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It had been two weeks since Tatum and I picked out our wedding venue. I've always wanted a huge wedding, the stereotypical "princess" wedding every little girl dreams of. Well, those dreams went out the door when Tatum decided he wants a small wedding. We tried to compromise but, he wouldn't budge.

The venue we looked at the day I won the tickets was absolutely perfect but, of course, Tatum hated it. So now, we're getting married in his mum's backyard. Every girl's dream wedding venue, right?

"Indigo where are you? We're supposed to meet with the wedding planner in 10 minutes!" Tatum's strong voice booms through the speaker system in my car.

"You knew I had an important meeting for work, I'll be there as soon as possible," I reply slightly annoyed with the tone he was speaking to me with. There actually wasn't a meeting but, he didn't need to know that. He probably wouldn't find out anyway since he never asks about my job.

For the past 3 hours, I had been at the mall trying to find an outfit to wear to the 5SOS show. At first, I was hesitant about going but, my best friend Victoria convinced me that it wasn't a terrible idea. Now we were both in Urban Outfitters trying to find an "attention-grabbing" outfit. Vic's idea, not mine.

"Vic I have to go, Tatum just called and he isn't very happy with me. We're supposed to meet with the wedding planner and I completely lost track of time!"

"He can't meet with the planner himself? It's basically his wedding anyway, I mean how many big decisions about it have you actually been a part of?"

She isn't wrong, he has made most of the important decisions but, I despise making big choices anyway so it doesn't bother me that much. "I've made enough decisions for it to be my wedding too..."

"Oh really, like what? Your dress and your bridesmaids, that's it isn't it?" She replies raising her eyebrows.

"Um, well, I chose..." I pause trying to think of literally anything else I decided but I can't recall anything at all. "Exactly Indigo, this basically isn't even your wedding! That asshole has made every decision!"

"Let's not call him that, he may act like it sometimes but he's genuinely a good-hearted person." I defend. "Yeah yeah, whatever Indigo. Look at this dress it's absolutely perfect for the show! And you can pair it with those silver-sparkly, heeled booties you have!"

I look over at her and she is holding up the shortest little black dress I have ever seen. It's a cute dress, with a sweetheart neckline and an open back. "It's a little short don't you think?"

"No of course not, remember who you're going to be seeing!" She squeals with a wink and I can't help but let out a chuckle at her actions. "Vic, we have to remember that I'm engaged!"

"So! Just because you're taken doesn't mean you can't make a good impression!" I roll my eyes at her statement and wonder what Calum is going to think of the dress. He always complimented me when I wore black saying it made my eyes pop, Tatum on the other hand hates the color, always saying "it's such a dreary color, wear something brighter!"

I walk to the sales counter with Vic and pay for the dress and some red earrings she insisted would just "pull the outfit together." Vic and I exchange our goodbyes and when I find myself back in my car I realize I'm 45 minutes late for the meeting. I send Tatum a text saying I'm on my way and rush to his mother's house.

Once I enter her living room, everyone's eyes are on me. "Hi everyone, I am so sorry I'm late! My meeting at work ran over and I got stuck in traffic on the freeway. I'm ready to start planning whenever you guys are!" I speak through a fake smile.

I take a seat on the couch next to Tatum and place a light kiss on his cheek. "Hi honey, I'm sorry I'm late!" He looks at me with an irritated glare and proceeds to whisper "We'll talk about this later."

After another hour and a half of speaking with the wedding planner, everything is finally in place for the ceremony to happen in 8 months. Of course, Tatum decided for us to get married in April, I've always wanted an autumn wedding. The invitations have also been sent out but we were left with a few extras "just in case there was someone I wanted to invite that wasn't on the guest list." The guest list, yet another thing that I had absolutely no say in. If it weren't for her being my maid of honor, Vic would not have been invited because Tatum strongly dislikes her because she speaks her mind. There have been quite a few fierce arguments between the two.

"What the hell were you thinking, Indigo? Being late to one of the most important meetings about our wedding?" Tatum bursts out of the house after telling his mother goodbye.

"I said I was sorry! Why can't you just accept my apology and move on? At least I showed up!" I yell back, getting more pissed by the second. I know I have no real reason to be mad but, for some reason, he is irritating me more than usual.

"Do you not want to marry me anymore? Is that why you haven't made any decisions?" he questions, walking closer towards me.

"I never said I didn't want ot marry you! And you haven't given me the chance to make any decisions! I couldn't even choose the colors for christ's sake!"

"Whatever Indigo, I'm not arguing with you right now. I'll see you at home later, don't wait up for me." He climbs into his car and drives away off to only god knows where.

On the way back to our apartment I stop by the grocery store and pick up some ice cream and wine, planning to watch trashy reality tv in the comfort of my solitude. I change into some pj's and sit down on the couch, spoon and wine glass in hand.

Clicking play on the next episode of Love Island UK, I open up my Twitter and decide to scroll through my timeline for a while. After scrolling for about 10 minutes I'm stopped by a tweet reading

@5SOS: can't wait to get back on the road! Meet You There tours North American leg starts soon!

    Attached to the tweet was a picture of Calum holding a bouquet of roses staring at the camera. He looks good; he looks healthy. He looks different. Not like the Calum I know. Not like the Calum I love.

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