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  Cinderpaw breathed in the smell of fresh air, shivering in the coldness of morning dew as they dripped onto her pelt as she brushed past leaves. Fireheart was following closely behind, watching her progress as she sniffed the air for prey.

  I must do well for Fireheart. She thought, determined. Before she could question why this meant so much more than him just being a mentor, she caught the scent of a squirrel. Cinderpaw could almost jump with joy.

  "If you don't become less jumpy, all prey in the forest would be scared off." Fireheart commented, amused as he watched her antics.

  Embarrassed, she shuffled her paws, looking down at them. "Sorry," she mumbled.

  "Continue with the hunt. When it's sunset, return back to camp."

  Cinderpaw blinked in surprise. "We're not going to be doing anything else?"

  Fireheart shook his head, turning away. But Cinderpaw, after overcoming her excitement, could see the weariness in Fireheart's paws as he padded slowly away. Is something wrong with him? Does he need help? Cinderpaw was about to open her mouth and ask, but realised that it would be too probing.

  Trying to shove it from her mind, she continued to hunt. But she couldn't stop thinking about him. I think I should give him something to make him feel better... Cinderpaw paused, thinking. But what?

  Hmm... maybe it's just best to talk to him. Everyone likes a shoulder to lie on. Cinderpaw pricked her ears, glad she could do something at last. Her young and naive heart leaped as she searched around for him.

 "Fireheart?" Cinderpaw padded around, calling as she went. She didn't see why she couldn't call, it was a faster way to locate someone. "Firehea-"

  "Fireheart, you shouldn't keep thinking about her. She's in StarClan. What happened cannot be changed."

  Cinderpaw paused, her heart suddenly dropping to the bottom of her stomach like a cold stone. Sandstorm's biting voice sliced through her dreamy thoughts, silencing all possible scenarios between the young apprentice and mentor.


  Cinderpaw ducked behind a clump of bushes, peering out warily at the two cats. They were talking quietly in a patch of sunlight, Fireheart looking uncertain and sad. "I still think it's my fault. If only I was there in time..."

  "Fireheart." Sandstorm snapped. Cinderpaw winced, wondering who they were talking about. "Come to your senses. It wasn't your fault, okay? It was her own decision to stand in that exact same spot, at that exact same time."

  When Fireheart still kept quiet, Sandstorm leaned forward to search his eyes to detect his emotions. When she did, she stepped back. "Do you... do you like Spottedleaf?"

  "What?" Fireheart asked, his eyes searching Sandstorm's as well. Then his gaze slipped. "I-I don't know," he muttered.

 Cinderpaw could sense a shift in Sandstorm's emotions, and something in her eyes flickered, but was immediately replaced with her same old stony expression. Old Sandstorm was back.

  "When you're done sorting out your emotions, come talk to me again." Sandstorm abruptly stood up and without looking back, left. 

  Cinderpaw immediately felt sympathy for Fireheart. Sandstorm had no reason to act the way she did. Fireheart was probably only asking for her opinion. Fireheart was shaking his head, standing up on shaky paws. Cinderpaw rushed out of the undergrowth, giving him her shoulder for support. "Fireheart? Are you alright?"

  Fireheart nodded his head tiredly, then suddenly jerked up as he saw who he was talking to. "Cinderpaw? What are you doing here? Did you- did you hear what me and Sandstorm were talking about?"

  "I-uh," Cinderpaw swallowed. She couldn't lie to her mentor. Abashed, she nodded silently.

  Fireheart sighed. "Cinderpaw..."

  "I'm sorry, Fireheart. I really am. I didn't mean to, I just thought that I could help you, but then I stumbled into your conversation."

  "It's okay, Cinderpaw. But next time, please don't do that again." He licked his paws, drawing it over his ears to give them a quick wash, quickly regaining back his energy.

  "Do you want to go hunting with me?" Cinderpaw asked, a little timidly.

  Fireheart looked at her, slightly surprised. "I've never heard an apprentice saying that to a mentor before," he chuckled.

  Cinderpaw purred. "Well, I'll be the first one."

  They didn't talk about the conversation with Sandstorm anymore, but Cinderpaw still felt curious. Fireheart kept silent in most of the hunt, thinking. Cinderpaw wondered what he was thinking about, and whether one day he would ever share those thoughts with her.

Author's Note:

Hehe hey guys!! Back with a new chapter :) What do you guys think of this? Fireheart's thinking about Spottedleaf again >.< , Sandstorm seems to be a little jealous ;) and Cinderpaw's still wondering... 

Sorry if I don't update frequently, exams and pending work are my enemies. 

Hope you guys liked this chapter!! <3

See ya,


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