1 // re-write

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Hannah's P.O.V (point of view)

Ahh. The morning. Everything thing is waking up, spring is on the horizon, the bees are buzzing, birds chirping and dogs barking at 6am.
Well today is getting off to a good start. Don't get me wrong I love animals but when they wake me up... not so much.

I'm not a morning person. I don't believe anyone truly is and if they say they are they're either lying or insane. What's great about the bright firery ball in the sky burning my retina's at 6am?

I'm supposed to get the 9am train to London so I guess it's not that bad, I mean I would've had to get up sooner or later. I doubt I'll get back to sleep now any way, so I might as we stay up because then I will have time to go on twitter and watch Netflix, as well as getting a shower, doing my face and stuff.

I decided to shower first because then my hair can dry when I'm doing more important things like Netflix and breakfast.

Before I left my mum shouted at me to take the bins out, since I would be venturing into the outside.

I still lived with my mum and older brother. Yes, I'm 21 and still live with my mum. Well I'm trying to move to London because that's where all my friends are and yes I do actually have friends. I just need to find a flat mate though, that's my only issue. Also I might even have a potential job the BBC by then, as I had an interview earlier on during the week and if I get it I'll have to move to London anyway.

As usual the trains were running late so I got out my phone and sent a text to Louise saying that I was going to be late. Not even a second later she replied saying that she will meet me at the YouTube space. Suddenly I heard a loud noise and a whoosh of wind as the train pulled up. I got in and took a set in a booth knowing that Dodie would be coming on at the next stop, since she was visiting family.

I pulled out my iPhone and replied to comments on my new video that I put up yesterday. Before I new it there was a Dodie sitting opposite me, with a massive smile on her face. I took out my head phones and said hi.

"How long are you staying in London for?" She asked me.

"I dunno, I was thinking of visiting Dan and Phil. Haven't seen them in a while."

"Sounds fun, are we going straight there or..." She said waiting for me to finish the sentence.

"Well I don't want to bring my suitcase with me there, so I'm going to drop it off at the hotel"

"Okay, I'll do the same."

It was nice to be face to face rather than talking on Skype.

We dropped our bags off and headed to the YouTube space. Dodie had to go and film something for Tim H, so she left. I sent a text to Louise saying that I was in the entrance. I turned around a few seconds later to see Louise skipping/running/galloping over to me.

"And suddenly a wild Louise appears!" I said, doing my David Attenborough impression.

She laughed and gave me a hug, I paused for a moment before saying, "Wait did you just gallop towards me?"

"I was trying to be spontaneous." She sighed.

I just burst out laughing.

We went into one of the rooms/sets. Basicly everything was black. Ben saw us walk in and came over to us.

"Hey you made it." Ben said to me already knowing that Louise came looking for me.

"The train was late, as usual. So I'm sorry for being late."

"It's okay I was just filming Jack and Dean's part. Let me introduce you to them." He said walking over to a corner where two guys were standing, along side Ben Cook. He gestured us over, I didn't move though. Until Louise pushed my back a little, to make me move.

"Right well Hannah this is Jack, Jack this is Hannah." Ben said pointing over to a tallish blonde guy.

"And this is Dean, Dean this is Hannah." Ben said pointing to a short guy with, what I would call 'Justin Beiber hair'.

"Hi Jack and Dean." I said waving and smiling at them.

"They are also in Becoming YouTube, we've nearly finished filming half." Ben told me.

"Oh cool." I replied.

"Well I'm going to go and catch up with Zoe, so I'll leave you with the guys now." Louise said winking at me. She pulled me into a hug and when she pulled away she said, "They don't bite, I promise." Smiling.

"I wouldn't speak too soon." The one who I think was called Jack said, smirking.

I laughed and watched Louise shut the door on her way out.

"And then there were four..." I said trying to break the awkward silence, that wasn't even there.

They laughed and then I said, "So what else are you guys doing here?"

"Me and Dean are filming some sketches for are channels. Are you doing anything else?" Jack said.

"I need to film a sketch for my main channel, help Dodie with some music stuff and I'll probably film some colabs or something." I told him.

"You've got your plate full." Dean said to me.

I laughed before saying, "I'm staying in London till Tuesday, I think. So it should be fine." I said.

Ben's phone buzzed and he said he had to go. "Can we film it tomorrow Hannah?" Ben asked me.

"Yeah sure, that's fine." I replied.

"We need to go and film our stuff now." Dean said.

"You can come with us if you want." Jack said, he looked nervous. Why did he look nervous?

"Ummm, yeah sure."

Okay I just re-wrote this and I still don't like it, I think I'm going to change the ending a bit another day lmao

If you ever wanna to pm you can, you can also follow me on twitter, I have loads of accounts the one that I use most is @collisaflop so y'all can follow that if you want and I hope you're having a good day and stuff, smile while you still have teeth :-----)

Through the lense (Jack Howard fanfiction) *needs editing*Where stories live. Discover now