Chapter 45

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I attempt to chase after my best friend flinging back open the bedroom door but as I bolt down the stairs I also see her nowhere to be found "this dumb bitch" I mutter assuming she ran outside I go to open the door.

Yet right when I'm about to open it, I feel someone's arms wrap around me, making me whirl around in confusion only to meet my best friends eyes.

She's a giggling mess. " Good thing I showed up earlier than later. You're my best friend and all, but I don't want to well." Her eyes scan my body. " See everything. " And I only nod in agreement

" So let's just never bring that up again" I smile awkwardly and she nods and sighs before saying " although I'm pretty sure that will forever be burned into my memory I can't help but recognize that Sarah has got some game. I don't even know how she got you in that position, but that was hot. What was even going on? "

And I grow flustered just thinking of my earlier position. " Okay, you little weirdo fess up," and I think before responding, " Well, uhm, let's just say I made fun of how jealous Sarah was, and she didn't take that so easily." I spoke my eyes, finding the floor only to hear the clearing of her throat from upstairs.

" I thought you would be better trained than to kiss and tell. " She speaks, making both me and Katie grow quiet as our eyes look into one anothers with panic. " Perhaps Katie was right and that it's late, assuming that's what she was going to say earlier? " She spoke, raising a brow. And Katie only nodded her head in response.

" Okay, well, get your things together, girls. I'll drive you home. Apologize to your mom for me when you see her for returning you home so late. " She smiled.

This side of Sarah was always odd to me. She could be so impulsive and so stern out of nowhere.

She was acting like a teacher right now, and she looked far emptier. " Are you sure that's a good idea, Sarah? You've also drank tonight. " I point out, and she rolls her eyes." I've since sobered up. "

I didn't believe that for a second, hell, her eyes were still dialated, and she couldn't keep them fully open for the life of her. She was carrying herself as though she's sober, I'll give her that.

" I won't allow you to drive like that," I stated, crossing my arms. She rolled her eyes. " Savannah, everything is fine, just follow me to the car," but still I stood where I was. I couldn't risk getting in that car with her, with her mind now elsewhere. It wasn't smart, and it wasn't safe.

She sighed, frustrated. Katie looked between us, confused. " So what are we going to do? " She questioned, and I sighed." We could get up hella early and drop you off at yours before school. " I offer, and again, looking at Sarah, I continue." Or we could walk in the middle of the night to my grandmas." And immediately Sarah shakes her head.

Katie gives me a disappointed look. " You mean I have to sleep on the couch or your bedroom floor? " And I raise my shoulders, not knowing how to respond. Sarah buts in.

" I have a guest room upstairs, or the one down stairs, it's up to you. The downstairs one has a bathroom. " Suddenly, Katie's eyes light up, and I can tell that she's suddenly fine with staying.

" We can stop by Sav's tomorrow and I'll steal some of her clothes instead " Katie offers and I grumble in agreement, not really wanting to lose more clothes to my best friend, she tends to steal them a lot.

When I looked back at Sarah, I could see a sly smirk on her lips. She evidently wanted Katie to make her welcome downstairs so that she could continue from where we left off upstairs.

" Well, I guess I'll be going to bed then," Katie awkwardly interjected, " Where's the room? " She questioned, looking towards Sarah, whose eyes we're still on me.

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