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"Oh. oh! okay, sorry I didn't notice that's what you wanted to say.. Can you hold it?" Kuroo asked as he sat back up in his seat, he knew the next stop was the city and it would be a long way out. Kenma bit his lip and nodded a little, since it wasn’t too bad. “Yeah.. I don’t know how long though.” He said. The blonde leaned back in his seat and sighed. “And.. I told you a lot of what happened.” "I just wanted to know so I could better understand that's all, Lev was an ass in the end though no matter what.. The next area we can really stop is the city, not too far for you?" Kuroo asked nervously, he didn't want to make kenma wait but after last time he knew Kenma would refuse any other way, Kuroo looked over at kenma leaning back up against the seat. Kenma shrugged. “I had to go outside at the cabin.. I’m pretty sure Lev had locked the bathroom door.” He said to Kuroo. "Really, You went outside? I'm impressed, looks like the trip wasn't all for nothing then. Still that's a dick move of Lev if he did, why do something that stupid?" Kuroo said giving a confused look while driving, he was glad kenma did go outside instead of holding it till he burst each time. "Would you go outside now? Or is it too dark?" Kuroo asked curiously as he glimpsed at kenma. “Too dark..” he muttered. He pulled his knees up to his chest and sighed. “I think he did it cause he wanted to see me.. in pain again.” He said with unease. “Before when I tried to go, he..” Kenma felt too weirded out to explain but pushed himself to do so. After all, Kuroo had driven all this way to get him. “He didn’t let me go, and he kept pushing his fingers into my bladder.. he also didn’t let me go until I told him what you did to help me.” He said. He tried to give the minimum of the situation. "Oh weird, so creepy of him to do. I'm guessing him pressing on your bladder wasn't helpful like when I do it though, what a sadist" Kuroo mumbled glancing knowing he was one himself but he didn't want kenma in any pain that was damaging or something like that, he gets why Lev did it to a certain extent but still consent should always be the biggest priority. "makes me shiver thinking his hands were all over you like that, I wish I could of stopped it for you. So if it's too dark right now did you just hold it till morning every night? I know you get up at least once a night unless you're exhausted." Kenma sighed. “One night Lev came.. and then otherwise I just held it till it was light outside.” He said. His body felt tense as they talked about Lev. He didn’t want to remember how he felt with the other’s hands rubbing his stomach or bladder. "Okay, I don't really like you holding it too long. Holding it can damage your bladder and give bad infections, it's just better to go when you first notice the urge. Well apart from now, I can make an acception this once or twice" Kuroo told the boy as he ruffled his own hair and smiled. Kenma sighed. “If you turned the headlights on maybe I could go outside..” he said. He had held it so much on the trip that he was worried he did have a UTI by now. Plus it hurt him to keep it in. “A-And go with me..” "You're really sure? Out in the middle of nowhere? You okay kenma? It's not like you to suggest it as the option to be" Kuroo said putting both hands on the steering wheel and watching the road, Kuroo had mixed emotions about it. He hoped to make it home without stopping but he didn't want to say no to him at this point in time. Kenma shrugged and looked at Kuroo. “I don’t know.. I don’t want to get an infection.” He said. He hugged his knees and listened to the radio. “I won’t be able to hold it till we get back". "Alright just tell me when you want me to pull over then" Kuroo said softly as he heard Kenmas concern in his voice, was probably for the best. Kuroo assumed he probably had a UTI from holding it at night and didn't want to make it worse by holding it all the way home. Kenma nodded and he hugged himself. It was scary to be outside in the dark, but he felt 20 times safer with Kuroo there. In his mind, Kuroo could fight off anything. Kuroo waited for kenma to tell him to stop as he eagerly tapped the steering wheel, the sooner the better for both of them. Kuroo could head straight home after and kenma wouldn't get more hurt, double bonus the car seat will be saved. Kuroo looked over at kenma who hugged himself wait lost in his own thought, Kuroo smiled and looked back at the road. Kenma felt the tingling in his stomach return and he looked at Kuroo. “Okay.. can we stop now?” He asked. He glanced outside to make sure no cars were driving by. "Alright good choice" Kuroo said as he looked around before pulling over to the side of the road, he unclipped his seatbelt and watched kenma as he waited for him. Kenma unbuckled himself and opened the door. He used his phone light as he got out, going right over to Kuroo so he didn’t have to be scared. Kuroo opened the door and leaned on the car "alright, go" Kuroo said nudging the boy with words and crossed his arms after turning his own phone torch on and waited for kenma to go, the air was cold and the wind blew very calmly. Kenma stood there stiff for a moment, looking at the trees. He couldn’t see beyond the first few rows, and it made him nervous. “What if something jumps out..” he muttered. Even though he played violent games, the boy was a scaredy cat. The littlest things spooked him, and he often felt uneasy. "The only thing that would jump out is a stray cat or a crow, there's nothing out here for anyone" Kuroo told kenma to put his mind to ease " if you work yourself you won't be able to go" Kuroo reminded him as he rubbed his own arms waiting. Kenma sighed and hung his head. He walked over to the trees and glanced into the darkness before slowly pulling his pants down. His bladder was aching from all the pressure it had been under the last couple of days. He pulled his underwear off and let out a sigh. Kuroo couldn't help but blush and chuckle under his breath waiting for him, he was glad he was more comfortable to go outside meaning camping in the future wasn't out the question as last time he suggested it he was hit with a face full on no's from kenma. He uncrossed his arms and put his hands in his pockets to warm them up, this weather was on the colder side even for Kuroo. Kenma shivered a little as the warmth of his clothes left. It made his body tense up and he frowned. “I’m too cold to go..” he said while trying, but he was too tense. "Really, not even a little bit? I thought the cold made people need to pee" Kuroo said pushing himself off the car and coming in behind kenma giving a cuddle resting his head on his shoulder and resting his arms around Kenmas stomach. "Just relax, no ones here and you're safe and now should be warm" Kuroo said huffing out a small laugh of air and closing his eyes. Kenma leaned his head back against Kuroo a bit. The black haired definitely worked a miracle, since every time Kenma was in a pinch he seemed to help. It took a minute or two but he was able to go. "Hah good, it did help. I didn't know what I was going to do if it didn't, I don't want to push your stomach around. Its probably really sore inside and out, hopefully it gets better soon" Kuroo said as he softly traced Kenmas abdomen with his finger with a soft smile and heavy breath from the cold. Kenma looked down at the other’s large hand. His fingers were long and covered a lot of his stomach. Kenma smiled to himself and pulled his pants back up. “Thanks Kuroo.” "No problem, as long as you're happy I don't mind." Kuroo said slipping his hands out and pulling himself away from kenma turning away and walking back to the car "plus clean car seats woah!" Kuroo chuckled as he opened his car door and looked back at kenma. Kenma wrinkled his nose a little as he zipped his pants up. He didn’t respond and climbed back into the warm car. The blonde pulled his door shut, looking at Kuroo. “I also choked on some meat while you were gone.” He said. He didn’t know what made him think of that. "How did you manage that?" Kuroo said shutting his door and looking right over at kenma with a confused face, Kuroo couldn't imagine how stressing that would of been and if he was with him when it happened he would choke himself on fear. Kenma shrugged and wrapped his blanket around himself. “I swallowed wrong.” He said. “It was an awful trip..” the blonde said with sadness, since he was going to try and have fun. "Well it was for sure very eventful to say the least, speaking of how many accidents did you end up having? Just want to know.." Kuroo asked quietly trying not to be awkward, he liked to know how frequent these occurrences were to make sure it wasn't getting worse. He knew that when kenma was sick or stressed the number would climb. Kenma ran a hand through his hair and shrugged. “A lot..” he thought in his head about each one while trying to count. “Maybe.. 4 or so..” he shrugged his shoulders again and looked at Kuroo. "Four? In the 2 full days I was gone? That's kinda a lot, as long as you washed the clothes and didn't sit in them too long." Kuroo said as he started the car back up and looking around before pulling back into the road and clipping his seatbelt up, Kuroo didn't care about how many he just cared kenma was hygienic about it. Kenma sighed. “Yaku helped me clean up..” he said while looking at his lap. “A-And I wasn’t able to shower until today, cause the door was locked..” "Oh damn, that must of been rough on you" Kuroo frowned looking at the boy, he knew Kenma would of felt disgusted by not being able to shower. " well that's over now so don't stress to much, yaku can be very nurturing to his teammates." Kuroo added as he turnt the music up slightly. Kenma nodded and he kept himself covered with his blanket. The boy shivered a little, turning his ac hotter. The boy didnt have a very high body heat so he was often cold. "You gonna rest? I'll wake you up when we get home okay?" Kuroo asked while looking at the time, the world outside didn't look as pitch black as the sun rotation was coming around. He was hoping the boy would rest so he didn't have to stop again, but Kuroo couldn't force him to sleep as well. Kenma nodded. “Okay.” He said. He leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes. The blonde yawned and started to drift off rather easily now that he was with Kuroo. "Night bud" Kuroo hummed softly out to the boy before settling into the zone of driving, kenma slept through most of the trip now as Kuroo finally made it to the sitting. The city was much more quiet than last time he took kenma through, it was actually really peaceful with all the lights and way less cars. Kenma was still asleep with his head hanging down. He was breathing softly and he hadn’t had another nightmare. Kuroo smiled at kenma sleeping peacefully, he went through the city and they were almost home. He turnt his music off after awhile, once pulling into the driveway he took out the car key and looked over at kenma who was still sleeping. He wondered if he should carry him in while asleep or wake him up. Kenma shifted a little bit and he remained asleep. The blonde looked peaceful and his lips were parted slightly. Kuroo sighed and got out the car softly shutting his door and came around to Kenmas door opening it, he leaned over him and clipped the seatbelt off and slipped his hands under him to pick him up. He looked so cute sleeping, he lifted him up and cradled him as he softly closed the door with his back.
Kenma was limp in Kuroo’s arms, head tilted back. The blonde almost looked dead, though his chest was still rising and falling with each breath. Kuroo smiled walking him to the door in his arms, he got to the front door and fumbled his hand in his back pocket to get the keys trying not to drop the limp boy flat on his ass. Kenma shifted in his arms and his eyes slowly opened. He blinked and looked up at Kuroo. "Hey, sorry to wake you. " Kuroo said as he finally managed to get the keys out his pocket and unlocking the door not putting kenma down out of instinct. Kenma yawned tiredly and didn’t say much to Kuroo. He shrugged one of his shoulders while looking inside. "Off to bed I think" Kuroo said closing the door and walking to his bedroom, he pulled the blankets down with one hand and laid kenma down. "there that's better isn't it?" Kenma nodded and raised his hands up. He made slight grabby hands for the elder male while moving over to make room. "Alright, fine" Kuroo rolled his eyes with a smirk before climbing in beside kenma and pulling the blanket over both of them " All warm?" Kuroo asked as he pulled him in under his chin. Kenma smiled to himself and nodded once more. He got all cozy snuggled up to Kuroo and closed his eyes. "Sleep well bud" Kuroo said laying a soft kiss on Kenmas head, it was nice to have him safe in his arms as he held him. Kuroo closed his eyes not long after kenma and fell asleep. The next morning, Kenma woke up feeling well rested. He felt pretty good besides the aching in his hand. The blonde looked up to see Kuroo still clutching on to him. Kuroo held his arms around him firmly as he slept after a big night of driving. Kenma decided not to bother Kuroo and he just relaxed back into his arms. He sighed and looked at the wall. Kuroo felt him snuggle up in his chest as he smiled and opened his eyes "morning cutie, sleep well?" Kuroo asked looking down at kenma in his arms. Kenma yawned and looked over at Kuroo. “Morning..” was all he said before turning to the other side. "Did you sleep well?" Kuroo muffled out as he rolled over and sat up on his knees looking down at kenma, he leaned forward and ran his hand on the sheets and smiled and put his hands on his knees. Kenma huffed a bit and pulled the blanket over his head. “Mhm.” He said while avoiding the lights. "Alright" Kuroo said getting up off the bed and walking to the door frame where he leaned to talk. "I have today off you know" Kuroo said crossing his arms and leaning his head on the door frame. Kenma poked his head out from under the blankets. He nodded and sat up. “I want breakfast..” "Okay, we can talk at breakfast then" Kuroo said as he got off the door frame and walked to the kitchen to cook something. He starting cracking eggs into a bowel before whisking them. Kenma sighed and he started to sit up. He rubbed his eyes and winced from his hand. His stomach felt better, but he needed to go. The blonde stood up and walked to the bathroom to relieve himself. Kuroo poured the egg mix into the pan after adding pepper and salt with some shallots, he spread it evenly as it cooked. He flopped it a couple of times before folding it in half and adding tomatoes to the pan. Once cooked he filled the omelette with half the tomato and put it on the plate with fresh spinach before starting to make his own. "Your food is ready kenma" Kuroo shouted turning to the bedroom before focusing on his own food in the pan. Kenma finished in the bathroom and flushed the toilet. He washed his hands and headed out to the kitchen for his food. It smelled good, but he didn’t think he’d finish the whole portion. “Thanks.” He said and sat down. Kuroo came over with both plates in hand and put them down before coming back with two glasses of orange juice placing one in front of himself and kenma, taking a seat he cut his up and looked at kenma. Kenma took his fork and picked up a bite. He ate whatever was on his fork and swallowed. “It’s good.” He said. He took another bite and took a sip of his juice. "I have a day off" kuroo said holding his fork full of food close to his chin, "i don't want to stay inside all day, it gets so enclosed and stuffy being inside too long" Kuroo said before munching his food and sitting back in his seat. Kenma shrugged a little. “You can go out then.” He said. The blonde wanted to try and play his game some. "You're not staying in all day, I know you'll just want to play games and you'll get all frustrated with your hand cause you can't play anything properly. My tickets would go to waste" Kuroo said pulling out his two passes for the aquarium sliding the across the table to the middle looking up at kenma. " Please?" Kuroo said as he sipped his orange juice. Kenma looked down at the tickets and then back up at Kuroo. The black haired looked hopeful, and Kenma would hate to crush his spirit. “Fine.” He said. Besides, he knew Kuroo was right about his hand. "Sweet as" Kuroo said grabbing the tickets back and putting them in his pocket before picking his plate and glass up taking them to the sink "it'll be fun, I'll make sandwiches and we can sit at the park until it opens" Kuroo said smiling while washing his plate up.  Kenma nodded as he took another bite of his food. “Alright.” The boy offered only small words since he was still tired. He drank some of his juice until it was gone. "I'm gonna go and get ready, you should too" Kuroo hummed as he trailed off, Kuroo left the outfit get got him on Kenmas bed nicely laid out. He closed Kenmas door behind him and went to his own room to change. Kenma stood up and left his dishes at the table. The blonde walked into his room and saw the outfit laying on his bed, walking over to get a better look. He smiled a bit at Kuroo’s choice. Kuroo got changed and knocked on Kenmas door, he wanted to see the outfit so bad. He always pictured kenma to be someone who would murder hearts just by wearing overalls. "Come onnn, I'll let myself in soon" Kuroo mumbled though the door. Kenma looked up, and he was seated on his floor in the clothes Kuroo had chosen. He also had the corset in his hands, curious about it. He was going to look at it until Kuroo told him it was time to go. "Alright times up buddy" Kuroo said opening the door right up, he looked in to see kenma holding the corset in his hands. "Is that Levs?" Kuroo asked walking in and pointing to it. Kenma looked up at Kuroo, a little embarrassed he was caught holding it. "Yeah.. I stole it." He said. He stood up and set it on the bed. "Cmon let's go." "Hold up, what's wrong? I think it's pretty bad ass you stole it, maybe you could put it to use? Better than letting it sit around, only if you want that" Kuroo said grabbing Kenmas hand as he went to walk pass. Kenma stopped walking and he looked at Kuroo. He shrugged and looked back at the corset. "I guess.." He said. He knew that if he used it, he could trust Kuroo with putting it on. "Alright, here let me help" Kuroo said gently leading kenma back to in front of the bed, he unclipped the buckles on the front of the overalls and slipped the over the back of Kenmas back letting them fall. Kenma picked up the corset and handed it to Kuroo. He lifted his shirt up a little and held it up so Kuroo could put it on. Kuroo undid the back lacing and opened it up before slipping it around Kenmas stomach, it was his first time doing one up so it took a bit but once he started redoing the lacing up he got a rhythm. "Is it sitting comfortably before I tighten it?" Kuroo asked unsure not wanting to make it uncomfortable on kenma if he was going to wear it all day. Kenma looked down at his stomach. He gripped the sides of the corset and tugged it up slightly. "Okay, it's comfortable now." He said. He glanced back at Kuroo, nodding slightly. "Okay, so just pull?" Kuroo said as he tugged at the back of the lacing to tighten it, he wasn't sure how tight it was on kenma as he let go of the lacing. "Is that good?" Kuroo asked nervously. Kenma's breath hitched a little and he looked down. It definitely wasn't as tight as Lev had made it, but it could go a little tighter. "You can pull it a little more." He said. "Okay, I just don't want you to pass out" Kuroo said picking it up again and giving a tight pull upwards to the corset, he tied it up in a knot not knowing how to do a nice bow but it worked fine. " You look so bad ass kenma" Kuroo said smiling and watching from behind. Kenma's breath hitched again from the last tight pull. He groaned a little and turned his head to Kuroo. "Do I..?" he asked. He pulled his shirt down and sighed. "Can you clip my overalls back up?" "Hell yeah you do" Kuroo said before grabbing Kenmas overall straps and bringing them to the front clipping them up, sometimes the clips were hard to do as the mental clip that sat around the button can deform. He pushed the clip in as it finally gave in and clipped around the button and did the same to the other side, Kuroo grabbed Kenmas bag and put it on his back. Kuroo always made sure to check Kenmas bag before going out anywhere, Kuroo unzipped it and took a quick peek and did it back up. "Alright, we can go now. I just need to grab the sandwiches from the fridge, you can go wait at the door I'll be one second" Kuroo said putting both hands on Kenmas shoulders and walking off. Kuroo didn't think of it but it must of hurt Kenmas hand to undo the overalls by himself with his hand being the way it was, Kuroo packed the sandwiches into a cooling bad and carried it to the door. Kenma went to his closet and grabbed some shoes. He had on the knee high socks Kuroo had picked out already, so all he needed to do was get the shoes on. The blonde walked to the door and sat down while trying to pull them on. He winced from the shooting pains in his hand. "Need some help?" Kuroo said looking down feeling bad, he put the sandwich bag down and bent down in front of kenma taking one shoe and sliding it on and tying it up in a bow, he felt stupid now thinking he didn't know how to do a bow on the corset when he literally does his shoe laces everyday. He repeated with the second shoe before pulling kenma up by the wrist instead of hands, he looked kenma up and down with a smile. "Looks really good" Kuroo said opening the front door and picking up the sandwich bag. Kenma smiled a little bit at the compliment. He enjoyed looking nice from time to time, since most days he was wear just a hoodie and sweatpants. The blonde walked outside and to the car, climbing in the front seat. Kuroo locked the front door and put the sandwiches in the back of the car before climbing in the front and starting the car, he was excited to finally go out with Kenma after weeks of kenma refusing any outside contact. "Aight so park until the aquarium opens" Kuroo said pulling out onto the road. Kenma nodded and he buckled himself. He was breathing a little harder from the corset pressed against his stomach. "do you have a jacket with you?" He asked. The blonde tensed to get cold easily. "Yeah, it's just on the back seat" Kuroo said looking over " you okay?" Kuroo asked before slipping a hand in the side of the overalls to feel the corset, he could feel Kenmas breathing and took his hand out. "it feels nice" Kuroo admitted looking in the review mirror. Kenma looked at Kuroo's hand and the up at the black haired. "It does?" He asked. He put his own hand over his stomach and felt himself breathe. It was certainly different than without the corset. He looked out the window and looked at the trees. "Yeah, I think I like it more than you do haha" Kuroo said as his face got flustered, he drove up the road and eventually pulled into a small park that was almost run down due to a much more newer and popular one opening. It was still nice, it had a bench and a set of swings as well as a pond with some ducks. Kuroo shut the car off and looked over at kenma, he smiled and opened his door and got out followed by grabbing the sandwiches and jacket out the car. Kenma unbuckled himself with one hand and pushed his door open. He climbed out of the car and pushed the door shut, walking around to stand next to Kuroo. The weather was nice, and the sky was relatively clear. Kenma looked around at the trees and his eyes fell on the pond. The water was clear and glistened under the sunlight. Kuroo walked down to the pond and put his jacket down on the ground for kenma to sit on so they could watch the ducks sn dd if lucky some turtles, he sat and waited for kenma to join beside him as he opened the sandwich bag. Kenma lowered down onto the jacket and looked at the water. He saw leaves and such in it, along with some koi fish. “Pretty..” he said quietly to himself. The blonde rested his head in his good hand as he gazed at the scenery. "Yeah, pretty" Kuroo said watching kenma gaze out instead of the scenery, he smiled and opened the sandwich bag up. He pulled out two juice boxes and placed one beside kenma and his own on his lap, he grabbed out the container of sandwiches and took the lid off placing the container between them. The sandwiches were cut up in triangles, Kuroo assumed that was how kenma liked his sandwiches cut as they were easier to eat. Kenma grabbed his juice box and poked the straw into it. He took a small sip and looked down at the sandwiches. He noticed how Kuroo had even cut the crusts off for him. Kenma smiled to himself as he grabbed a sandwich, biting into the corner. Kuroo watched kenma eat and look around the pound, he felt he had the best view as he ate his samdwhich. "This was my favorite park when I was like 6? The ducks once chased me and I don't think I came back for a while though haha" Kuroo said looking across the area. Kenma rocked a little bit as he ate a sandwich. He took a sip of his juice and looked at the ducks. “They’re scary.” He said. While the thought of Kuroo being chased by ducks was amusing, Kenma wouldn’t want it to happen to himself. "Only if you annoy them they will chase you, you're safe" Kuroo mentioned before throwing some of his samdwhich into the pond and watched as they swarmed for the bread, Kuroo wasn't the biggest fan of ducks after that one incident. He thought the ducks would of liked pats but that wasn't the case, he knows that now. Kenma sighed and finished his sandwich. It was really good, so he finished the whole thing. The blonde took a sip of his juice and watched as the ducks all devoured the break Kuroo had thrown in. He sighed and looked up at the clouds.

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