CHP 48

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Bon looks towards door , she gets up and bangs at door

"Anirudh....anirudh open the door anirudh open the door 'bon shouted banging the door

Soon the door was opened by two unknown man .

"Who are you" bon asked

"Come with us "one the man said

Bon quietly followed them , as she can sense danger , as soon as she reached towards hall , she was shocked to see suarabh lying in floor half concious while Ani was sitting in his knees , two man were holding his hand , his was badly beaten .

"Anirudh!!! "Bon screamed before rushing towards him

Bon cups his face

"Ani Ani w..what happened to you Ani , who did this" bon asked shouting looking here and there

It's me!!!

"Mr Banerjee "bon said

"Yes it's me" mr Banerjee said


after locking bon in the room , ani went towards hall and sat in couch , suarabh was already standing . They were discussing about how to handle Mr Banerjee , but suddenly some sounds came from outside , before both can go there Mr Banerjee came there with his man's . Ani and suarabh took out their guns and towards them .

'I was thinking about you only and you yourself came here "ani said

"yes I had to come here to kill you and that bondita with my own hand" Mr Banerjee said

"don't forget that you are standing in my house and this is my area" ani said angrily

Mr Banerjee laughes making ani confuse

"your area but now your house and area is under me , its surrounded with my man's" Mr Banerjee said laughing

Mr Banerjee shoots towards ani but suarabh came in between because of which the bullet hits his shoulder and he fell down in ground

"SUARABH!!!" ani screams

ani gets angry and pointed the gun towards Mr Banerjee , he was about to shoot him but someone from behind hits his head , he fell in ground while the man's of Mr Banerjee beats him badly , blood was flowing out from his mouth , his head was bleeding

"Anirudh Anirudh open the door Anirudh open the door" bon's voice came from the room

"Ohh so you have hidden her in the room , now she will also die with you "Mr Banerjee said

"don't you even dare Mr Banerjee your enemity is with me , the one who killed cc was also me , if you really want to kill someone then kill me but if anything happened to bondita I will kill you' ani roars

"have you heard that story in which a person's life was in a parrot , you both are like that only now I will kill that bondita first in front of your eyes so that you can also feel the pain of losing someone" Mr Banerjee said and indicates his man's to bring bondita


"Why are you doing all this why" bon asked shouting

"Why because you both are the reason of my son's dead , you both killed him and now I am going to take my the revenge of my son's dead do you know how many things I did just to let you marry with my son , so that he gets all the property and power of Das Family , I killed your parents, kaka , kaki and blamed it on RC Family , I did the same with Anirudh I killed his parents and blamed Das Family , I thoughted that cc will marry you and our plan will get accomplished but this Anirudh married you and everything got ruined but I will not give up so easily" Mr Banerjee said while anidita were shocked , anger was visible in their eyes

"how cheap you are , you killed so many people just because of this , I am glad that Anirudh killed cc he deserves that" bon roars

Mr Banerjee went towards her and holds her hair harshly and made her stand and took her away from ani

"ahh... "bon wince in pain

"leave her 'ani roars trying his best to remove the grip from his hand




So guys here is the chapter, what do you all think who will save anidita??? Will Mr Banerjee get succeeded in his plan to kill anidita???tell me in comments


Hope you all like it


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Till then bye bye

𝓐𝓝𝓘𝓓𝓘𝓣𝓐 : 𝓞𝓑𝓢𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓘𝓞𝓝 𝓞𝓡 𝓛𝓞𝓥𝓔 ( Completed ✅ )Where stories live. Discover now