Chapter 4

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As I was walking to the school doors, there she was. Standing outside of that fancy ass car of hers, her back turned to me on the phone.

Though I couldn't hear the conversation or see her face, I could tell the conversation was heated. She seemed angry and upset, I decided I was better than eavesdropping and walked inside. I went to the classroom, not even going to Katie knowing good and well she was gonna beat the shit out of me for hanging up on her last night.

When I went to the classroom, the doors were still locked, and she wasn't there. Which I already knew would happen, but oh well, I guess I'll be waiting. I was the only one, everyone else seemingly trying to make their morning commute. I, on the other hand, had a woman to impress.

I stayed leaning against the wall on my phone, letting time pass until I could hear the clack of her heels getting closer. " Wait long? " she said in a cold voice. Obviously, not at all actually caring if I actually had or not. She seemed colder than usual. ' Fight with her husband? ' I thought.

I reminded myself that I never checked to see if her hand had a ring on it. So as I sat down, I tried my hardest to see if she had a ring on, but I'm blind. She notices my squinting and looks at me confused. " Did you need something, Ms. Woods? " she questions, placing her purse on her desk, making me feel like a deer in headlights, as I awkwardly avoid looking at her entirely.

"Oh.. Uhm, sorry. " is all I can respond with, attempting to move on from what she so clearly caught me doing. Now, even more so, realizing how dumb I must have looked staring at her hand.

" Are you sure? You looked confused. " she continues, obviously finding satisfaction in my discomfort, now walking towards me, but as she grows closer I feel the fireworks shoot off in my head as I acknowledge the fact there is no sign of an engagement nor wedding band on any of her fingers.

" Why are you staring at my hands? " she questions, placing them on her hips, making me look up to meet her eyes. " No reason. " I say, trying to sound confident. She just laughs a little to herself. " Were you looking for a wedding ring, perhaps? " she answers as she walks away. Her hips swaying from side to side, making me stare in awe.

" Not that it's any of your business." She spoke, cutting whatever tension that seemed to form. She opened her mouth like she was going to continue, but then the first bell rang, and people started to pile into the classroom.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and began to text Katie. " Woah, Miss. Sugar tits isn't married! She's also being a total bitch. "

Katie immediately texted me back. 'I'm such a good influence. ' I thought to myself with a smirk.

" woah! That means I have a chance. ;) " she texted back. " Ey now! I found her first! " I text back smiling to myself quietly.

" don't worry about it, you know I'm not actually gay right? XD. " I stare at the phone dumbfounded. ' she's not gay? ' I start to text back but are stopped in the process.

" I don't see whats in your crouch that's got you smiling like that but put it away. " she spoke over the class. Making me immediently blush and put my phone in my back pocket.

" Apologies. " I mutter under my breath, feeling what little joy I expirenced disipate quickly, forcing me to actually start paying attention to what we're learning about. Though the year had just started, I was already growing confused as to what we're even learning about. 

I was never bad at English persay, I always had a passing grade in it. Yet I never had exclamatory grades or anything. With a hot teacher like this, though, I was bound to get passing grades, right? I mean, in theory, but it's nearly impossible to focus.

Theoretically I should have the best grades in the class for how much I stare at her. But her beauty seemed to make me not understand whatever words came from her mouth. They instead came out looking like gibberish.

I would try and follow along but get lost in the movement of her lips, admiring them. God I really am just a huge fucking simp, it hurt to admit it.

I found myself sighing and closing my eyes. Without noticing, she called my name. " Savannah would you please read the next chapter? " she repeated breaking me of my trance.

" O-oh sorry! " I spoke, picking up the book and trying to figure out where we left off. " Chapter 6" she spoke, her voice monotone, realizing I was struggling.

" The... " I began to read, stuttering the entire time from utter embarrassment and not knowing how to contain the red mess of my face.

I felt her eyes as they burned holes through me, I felt on fire. I didn't care about anyone else in the room, not really anyways. But under her gaze I felt the words pile into the back of my throat creating a damn that only let segments through making my words almost impossible to make out.  I kept attempting, until finally the chapter was complete, forcing an involuntary  disappointed sigh to leave my lips. And when I looked up from the book. She was giving me an amused stare mixed smirk and then called on someone else.

They were only capable of finishing half of the chapter before the bell rang. Making me start to pack my stuff and walk out of the room. Still embarrassed from my earlier performance.

As I was walking out I felt her grab my waist, pulling my phone out of my back pocket, her hand grazing my ass. I turned around immediately.

" Hey, what the fu-" I turned to find her with her arms crossed. " I'll be taking this until the end of the day, seen as you think it's appropriate to be on your phone in my class. " she spoke in a cold tone.

Yet I? I was a blushing mess from the hand that was once wrapped around my waist, and the other grazing my ass. Sure she didn't mean it but God damn did it send me into a gay panic.

"U-uhm.. Yes ma'am.. " I said in a low voice almost a whisper. " See you after school. " she spoke turning around and walking back towards her desk. Turning to look at me. " And stop with the ma'am. I'm not 50, I know it's a sign of respect or whatever, but it makes me feel old. Just say Miss. " she spoke looking back away from me and sitting down at her desk waiting for the next class.

" O-oh of course ma'a- Miss. " I reply, walking out of her classroom. I immediately run down the hallway, again trying to free myself from my own embarrassment, eventually im in my next class, locking eyes with Katie at her seat, re-applying chap stick.

" Katie! Holy shit Katie! " I yelled, now in a rush walking towards her. " Watch your language. " The teacher spoke but dismissed it immediately.

" Her hand touched my ass... " I whispered in her ear when I was finally close enough for nobody else to listen. When I looked at her face she was wide-eyed giving me the " what the fuck? " stare.

" She was taking my phone out of my back pocket because I texted you in class... She's keeping it until the end of the day by the way... Anyways! She tried grabbing it and totally grabbed my ass and waist. But she grabbed my waist to stop me so she could grab my phone. Still total ass grab. " I whispered trying to contain my excitement, and my voice.

She just giggled to herself a little, but also looked at me like she was very concerned.

" Isn't that like sexual assault? " she whispered back. " Oh yeah, totally, but I won't tell. " I giggled back, making her immedienlty shake her head in disappointment.

" At this point, I'm just waiting on her to 'accidentally' kiss you. " she said, rolling her eyes and which I just ignored.

" Alright everyone please be seated and take your textbooks out and flip to page 57." He spoke in the most monotone voice ever. I just sat through class. Waiting for time to pass and me to be able to go get my phone. I was suffering without my baby. I just sighed and doodled on a scratch piece of paper waiting on class to end. Waiting to see her again.

This year is going to be interesting.

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