn't get involved again. Kenma nodded his head and sighed. “I’m fine.” He said to Yaku. He held his phone on his ear and sniffled. “I’ll talk to you later Kuroo.” He said and hung up. The blonde put his phone away and nibbled his lip. “I’m cold..” he said to himself as he walked into the bedroom. Yaku nodded "shout if you need me" yaku was nervous but he knew if Lev tried anything kenma should say something now, Lev pricked up as he heard the door and sat up to watch kenma. Kenma nodded his head in response to Yaku as he entered the room. He didn’t look at Lev and made his way over to his bag to get out a hoodie. It was one of Kuroo’s hoodies. Lev got up and hovered other the kneeling boy " hey" Lev mumbled out as he watched the boy grab a hoodie out thst was too big to be his making him frustrated as he squeezed his fists shut tight. Kenma clenched his jaw a d continued to ignore Lev. He pulled the hoodie over his head and let out a content sigh, loving how it felt to wear kuroo’s larger clothes. "Hey I'm talking to you, stop ignoring me" Lev said as he grabbed the boy by the shirt holding it up a little, Lev knew it was Kuroos as he scoffed. "You're starting to smell like piss because you haven't showered" Lev said screwing his nose up at the boy. Kenma flinched when Lev grabbed him. He looked the taller in the eye while gulping. “Let go of me Lev..” he said quietly. The blonde wanted to shower, but couldn’t because the door was still shut. "Or what? Your gonna run back to yaku like a stray kitten" Lev grumped out as he let slowly walked forward making kenma walk backwards until the hit the bunk bed "it was really low of you you know?" Lev said as he screwed his face up angrily. Kenma was breathing hard as he looked up at Lev. “Leave me alone Lev.” He said while pushing at the taller. He narrowed his eyes while squirming to get away. “I’ll call Yaku in..” "That's exactly what I expected, can't stand on his own" Lev said letting go of kenma and sat on his own bed, he wanted to play dirty with kenma now because he knew all trust was broken so he may as well have fun with it we thought as he crossed his arms. Torture the shit out of him until Kuroo came around, worst they can do is banned him from outta school activity. Kenma’s heart was racing and he slowly lowered on to his knees. He let out a shaky breath and looked over at Lev. If he was being completely honest, Lev was one of the most intimidating people he had ever met. "Get up, you're making a fool of yourself. You don't want your libero to think you're weak, you would probably crawl on your knees for him like a dog" Lev spoke looking very unimpressed that kenma fell to the floor "would overegsaturayed the fall outside and it just so happened karma bit you on the are, now you have to go around begging for help" Lev scoffed as he got up and stood in front of the lowered boy. Kenma’s eyes were filled with tears and he looked up at Lev. The boy gulped and backed up till his back hit the bottom of the bunk bed. He pulled his knees up to his chest and looked away. “Stop getting so close to me.” He said with a shaky voice. "Whine whine whine like the stray you are, get up before I make you" Lev said as he squatted down and waited for kenma to make a move. Yaku was worrying as they were in the room alone but he had to trust that kenma would speak up from now on. Kenma flinched at his words and he hit Lev in the shoulder. “I-I said stop getting so close to me..” he repeated while hitting him again. “I-I’ll tell Kuroo what you’re doing.” "If you even think of that I'll make the rest of this trip a living hell, the more you say the worse it's going to be for you" he said as he pulled the boy up by the hair and shirt, letting go of him again he tempted to knock him back to his knees but didn't worrying someone would hear him fall and would run in. Kenma whined in pain and a tear dripped down his cheek. “H-He already knows everything you’ve done up till now!” Kenma said while climbing into his bed to try and avoid Lev. He reached for his phone so he could call the black haired. "Yeah enough has been side already" Lev said as he leaned over and pulled the phone from the boys hands " Ah yes Kuroo everywhere, Kuroo calls, kuroo on the background and Kuroo in your gallery. I think you need a break from your phone" he put Kenmas phone in his pocket "the more you say from this point on will pay" Lev said shaking his head at kenma as he walked back to his bed and sat. Kenma reached out for his phone as Lev snatched it away. “H-Hey give it back!” He said. The blonde stood up and walked over to Lev. “You can’t take that from me..” he said while reaching for Lev’s pocket. "Shhh, they'll hear you. You really want it? Get on your hands and knees and beg for it" Lev smirked as he pulled the phone out holding it above his head "be a good little boy won't you?" Kenma furrowed his brows and backed away from Lev. “I’m not going to do that..” he said. He looked over to the door and then at Lev. “Y-Yaku?” He called out, though it wasn’t as loud as he had intended. "You little shit" Lev growled as he pulled the boys hair and shoved the phone into the boys chest, he was pissed at kenma. All Lev wanted to do was have a little fun, kenma was ruining it for him. "You better watch it.." Lev said as he stormed off for breakfast.

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