
64 6 3

9:06 PM - Monday, January 10th

peter 1

in freshmen year i told i guy i liked i was sucidal and he yold me that he always wanted someone to choke on his dick

peter 3

screaming and crying wtf does that mean

peter 1

ngl i was v flattered

peter 2

werent u like 13 in freshmen year?????

peter 1

14 but dw about it man

peter 3

damn kid peter has more game than adult peter lmao

adult as in

the old one


not me

peter 1

nice save man

peter 2

im married

what are you

not married


suck my dick pete

peter 3

my gfs dead


peter 1



peter 2

sorry man

my condolences

peter 3

but peter 1 can still get more game than u

you never rebutted against that

peter 1

how long have you been single


3:04 PM - Wednesday, January 12

peter 3

on a scale on 1 to 10

peter 2


peter 3

i didnt even ask the question

peter 2

its a 5

peter 1

its a 5

peter 3


peter 1

cry about t lmao

peter 2

you talk a lot of shit for someone who had trouble spelling

peter 3



hows it feel little man

hows it feel to be in my shoes

peter 1

why is everyone so mean to me

i was dead for five years

be nice :/

im on my shinnie arc

peter 2

im sorry can we circle back to the dead thing

peter 3

i would also like to comment on that??/

peter 1

o yeah you guys remember the purple alien i fought in space

peter 3


peter 2

it killed you?????

peter 1

me and half the universe lmao

dw tho it got fixed

apparently it was painless cause like

you just got turned to dust but yknow


peter 3

no i dont know

how did it feel being dead

peter 2

what does apparently mean????

didnt you also die that way???

peter 1


peter 3

yeah that makes sense

peter 2

no it doesnt??????

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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