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*After the movie ended, you and Bucky went back to your room to relax*

Y/n: I'll be right with you I have to use the bathroom.

Bucky: Okay.

*You go to the bathroom and take off your pants because they're bothering you. When you come back, Bucky is laying in bed, shirtless*

*You chuckle and slowly walk towards him*

Y/n: What's this?

Bucky: Something we haven't done in a long time...

*You go over to him and he grabs your waist, pulling you onto him*

*With one hand you hold the bed frame and the other you place behind his neck*

*You kiss him*

*He smiles*

Y/n: Keep me close.

Bucky: I will.

*You lean in and kiss his forehead*

*He kisses your neck and you moan quietly*

*You enjoy his kisses and close your eyes*

*You sigh and hug him*

*You feel his arms around your back and waist*

*You whisper in his ear*

Y/n: The walls in this room are 100% soundproof. No scream gets out.

*He shivers a little and starts to move you up and down on him*

*You moan again and he holds your neck to look at him*

Bucky: You know that makes me weak.

*You grin and he turns you down*

*He takes off his pants and covers you two up with blankets*

*He lays down on you between your legs and kisses you all over*

*Then he notices a scar by your neck*

Bucky: What's this?

*You look at what he's talking about*

Y/n: HYDRA. They had to make sure I wouldn't run away. The scar is my fault. I cut myself to get the tracker out.

Bucky: That's my girl.

*He pulls you to his side and lies facing you*

*His metal arm is cooling your back as you kiss him*

*You two start making out*

*After some time he stops and looks at you*

Bucky: Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah?

Bucky: Are you coming to the party tonight?

Y/n: What do you mean if I'm going? Of course, I am! I'd never miss it.

*He smiles and puts your hair behind your ear*

*His hands slide under your shirt and take off your bra*

*You put your hands on his chest and kiss it*

*You two hold on to each other as you'd never let go*

*Because you wouldn't if you didn't have to*

*You both close your eyes and fall asleep in each other's arms*

*Later on Wanda comes in the room to talk to you and sees the two of your sleeping*

*She calls Nat and they take pictures, that turn out amazing*

Bucky Barnes: A FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now