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Kenma put his face in his hands and nodded. “Okay.” He said softly. He knew why Yaku had asked him to change, and he couldn’t help it. It made him embarrassed that it was that prominent of a scent. "Hey it's okay you know?" yaku said placing his hands on Kenmas shoulders, he felt really bad for making it too obvious that the uniform did need to be washed but he couldn't send him back to school in the same uniform or other people would start picking up on the smell. He was pretty sure it was just Lev and him who could actually pick up the scent as they were sitting so close to him. Kenma wiped his eyes with his sleeve and pushed his uniform parts over to Yaku. He had been able to change pants on his own, so he pushed over the pants as well. He slowly sat down on his sleeping bag and rocked. Yaku picked up the uniform and wrapped it up before standing back up, he saw kenma rocking on his sleeping bag. "No one has to know I promise" yaku said before leaving the room with the clothes. Kenma let out a shaky sigh as he left. He felt like bursting and highly debated just using the bathroom. He couldn’t risk his stuffed animal however since it meant too much to him. Yaku came back to the room to see kenma still sitting where he was before yaku left the room. "You gonna come back out? We are gonna pack up the study now, come grabbed your stuff" yaku said warmly looking at Kenma from the doorway. Kenma nodded and pushed himself up. He groaned and grabbed Yaku’s sleeve. “C-Can you hide something for me..?” He asked with pleading eyes. "Yeah, of course I can" yaku said calmly to kenma, if kenma wanted it hidden it must of been important or embarrassing so obviously yaku wouldn't decline to do so for the boy "what is it?" Yaku asked facing kenma. Kenma hesitantly went into the drawer and pulled it out. “I-I’m sorry I went into your drawer but I need it hidden..” he muttered. He handed it to Yaku and his lip quivered a bit. "Oh it's fine I don't mind, if that's what you felt you needed to do" yaku said gently taking it and fixing the fur around its eyes, yaku bent down and pulled out a box that had a number lock on it. In the box it had little trinkets that looked old and some other notes, yaku placed the stuffed animal in the box and closed the lid before mixing up the combination "the numbers are 1357 if you need it" yaku said pushing it back under his bed and getting back up. Kenma nodded and thanked him. “Thank you so much..” he muttered. He was ready to face whatever other punishment lev had in store as he raced by Yaku to the bathroom. Lev heard someone run up the hallway and stood quickly excusing himself, he saw kenma and stopped in his track's "where are you going in a rush?" Lev asked looking kenma up and down. Kenma didnt stop and talk since he was so close to peeing his pants. He whimpered and had to stop to squeeze his legs together. "I asked you a question" Lev said walking up to the boy and grabbing his arm. Kenma flinched and he hunched over a bit. “I-I’m going to the bathroom..” he said under his breath. He squirmed in place and grit his teeth. "Did you really forget what I said to you or are you too flustered to process anything?" Lev said pulling the boy back to the lounge room to clean up his study stuff. Kenma flailed his arms in the direction of the bathroom and whimpered. He dragged his feet and whimpered at the burn in his abdomen. Lev let go of him as he reached the lounge room, he picked up his own stuff and looked at kenma. Yaku followed out from his room as it took a little longer than expected to hide the box as he didn't want it sitting under the bed where people could see if laying on the ground. Kenma pushed his legs together and he groaned quietly. The blonde pushed through it and started to pack up his book. Lev grabbed his books and put them in his bag waiting for kenma to follow, yaku grabbed his books and put them on the lounge room book shelf and sat back down. Kenma’s body froze and he stood with wide eyes. His gaze slowly looked down as his pants started darkening where his piss started to drip. Yaku turned his head as the room fell silent, eyes widened as he stood up pushing the chair away from the table. Lev stared blankly and pinched the bridge of his nose like a disappointed parent "kenma!" Yaku said going to grab for kenma as he fell to the floor. Kenma couldn’t do much but sit there and let it out. His shoulders trembled and he stared at the ground, horrified. He couldn’t believe he was pissing in front of his entire team. Yaku bent down on his knees and put his hand on Kenmas back before pulling off his jacket and putting it over Kenmas back, yaku was as shocked as all of them. Maybe he should of showed him where the bathroom was as it was his first time here or should of picked up on the fact kenma was rocking nervously on his sleeping bag but he thought it was just him being anxious. Yaku looked up at the other teammates and shrugged softly before looking back at kenma who's head hung low looking at the ground, Lev crossed his arms and watched Everyones reactions as his heart felt fast and tight. Kenma left a puddle on the ground as it dripped down his thighs. He was red and shaking, and would rather be dead than having this happen. He didn’t even have to look up to know how everyone’s face looked.  Yaku rubbed Kenmas back and waited for him to finish, he couldn't say much to make him feel better about what was happening. "Geez that's a lot of piss" Lev said taking a step back as the puddle grew, he screwed his face up in disgust while looking down at kenma. Yaku frowned angry at Lev "shut up" yaku huffed looking back at kenma. Kenma finished up and his frame shook as he silently cried. A few tears dripped form his nose on to the ground as well, and his body felt hot. Never before had he been so embarrassed. Yaku felt his own cheeks start to burn "you finished kenma?" He asked very quietly as he continued to rub Kenmas back trying to avoid the bruises, Lev broke into a chuckle as he watched kenma shake in fear.  Kenma’s body was stiff and shaking. he slowly nodded while sitting up, looking at his puddle in embarrassment. He felt awful that Yaku had to clean up after him for a second times. Lev’s chuckle made his cheeks glow, since he knew he was getting enjoyment out of this. Yaku pulled him up and held him close as the jacket fell yaku caught it and put it around Kenmas waist. " If you think it's so funny you can clean it lev" yaku spat out as he helped kenma and walked him to the bathroom. Kenma was leaking on Yaku while crying softly. He held his head down and grimaced at the wet feeling in his pants. "Its okay kenma, don't worry" yaku said leading him in to the bathroom and letting go of him as he sat him on the side of the bathtub, yaku looked down to see urine had got on his side but he didn't react. "you can have a bath, I'll go get your bag" yaku said as he quickly turned around to grab them from his room. Kenma sniffled and he felt terrible. “I-I’m sorry Yaku..” he said with a breaking voice. He turned the water on to let it warm up. "Don't be, I understand" yaku said leaving the room and closing the door behind him, he grabbed Kenmas stuff and checked the lounge room. Lev was cleaning it up as he smirked, the other boys had gone to the kitchen finding the whole situation awkward to comment on. Kenma put some bubbles in like Kuroo always did, hands trembling. He tried his best to keep calm. The blonde was starting to hyperventilate again, and he put his head in his hands. Yaku came back in to see Kenmas breathing had heightened, he quickly closed the door and dropped Kenmas bag "kenma it's okay, you're okay no one is mad" yaku said unaware of what to say or do. Kenma held his face in his hand while he hyperventilated. He was worried he was going to have a repeat of earlier at school, and he hugged himself. He tried to breathe but it didn’t work. "Do you need to call Kuroo?" Yaku asked pulling his phone out his pocket before leaning over and turning the water off as the tub was almost full, yaku held the phone in front of kenma. Kenma grabbed the phone and dialed kuroo’s number. He was shaking and trying to breathe. The phone fell out of his hands to the ground before he could call. "Yaku? Is kenma okay? I wasn't able to call him, I'm freaking out man." Kuroo said as he put it to his ear, he was so worried about kenma he was waiting for a call or text from yaku and was so relieved to finally get it. Kenma collapsed on to his knees and let out a cry. He whimpered and couldn’t catch his breath enough to speak. Distressed cries and whines left his mouth. Yaku picked the phone up and put it on speaker holding it to kenma, yaku was trembling as he didn't know what to do and hoped Kuroo would. "Kenma? That you?" Kuroo asked as he heard the distressed cries that sounded familiar. "I don't know what to do Kuroo, he's hyperventilating" yaku spoke a little panicked. Yaku’s panic made Kenma stressed, and he grabbed fistfuls of his own hair. He was starting to cry harder and his chest hurt. He felt lightheaded from the lack of oxygen. "Kenma.. Its okay just breathe like we did today. Sit up and let yourself breathe" Kuroo said softly across the phone, yaku watched kenma pull at his own hair and frowned. Like today? Had he already had something like this happen today? It made yaku put his hand gentle over Kenmas to help loosen the grip he had on his own hair. Kenma slowly sat up against the tub while trying to take deep breaths. His ribs felt like they were going to crack with each breath, making him more scared. "Yaku rubbed his back, it'll help just don't restrain him" Kuroo said trying to sound calm as he knew panic reflected onto kenma. Yaku quickly let go of Kenmas hand as it was restraining his movement, he slipped his hand between kenma and the bathtub and started rubbing his back up and down. "Kenma big deep breathing, you're okay you've got me and yaku" Kuroo said softly. Kenma’s face was red and pink from both embarrassment and the lack of oxygen. His head hurt and it was spinning. “I-I can’t breathe k-Kuroo..” he stuttered. He wished the black haired was here to help him. "Yes you can, you have to hun. Breathe with me, big breath bud" Kuroo took deep breaths that were steady. Yaku just continued to rub his back and breathed along with with Kuroo hoping it would help kenma. Kenma had strings of saliva dripping from his mouth as it hung open. His body was hot and sweaty, shaking violently as he tried to calm down. Yaku had to look away feeling like it was invading to watch someone in such a state of distress, still rubbing his back as he looked away. " Kenma breathing with me" Kuroo reminded him as he continued to take deep breaths to regulate the boy. " Okay try to hold your breath for 10 seconds, I know it might be hard but it will help you self regulate" Kuroo said calmly. Kenma did as Kuroo said and he held his breath. However this felt restricting, and Kenma let it go in a panic. His head was dizzy and he fell over on his side while gasping for air. "I think he's passing out" yaku said moving over as kenma fell onto his side, yaku said as he rubbed Kenmas shoulder " Its okay, if he passes out it's just his body regulating to bring his breath back. If he's passed out he can't bring more anxiety onto himself, just let it happen. Kenma breathe baby" Kuroo said continuing to breathe loudly so kenma could hear it. Some of the teammates were listening from the other room, worried for their setter. Kenma closed his eyes and he started to lengthen his breaths. He kept his eyes closed and envisioned Kuroo there rubbing his shoulder rather than Yaku. "I can't tell if he's out, do I wake him?" Yaku freaked out and rubbed his shoulder harder "no no just let him do what he needs to, I can already hear his breath getting better. Just continue to rub his back or arms" Kuroo said calmly. Kenma focused on kuroo’s voice through the phone for a while longer. He was finally able to take a deep breath. The boy opened his eyes once he was stable enough, and he looked at Yaku with an ashamed look. Yaku frowned and watched silently "good job bud, you're doing really well" Kuroo encouraged through the phone, Kuroos heartbeat started to slow down hearing Kenmas breathing start to come into a steady pattern. Kenma put his head in his hands and he sniffled. “I’m sorry..” he whispered to the two once he had enough energy to speak. With two panic attacks in one day, he was getting exhausted. "Kenma, I'm glad to hear your voice. You had me worried again but I'm so proud of you handling it almost by yourself" Kuroo said to give the boy some confidence in encouragement, yaku just nodded at kenma. "Yaku can you get Kenmas stuffed animal it's in his bag" Kuroo asked quietly "ah yeah, I know where it is." Yaku said getting up and leaving the room closing the door behind him. "You alone now kenma? Turn me off speaker" Kuroo asked. Kenma took the phone with a shaky hand. He leaned back on the tub and took the phone off of speaker while listening to Kuroo. “K-Kuroo..” he said quietly. "Hey buddy, you okay?" Kuroo asked softly in his soothing voice "do you want to talk about it?" Kuroo spoke even softer trying to make kenma comfortable, yaku returned handing the stuffed animal over and getting a hint that he wanted to be alone with Kuroo as he got back up and closed the door. he shooed away the other boys who were near the door trying to hear or trying to ask what was happening. Kenma hugged it tightly in his arms and he sniffled. “I-I pissed myself in front of everyone Kuroo..” he said. He was sniffling and quietly crying while waiting for Kuroo to speak again. "Awh bud, what happened? We're you holding it still from when Lev told you not to go?" Kuroo said shaking his head at the thought of kenma trying to hold himself because he was scared to lose his stuffed animal. Kenma sniffled and nodded even though Kuroo couldn’t see. “Mhm..” he inhaled shakily and looked at the bath. “I-I’m going to go take a bath now..” "Alright, still call if you need anything. You sound so exhausted, go to bed after buddy" Kuroo said softly "goodnight kenma, look after yourself" Kuroo hummed in a soothing way. "I love and care about you so so much" kuroo added at the end. Kenma wiped his eyes slightly while blinking to stay awake. “I love you too..” he found himself murmuring as he pulled the phone away from his ear. The blonde hung up and set the phone on the sink, setting his stuffed animal next to it. He let out a shaky sigh as he lowered himself into the still warm water. Yaku kept the boys in the lounge room now to give kenma some space, Lev was gone for a while and didn't bother finding him as it was better he was away. Lev was busy searching the house for Kenmas stuffed animal and it was getting really hard to find as he checked every draw and cupboard in the house. Kenma sunk down until it was just his nose above the water. He stared at his knees, which were poking through the surface of the water. The blonde sighed and pushed his hair back. He liked the feeling of being all warm. Lev heard kenma in the bath as he listened from outside the door he grabbed the handle waiting for the perfect time to barge in on him. Kenma closed his eyes and felt his body tingling with the warmth. It felt like a big hug to him, which he found comforting. The boy let himself relax since he definitely needed it. Lev opened the door and pushed his sleeves up and stood over kenma, he bent down watching the boy with a smirk that screamed malicious. Kenma’s ears were submerged so he didn’t hear Lev enter. The blonde felt a presence though, and he opened his eyes. His body jolted as he saw Lev, and he quickly sat up. As quick as kenma was to sit himself up Lev was just as quick to hold him around the throat with one hand and start pushing him down. Kenma’s eyes widened as he slid down the back of the tub, water back up to his nose. He let out a panicked cry and tried to sit up. Lev pushed him under the water and smiled through his laugh and heavy breathing. “Yak-!” His cry for help was cut short as his head splashed under the water. His arms started flailing around as he tried to get up. Lev let him up for a split second "how fucking pathetic, you should of seen their faces" Lev said pushing him right back under with both hands. Kenma coughed and gasped for air before he went back under. He held his breath best he could but with the adrenaline he got, it was nearly impossible. His breath bubbled to the surface as he splashed his legs around to make noise. "Whine whine whine" Lev said rolling his eyes and keeping him under for a little longer as bubbles burst as they hit the air. Water was sloshing out of the tub all over the floor and on Lev. Kenma couldn’t see through all the bubbles and his hair getting in his face. He grabbed Lev’s hands while desperately clawing at them. Lev pulled him up by the throat "look. Look at the mess you're making, youre like a puppy messing up a house and pissing everywhere" Lev said pulling kenma forward to look over the edge of the bath before putting him back under the water. Kenma was gagging and spitting out mouthfuls of water. “Lev wai-!” His head submerged once again and the poor boy’s lungs were burning. He inhaled both water and soap without meaning to, only increasing his panic. His body was jolting and his struggling lessened by the second. Lev held him under until bubbles stopped coming out and pulled him up again, he looked the boy in the eyes blankly as all his emotions screamed on the inside. Kenma’s head was leaning back and he gurgled the water in his throat while trying to spit it up. It was nearly impossible to do though, since Lev was gripping his neck tightly. Kenma’s face was red and he gasped for air while choking on the water in his mouth. "Geez lucky you didn't sign up for the swim team, you really fucking suck at holding your breath" lev said pushing the boys head forward inches away from the water. Kenma heaved a bit as he vomited up all the water and soap he had swallowed. He painted heavily while trying to grab the side of the tub to hold himself up. Everything was too slippery though, and he couldn’t get a grip. Kenma coughed violently while trying to unplug the tub with his foot. Lev sighed and watched "pathetic.." He said quietly while turning the cold water on in the bath and holding him in the water. Kenma’s muscles started to tense up at the cold blast of water. He tried so hard to keep himself above the water, but he couldn’t fight against Lev’s strength. The blonde felt his mind spinning as he choked on the bath water. Lev pulled him up by the hair and pulled his face to right under the tap so the water was blasting him in the face "lets cool you down, you look so fucking red" Lev scoffed holding him tightly by the hair. Kenma’s scalp was burning from his tight Lev’s grip was. He let out a scream while hoping to get the attention of another teammate. His voice gargled as the water got into his throat making him gag and regurgitate more soap and such. "Drink it you fucking dog, go on" Lev said as he continued to hold him under the tap that was blasting with a high pressure "Drink like the fucking dog you are, messy and unable to look after themself" Lev said with an angry smirk. Kenma was crying while trying to swallow the water. He couldn’t see a thing and he let out another cry of help. The water was going down every wrong way in his throat and it made him cough and gag. He tried to turn his head away to get a breath of air. "Stop fussing" Lev said shaking kenmas head around by the hair, sometimes when in this mood his body took over and went wild with ways to torture the boy as he kept him under the fast ice cold water. Kenma’s skin was going numb from being pelted with freezing water. He started to shiver while letting out a scream. He could feel strands of his hair ripping out of his scalp as lev handled him roughly. The blonde was praying that someone, anyone would hear him. Lev wasn't having fun anymore as he let go of the boys hair "you just whine way too much to do everything I want you to do, boring little shit. You could stand it for a bit and I would be happy but no you have to be a big fucking cry baby" Lev said getting up and walking over to the sink.Kenma jerked away from the faucet and turned the water off. He was shivering and sobbing, heaving loud as he choked on the water that had been left in his throat. The poor boy didn’t have enough energy to keep himself up, so he slid down under again. His arms gripped on to the sides of the tub and he summoned enough energy to pull himself up. "I can't say anything but pathetic, it just fits so well" Lev chuckled as he picked up the stuffed animal and looked at it closely. Kenma saw him pick it up, but the boy was too cold to move and stop him. He was shivering and vomiting up all the water still. He furrowed his brows, reaching out a shaky hand. “L-Lev..” he said weakly while almost slipping under again. "I think I'll look after it since you can't even look after yourself, I'm doing you a favor really. You can go cry to yaku but you'll just put the poor thing at a risk, we don't want that do we?" Lev said putting it under his arm and walking out the room closing the door harshly behind him, Lev took it and put it on the tall cupboard in yakus room as he was the only one that could reach that high. Kenma sat there for a second in the freezing water, and then he started to cry hard and loud. His joints were all stiff and he couldn’t move. It was quite frightening since help was so close but yet so far. Yaku knocked on the door " kenma, I got you a towel" yaku spoke through the door waiting to hear a response. He was hoping the bath had made him feel better, if not he could let him call Kuroo again. Kenma was crying while trying to answer. His cried kept getting cut short as he shivered. “Y-Yaku help me..” he whispered. "Kenma.." yaku said feeling awkward to come in, he did so and wrapped the towel around kenms as he was cold to the touch. "Why are you so cold??" Yaku asked rubbing the towel to warm him up.  Kenma looked at the mess on the floor and then back up at Yaku while shivering. He didn’t care that he was completely naked, he just needed out. The blonde grilled Yaku and started to slowly climb out while shivering harder. Yaku pulled him out the water and over the side of the bath, he was freezing as he sat the boy on the mat and got another towel from under the sink and bent down wrapping it around Kenmas body that shivered under his touch. Kenma was shivering horribly as he held on to Yaku. His words were stuttering as he tried to tell Yaku what had happened to him. His skin was pale and he felt so stiff that he couldn’t hold himself up. "Kenma, don't explain. Just get some clothes on and get warm" yaku said blushing while holding Kenmas towel around him, he felt so invasive to kenma as he looked away. Kenma took the smallest steps as he coughed a few times. His throat was extremely sore, and the skin on his cheeks was still numb. He tried to walk faster so Yaku didn’t have to stand there as he tried to move. "Is it okay if I wait outside? I don't want to invade too much." Yaku said gently as he looked at Kenmas face that was looked severely exhausted, his shivers made yaku tense up. He really needed to learn how to support a team mate if this was ever to happen, sure he could deal with the injuries but moments like this felt way too much for him to handle scared he's gonna say or do the wrong thing. "The phones on the sink.. I'll just be outside the door if you need me" yaku said letting go of kenma as he watched him shake and quickly walked out the room with his head down and red cheeked. Kenma watched him go, wanting to reach out. At the moment, he really didn’t want to be alone. He was scared that Lev would come back in, and he absolutely didn’t want that to happen. The blonde shivered as he slid down the wall. He looked up at the phone, reaching up his shaking hand to grab it. He pulled it down, but his fingers hurt too badly to dial any numbers. Yaku shut the door as he pressed himself up against it before sliding down to the floor covering his face "why did I do that?.." yaku mumbled to himself, his heart was racing as he tried to process everything that happened. Was he a bad libero? His job was to catch all his teammates when they couldn't keep up, yet he darted the moment he didn't know how to help. He mentally added that he should ask Kuroo about it so he could handle it better, he looked up to see Lev standing with his hands in his pockets looking down. "You're really rude Lev! You sent him into panic.." yaku said pushing himself back up the door "go.. just leave kenma alone, I don't even want you in the same room as him. Keep some distance tonight, I don't need my team members scared of who they are suppose to trust" yaku said as he pointed for Lev to go away. Kenma could hear them outside, and he held his breath. He knew that Lev knew he was in the bathroom, but it frightened him that the silver haired was that close. He whimpered while slowly starting to dial Kuroo’s number. He was sniffling and shivering, wrapping himself tighter in the towels Yaku had grabbed for him. Once he finally got the number in, he pressed call and put it on speaker. "Hello?" Kuroo said not sure if it was yaku or kenma on the other side of the phone, he hoped it was yaku to tell him that kenma went to bed. Lev shrugged "whatever, was just having my fun" he huffed out before walking off with his hands deeper in his pockets, Lev knew they still had to sleep all in the same room tonight. One more stunt wouldn't hurt, kenma could use it he thought as he walked off to the lounge room. Kenma continued shivering as he tried to answer. He squeezed his eyes shut and gripped the phone. He swallowed back his tears and looked at the phone. “K-Kuroo he..” Kenma paused to cough a few times. “He was d-drowning me.” He said in a panic. He shook his head a few times as he remembered everything Lev did.

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