rip the universe

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Jennie knows just how smitten she is, and it doesn't bother her, not really; after all, it's not like it's detrimental to the main thing they're doing, which is basically portraying two people in love, so what's there to worry about, eh?

Nothing, she repeats in her head, catching herself staring at Lisa on set for the nth time. It's been a handful of days since shooting resumed, and Jennie has already settled back into the rhythm of it mostly – the late nights and the early mornings and the in-between moments like this, when they're waiting in the sidelines and could afford ten-minute naps and then some.

And then some. She clears her throat, trying to suppress the laugh that has bubbled at the bottom of it. After that kiss, Jennie had expected Lisa to freak and walk out, never again to be seen except maybe awkwardly -- only that wasn't how it turned out.

How it turned out was that Lisa stayed. Against all expectations and Jennie's held breath, Lisa stayed – like it had been the most logical thing to do, even when it absolutely wasn't, because Jennie wasn't really thinking but wanting, and oh, she knows, she's still not thinking now.

No one is thinking now. So unnecessary. Jennie bites her lip, swiping idly at her phone's camera and taking a picture. It comes to her automatically these days – see Lisa, snap something – and going over her camera roll at the moment, she can't help the small giggle that makes its way out at the sight of it.

"What are you laughing at?"

She pockets her phone quickly, feeling her face grow warm as she looks up at Lisa's just-woken face. "Nothing," she says, recovering with a smile. "Sleep well?"

"Mm-hmm." Lisa stretches in her seat before walking over to hers. "Your turn? My seat is more comfy for naps," she says, sliding in right beside Jennie. "I'll wake you when they call for us."

Jennie breathes in; when Lisa's this near, it's almost impossible to resist sneaking out to make out, and she traces a faint figure on Lisa's forearm to let her know what she's thinking about.

"I said nap, Jennie," she says, but she settles against her warmly anyway; she could feel her smiling into her shoulder. "You and your bad ideas."

"I don't remember you complaining the last time," She points out. That earns her a swat from Lisa – that, and a ghost of a kiss against the skin under her ear. Jennie tries not to shudder – both at the sensation and the memory of the previous day's shenanigans in the empty set across their current studio. "You have bad ideas of your own."

"Who, me?"

Jennie moves away slightly, if only to watch Lisa pull that innocent look at her in that moment. Jesus Christ, she just thinks. On a scale of one to Lisa fucking Manoban. "Yes, you," says the brunette, pressing a kiss on her nose in kind.

"I'm just as bad as you are," Lisa counters, and in her head Jennie goes, That's fucking it, before she caves in, kissing her squarely on the mouth, inhaling that small gasp Lisa responds with in her surprise.

And so this is how it goes, those first few manic days: Jennie comes to work and kisses her co-star more often than she's supposed to, and nobody, not even Lisa, seems to mind.


They get away with it mostly, for the first few weeks – disappearing between takes just like that, and dragging each other into dressing rooms in haste.

"We can't keep doing this--"

"Of course we can." Jennie nips at Lisa's earlobe to quiet the rest of her, pushing her up against the mirror of her dresser, trying to negotiate a rhythm with their hips. The taller swallows hard; hard enough, at least, for Jennie to feel the skin of her throat move, and God, how is this even happening, exactly? Most days Jennie still can't believe it.

possibility days | JENLISA Where stories live. Discover now