screaming crying and throwing up

92 6 1

just in case you forgot,

peter 1 - tom hollands peter

peter 2 - tobey maguires peter

peter 3 - andrew garfields peter




1:52 AM - Sunday, January 2nd

peter 1


hypothetically speaking

if i got asked out on a date

by like

another superhero

what should i do

peter 3

I would personally panic

peter 1

arent u like 30

peter 3

26 but ok

whats that gotta do with anything

peter 1

just thought that

bc your so cool and everything

bc your like

a skater

and a mildly attractive adult

youd know what its like to be asked out


peter 3

ur like 12 how are u so mean

peter 1

its the trauma

. . .

9:30 AM - Sunday, January 2nd

peter 2

wait peter did you get asked out?

peter 1

does it count if i panicked a ran away

peter 3


imagine panicking

couldnt be me

peter 1

peter 2 ur my favorite now

peter 3 is mean

millenials :/

peter 2

im also a millenial????

peter 1


your old enough to be my dad

u dont count

peter 3

hey :(

what if i wanted to be the favoite

peter 1

oh u were

but u lost that position

peter 2 now has my undying loyalty

i would die for him

peter 2


no thanks

peter 1

can't believe this


on both ends

millenials :/

peter 3 ur my favorite again

peter 3


suck my dick 2

peter 2

no </3

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