CHP 22

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Next morning ,

Bon woke up first and saw herself in Ani's embrace . She smiled looking at Ani as he was sleeping like a baby . She leaned her hand towards his cheeks and slowly caressing it making sure not to disturb his sleep .

"Look at him how cutely he is sleeping like a small little baby but when he wakes up he becomes a beast as if he is going to eat me up "bon said smiligly caressing his cheeks

She was about to get up when Ani pulled her and hovered above her , bon gasped because of his sudden action

"Right i am indeed a beast , my prey is so delicious so it's not my fault if i want to eat you "Ani said before caressing her lips with thumb

"You weren't sleeping "bon said

"Actually I was sleeping but when my little wifey caressed my cheeks , i woke up and was listening to your each and every word "Ani said

"Don't you know that it's not a good manner to eavesdrop "bon said teasingly

"Well don't you know that it's not a good manner to say something about someone when they are sleeping" Ani said teasingly

"Ok i agree it was my fault now get up i have take a shower "bon said pushing

But instead of getting up he pressed more his body on her

"No i won't leave you until I take my morning kiss" Ani said teasingly

Ani leaned to kiss her but bon suddenly screamed

"Wh..what happened "Ani asked tensly before getting up from her and making her sit properly

"N..nothing "bon said

"When I asked you something i want you to answer me back "Ani said sternly

"I..i th..think that i..i.. my p..period" bon said nervously looking down

Ani frowned as his romance again got disturbed

"There is nothing to hide bondita go and take a shower i will tell someone to bring all your necessities "Ani said cupping her face

Bon nods and went inside bathroom before taking her clothes. As soon as bon went inside Ani held his hair in frustration

"Why god why are doing this to me , which birth revenge are you taking from me . First suarabh , then neran and now even the period . I will make sure all of them gets their coming in wrong time award" Ani said irritatingly  before leaving from there

Ani already informed the servants to bring sanitary pad , hot bag and some dark chocolates for bon . Soon Ani went towards their room with hot milk and all the things for bon

Inside room,

Ani knocked the bathroom door with pads in his hand

"Bondita here is your pad open the door and take it "Ani said

Bon opens the door a little and takes the pad from his hand and again went inside . Soon bon came out and Ani made her sit in bed and covers her with duvet . He takes the hot bag and places it on her lower abdomen

"How are you feeling _Ani asked caressing her head

"Much better" bon said with a smile

"Look i have bought hot milk for you drink it quickly while it is hot "Ani said before taking the hot milk glass in his hand

"No i don't like milk it has such a disgusting smell" bon said making faces

"You have to drink it bondita it will reduce your pain" Ani said trying to make her drink

"No..."Bon said pushing away lightly Ani's hand

"Bondita if you didn't drink it i will have to use the same way to make to drink like the way I made to eat that night "Ani said smriking

Bon recalls the night when Ani made her eat with his mouth kissing her

"No no i will drink it" bon said and took and drank it makes weird faces while Ani chuckled



So guys here is the chapter

Hope you all like it

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Till then bye bye

𝓐𝓝𝓘𝓓𝓘𝓣𝓐 : 𝓞𝓑𝓢𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓘𝓞𝓝 𝓞𝓡 𝓛𝓞𝓥𝓔 ( Completed ✅ )Where stories live. Discover now