Chapter 36

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"Oh great. " I mutter, it's now January fourth, my first day back to high school, and my first day of seeing Sarah again or rather "Miss Jackson. " I wonder who would take who's last name. I mean, I don't mind the idea of Sarah Woods. Yet, I could also see myself as a Jackson. I couldn't be sure which sounded better. They both have a nice ring.

I found the hoodie she gave me on Christmas and a pair of leggings and started for the door. When it came to view as was my grandmother. " Not so fast, Savannah. " she laughed, holding out the car keys. " You're driving yourself to school today. We need to practice your driving some more before you do the actual test. "

I sigh and grab the car keys and get into my grandmothers car, an old Buick, she's been driving it for decades and it still smelled of smoke from when they both used to smoke in it. Yet still, I drove on.

" So Savannah... I know how you are about birthdays but your birthday is next week, do you want to do anything? " I looked at my grandmother from the corner of my eye and sighed. " No grams, I don't really wanna do anything. " I could see in my peripherals her nodding her head.

" Y'know we could do something small, Sarah could come and so could Katie. " I grumbled once again. " You know that I wouldn't like that. " She once again nodded. " Well, I hate to ask this, but your aunt was wondering if we could come over that weekend. "

" To be honest, grams, I would rather stay home. Do you think you could go alone? " I pleaded. I really didn't want to go to my aunts. Her house always made me uncomfortable. It was way too clean to the point that I could never truly feel at peace in her space.

" Yeah, you can do that. Just be good while I'm gone, I'll come back the following Monday before you get home from school. " I nodded at that and pulled into the school, getting out and letting my grandmother take back the control of her car.

I felt the blood pumping in my veins as I walked towards the school doors. For whatever reason, I was nervous. Maybe it was from not seeing Sarah.

I walked toward my locker like any other day, and as usual, I felt Katie's presence and turned to meet her eyes. " How do you always know it's me? " She complains her hand out, ready to try and scare me.

"For one you're not particulary quiet, and two you're not really supposed to try and scare me, y'know with my fucked up heart. " I smile. "Oh shit, sorry I almost forgot about that, I'll try and remember better. "

" Don't worry too much I'm supposed to get that shit sorted out by the end of the month anyways. " I say beginning to walk off. " Hey! Are we gonna do anything next week?! " Katie called out, forcing me to turn around. " Not planning on it! " I call out and keep walking. " You're so boring! " I smile at that responce and head to first.

" Hey early bird. " Sarah chirps as she walks up behind me. " What's with everyone and trying to scare me? Y'all do realize I have a heart condition right? " I smile at her. " didn't mean to scare you. " She frowns.

I smile and push her into the room cornering her. " It's alright love, you get a pass. " She rolls her eyes and shoves me off of her. " Nuh-uh you should go sit down. " she smiles walking over to her desk to place a stack of papers down. " New year, new me. We probably shouldn't be so obvious, princess." She chuckles.

" But what if I don't want to Miss. Jackson? " I respond with a pouted lip, but the blush that shines through my cheeks gives me away. " I don't know? Stay pressed, I guess. " she laughs and begins to walk back towards her door presumably to go and talk to another teacher, radiating confidence as she walks.

" Where are you going? " I raise a brow stepping in her path. " To socialize with someone with more than two brain cells. " she smiles. I rush to her and grab her hand. " Oh c'mon, that for one mean, and two, we haven't seen each other since Christmas. We didn't even get to spend New Years together. " I pout.

Oh, Miss Jackson~ (teacherxstudent) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now