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 Tigerclaw's mouth lifted at its corner, sly and humorless. A pelt the colour of a burning flame flashed between the trees surrounding him.

Little crunches as twigs snapped under the paws of the orange cat sounded through the still air. It was the whole forest was holding its breath in anticipation for the battle.

Tigerclaw sat on a crown of leaves and twigs, silhouetted by the moonlight rising behind him. His brown fur turned a hideous black in the shadows left untouched by the moon's light.

Hatred, culminating ever since he left the medicine den, spilled over in bountiful buckets now. It drove Fireheart forward, out of the shadows and into the ring of moonlight in the clearing.

Tigerclaw, sitting just at the edge of the ring of light, stretched leisurely in the shadows; his claws menacingly reflected the moonlight where it entered the circle. A purr. "Fireheart. What a pleasure to have you find me."

Fireheart's tail flicked to one side irritably. "Cut your mousedung, Tigerclaw. You betrayed your Clan. You're a traitor." He spat the last word out in disgust, lips curled back in a snarl.

Tigerclaw took one step into the circle, tail twitching in amusement. "I needed to get rid of the slaggers of the Clan, Fireheart. The incompetent, the wounded, the cowards."

Fireheart flinched.

"Although, it does seem like you've done a pretty good job of that by yourself." Tigerclaw pressed, grinning. Fireheart wanted to wipe that smirk off his furry face. "It almost makes me applaud you, Fireheart. Single-handedly dealing with a she-cat without lifting a paw."

The tabby cat's last words drawled out lazily, mockingly. Fireheart didn't move. "I'm not going to fall for your tricks, Tigerclaw."

"Tricks? No, Fireheart. The truth." Tigerclaw paused just as his face met the light, turning his head up as though savoring its healing touch. His eyes closed like he was in bliss. "So, why did you come here if you're so smart? Affected by my words? My actions? We all know I'm the better warrior-"

"When will you stop?" Fireheart whispered. In the still night, the words were sharp and clear.

Tigerclaw's eyes blinked open in mock surprise, "Stop what?"

Fireheart lunged at him, claws outstretched. Tigerclaw fell backwards, letting his weight bring him down; with a snarl, his hind legs kicked Fireheart off even as Fireheart tried aiming for his neck. Fireheart landed with a heavy thump on the edge of the ring, feeling pain ricochet up his body from the previous wounds inflicted by the dogs.

Tigerclaw was up in a flash, pouncing onto Fireheart and swinging his paw upwards. Claws unsheathed, he swiped down to scar Fireheart's cheek - again, and again. Fireheart grunted under the older warrior's large weight, trying to knock him off balance. "ThunderClan will never accept you back," he hissed, rolling over - it exposed his tummy, but effectively made Tigerclaw unbalanced, losing his grip.

Tigerclaw crouched, eyes calculating while he let out a soft purr. "ThunderClan does not deserve me. Not with the foolish cats the Clan is being plagued by."

After gathering his bearings, Fireheart pounced again, aiming for his chest. Tigerclaw accommodated the pounce, meeting him mid-air and swinging his lower body so his hind legs hooked into Fireheart's soft belly. Digging in, Tigerclaw ripped through the fur and skin. Fireheart yowled in pain, paws wrapped tightly around Tigerclaw's head as he tried raking the warrior's ear and cheek. Falling onto the ground, the two cats twisted about in the middle of the circle, fur flying as they scraped each other in a valiant attempt to overpower one another.

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