Chapter 6

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Hannah's P.O.V

"Will you be going to summer in the city this year?" I read off my phone, looking directly into the camera lense. I can't help but smile. I'm so excited for summer in the city this year. LIKE I'M SUPER EXCITED!!! Note to self: don't shout. But the last year I only had 300,000 subscribers and now I have over 1 million! It's insane. "Yes I will be attending. I have a meet and greet. So please come and see me because I don't want to be all alone and by myself." I laugh at myself.

I glance at the time, on the top on my phone. "Holey moley. It's 2:47am." I say whilst showing my phone to the camera. "I'm just going to end the video here. If you'd like to be in my next ask video, then just ask me on Twitter. Make sure you use #AskHannahIsLame and I'll try and answer it." I said and then finished with my well known outro.

Now. Editing.... butt first: food.

See what I did there? Butt. Hahaha I'm hilarious. How do I not have my own talk show? Like really. I'm. So. Funny.

I slowly get up from sitting cross legged on my bed. (slowly bc I'm lazy and it takes a while) I go in the kitchen and the first thing I see is the love of my life; other people just call it the fridge, but then, I'm not other people.

I open it and the light comes on. "Baby you light up my world like nobody else, when you're up filled with food, you maaake me melt..." I sing to myself because I'm obviously not insane. Tehe.

"Honey, have you decided where you're moving too yet?" My mum asked, walking into the kitchen too.

"If I tell you I have, I would be lying." I replied, with my head in the fridge.

"I don't see why you don't just stay at student accommodation, you did last year and it was fine." My mum says, getting a glass out of the cupboard and filling it up with water from the tap.

"Yeah, but you see last year I couldn't afford my own flat, now I can." I say, getting out a sausage roll and shutting the fridge.

"Well you need to look because you'll be going to university and still be living here!" My mum exaggerates, sipping on her water.

"It sounds like you want to get rid of me." I scowl at her.

"What? No. Never." My mum says in a slightly higher pitch than usual.

"I don't appreciate your sarcasm." I say getting a cup and pouring some chocolate milk into it because who doesn't love chocolate milk? amiright or  a m  i  r i g h t??

"I'm only trying to help you."

I sigh. "I know."

"Also when are you going to London again for that thingy."

"Well when you say "thingy" I know exactly what you're talking about."

"I don't appreciate your sarcasm." She says mimicking me.

"You're such a child. But I'm going on Friday and it's Wednesday today, sooo..."

"Alrighty then."

I held my chocolate milk in one hand and my sausage roll in the other. I walked over to the door I came though and stopped dead in my tracks.

How. Am. I. Supposed. To. Open. The. Door.

My hands are full... but my feet aren't? Without much thought; I lifted up my leg and tempted to open the door with my foot. Surprisingly, It worked and I opened the door with my foot.

I'm actually really proud of that.

I walked back up the stairs and into my room, I shut the door, put my stuff down and plonk myself onto my bed. Since I am so proud about the door thing, I decided to tweet:
Managed to open a door with my foot bc my hands were full.

I watched as the replies rolled in. Most were asking if I shut the door too. I decided to make an indirect saying:
I forgot to shut it, but that's besides the point. I. Opened. It. With. My. Foot.
*magical time skip to Friday*

Okay so I finally got into my hotel room. Long story short: they messed up the rooms and I opened the door to my room to find a lovely couple having the sexy time together. And now I'm laying on the clean hotel bed like a star fish, trying desperately to remove the scaring images from my brain.

I rolled over to the other side of the bed -because it's a king size and I'm alone- and grabbed my MacBook. Uggh. I need the internet password.

It's been 10 tumblr minutes -in reality 3hours- and I got the internet net password and I've gotten to that weird part of the internet. For example I just found out that in Alaska it is against the law to look at a mousse from an aeroplane. (That is true according to the internet, I found it out a while ago in the early hours of the morning)

Incase you're wondering, yes I have got room service already and I got pizza and I've already eaten it and it was delicious and that's a lot of and's.

I woke up to my alarm screaming at me because it's jealous of this new relationship I got going on with this hotel bed- it's a filing, but my alarm doesn't know that. *whispers: Shh, tell no one*

I think we can agree that I have more issues than the band issues.

When I actually get out of bed, which happens to be 25 minutes later, I drag myself to the ensuite.



I look like death.

A shower and some paint will help. (I call makeup paint bc it basically is paint that we coat are faces in)

It's so big!

That's what she said ;)

I mean Alexandra Palace by the way. I can't wait to catch up with everyone and wusobwsphs I'M SO EXCITED!!!! WOOOOOOWWWW

Nothing has really happened yet. We nothing interesting, I've been sat in the "green room" with various other youtubers, talking, catching up, meeting new people, making new friends, saying something stupid, then embarrassing myself in front of- said new friend.


Okay omf plz don't kill me.

Heeeeeyy, it's ummm been a while I guess...

4 months. It's been 4 months. I'm sorry. I love you all.

I have had all of my mock exams and stuff.

For those who care I'm really behind in business bc I normally listen to music and read fanfics instead of you know.... actually doing work

I got a B+ in all of my English course work and I'm a C student so I was pretty happy with that.

There will be more chapters uploaded- technically today bc in England it's 2:24am and I'm supposed to get up at 5:15am I AM AWAKE FOR YOU PEOPLE and goose... I don't discriminate

If you actually read this then... thanks?? Idk why you did but I want you to know that you're a sassy lil' pringle and thanks for 4k+ reads and 1k+ on chapter 1 it means a lot

Peace love and rubber gloves

-Rhi x

Through the lense (Jack Howard fanfiction) *needs editing*Where stories live. Discover now