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  A ragged dark gray she-cat stumbled into ThunderClan camp right as the sun's rays touched the horizon, illuminating the sky in a brilliant light, streaked with pink and purple. The she-cat's flattened face turned towards the light, yellow eyes blinking in appreciation in seeing the light of day.

"Yellowfang!" Cinderpaw cried out, limping out of the medicine den towards the she-cat just as Yellowfang collapsed, the words "kill" dying on her lips. Tigerclaw rose from his position under Highrock, ears pricked forward in calm interest.

Sandstorm poked her head out of the warriors den, followed by others awoken by the commotion. She streaked across the camp, reaching Yellowfang's side. Her emerald eyes widened in shock as she took in the situation, the blood streaked along Yellowfang's flank still fresh. In fact, fresh blood bubbled up even as more cats gathered around.

Cinderpaw motioned for the crowd to step back, her worried eyes sweeping over the crowd. "Willowpelt, can you get some cobwebs? It's at the back of the medicine den." Next, her eyes landed on Graystripe. "Can you get horsetail? It's a tall plant, bristly stemmed." Graystripe and Willowpelt nodded, immediately running over to the medicine den.

Cinderpaw assessed Yellowfang's wounds more closely. A cat had obviously inflicted it on her - judging by the long claw marks running the length of her flank. Small marks made by the incisors of a cat stood out starkly on Yellowfang's right leg which was ripped. Many spots of Yellowfang's fur were missing. Her throat had marks where the attacker's teeth had almost sunk in, with small grazes by the side.

Cinderpaw's stomach constricted in fear as she wondered who was bold enough to do this to a medicine cat. A foreboding feeling came over her, and as her gaze slowly lifted, it connected with Tigerclaw's. The question lingered in the air, but somehow she already knew the answer.

Willowpelt and Graystripe raced back to her side, breaking Cinderpaw's train of thought. Cinderpaw took the horsetail from Graystripe, chewing it into a poultice. She stuffed it into Yellowfang's wounds, wrapping the cobwebs around it to staunch the blood and keep the horsetail in place.

Cinderpaw rose slowly. "Carry Yellowfang back to the medicine den. I will continue to treat her there."

As three cats slowly lifted Yellowfang, Cinderpaw spun to meet Bluestar. The leader's blue eyes were glazed over, but blinked when Cinderpaw called her. "Bluestar, a cat attacked Yellowfang on her way back from Moonstone. I suggest scouting our territories-"

Bluestar focused her gaze on Cinderpaw. "A cat? Who would dare harm a medicine cat, especially one like Yellowfang?"

Cinderpaw opened her mouth, but Tigerclaw cut in, his broad form nudging Cinderpaw aside. "I will personally escort a patrol to scout our territory and see if there's an outsider," he informed Bluestar in a solemn tone. Then he turned to Cinderpaw, "I believe Yellowfang needs your attention now more than ever, Cinderpaw."

Cinderpaw hissed in annoyance, glaring outright at Tigerclaw. One look at Bluestar and she knew that she wouldn't listen to anything Cinderpaw says with Tigerclaw there. However, knowing what Tigerclaw said was true, she turned angrily away to rush to her mentor's side.

Sandstorm, watching the whole exchange, experiencing a sinking feeling. What was Tigerclaw planning?

A night passed.

Cinderpaw stumbled towards Fireheart, herbs hanging from her jaws. "Cinderpaw?" Fireheart rushed forward to meet her, guiding her to his makeshift nest. "What's wrong?"

Cinderpaw dropped the herbs, grateful for his warmth on this cold night. She sat down, head whirling in exhaustion. "Yellowfang came back yesterday, wounded. I was taking care of her the whole day. I... I think she was attacked by one of Tigerclaw's followers." She shook her head, trying to shake away the exhaustion clinging to her. "I think it's part of Tigerclaw's plan. I just can't figure out what yet."

Fireheart's eyes widened. Cinderpaw glanced up quickly, worried. "I'm sorry, I just... he's not a cat to be trusted. And I understand if you don't think so, he's a great warrior. I just-"

"No, Cinderpaw. I've always suspected it. It's just that I didn't know you felt the same way."

Cinderpaw shook her head. She lay down, body trembling in shock. "He's done too many things, Fireheart..." Her voice trailed off as she drifted into sleep, worry still etched on her face. Fireheart lay down beside her, curling his tail around her frail body, keeping her warm.

"Don't worry, Cinderpaw. I'll protect you." he murmured.


Rumours flew around the Clan as word got out that there were no intruders found on the territory. There was even a possibility that someone from their Clan had attacked Yellowfang. Halftail was shaking his head, whispering with Patchpelt about how the Clan had changed in a matter of months under Tigerclaw's control.

Everyone rose to their paws in anticipation as Bluestar climbed onto Highrock, addressing the Clan. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the Highrock for a Clan meeting." Everyone sat impatiently underneath, flicking their tails while waiting to hear what she says. "I know everyone's worried about who attacked Yellowfang, but I wish to assure everyone that the attacker will be caught." Bluestar cleared her throat, confidence waning a little. Tigerclaw stepped forward from the crowd.

"Bluestar, don't you think it's a little suspicious how Yellowfang was attacked while Fireheart was exiled?" Tigerclaw mewed, voice reverberating around the camp as everyone fell into silence.

Bluestar narrowed her eyes. "What are you implying?"

"I mean, it's not strange that a kittypet like Fireheart - especially one who may not be able to withstand the shame of being exiled - would have no sense of boundaries or stay loyal to the warrior code."

Sandstorm hissed, jumping to his paws in defiance. "Are you saying Fireheart would attack Yellowfang?"

Tigerclaw turned his calm gaze on Sandstorm. "I'm merely suggesting, Sandstorm."

"And how about Darkstripe? Your oh-so-loyal friend? I don't see him here. In fact, I haven't seem him since Yellowfang came back." She snapped back, fur rising.

A murmur of agreement spread over the crowd. Dustpelt stood beside Sandstorm now, nodding in agreement. "Can you explain Darkstripe's disappearance?"

Tigerclaw snarled, "I cannot be responsible for where a cat wanders. Stop throwing false accusations around before you have evidence. And right now, Yellowfang's injured state surely points towards Fireheart. Actions like this are only capable of someone exiled, not someone born and raised in ThunderClan. Of course Fireheart wouldn't have the same loyalty as Darkstripe."

Yowls of agreement and defiance rose to meet this statement, however Bluestar silenced it with a sweep of her tail. "Again, we wait for Yellowfang to awake. No accusations shall be made until we hear from Yellowfang. Meeting dismissed."

She jumped down from Highrock, retreating back to her den. Tigerclaw's head swiveled in Sandstorm and Dustpelt's direction. Dustpelt flinched, but Sandstorm bared her teeth at Tigerclaw, daring him to come near. He narrowed his eyes in warning, then stood and left the camp.

Again, warnings flitted through Sandstorm's mind. What was Tigerclaw planning? 

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