perfectly yours

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spicy things

The first time around, Lisa makes her wait.

Patience isn't Jennie's strongest virtue, this she knows too well – and she feels herself shiver as Lisa murmurs, "It takes as long as it takes" into the inside of her thigh.

Shit. She swallows hard, trying not to pull at Lisa's hair, ticklish now on her stomach. All I ever wanted was to take her clothes off, Jennie thinks dimly, wondering how on earth she could have managed to bungle that attempt, after everything.

Not that she's complaining either.

It's just that – right here, right now, she's naked in her own bed and Lisa still has most, if not all, of her clothes on and maybe this isn't what she's expecting at all.


There's a low rumble that starts from Lisa's chest, and her shivers turn into full-body shudders. "What?" asks the taller, voice sweet, like she just hasn't been tracing wet, warm lines up and down her thigh with her tongue. For what feels like hours.

Eventually, she manages a soft, "Please." And while Jennie's usually polite, more often than not, she's not this polite – and Lisa knows as much, reveling in her apparent torture.

"Please what?"

Jennie lifts her head, if only to catch the girl's eye. "Damn it, Lisa," she says through clenched jaws. "You're way too dressed for this."

"Hm?" Lisa lifts a brow before excruciatingly pulling away from Jennie, a smile playing on her lips. "Oh. This?" She lifts her shirt slightly, revealing the strip of skin just above the waistband of her pants, and Jennie lets her head drop back down to the bed with a groan. "Sorry," she hears Lisa continue, and damn just like that her lips are back on her skin. "I'm thinking of keeping it on – I'm feeling a bit cold."

This fucker. "I'm feeling a bit naked," says Jennie.

"But not cold." Lisa grins wider, skimming her hands over her thighs, before shifting to hover just above her and meeting her gaze. "I mean. You're very warm."

Jennie takes a moment, losing herself in Lisa's eyes. God damn it, girl. "Shut up and kiss me, Manoban."

"Isn't that what I've been doing all this time?"

Jennie rolls her eyes, grinding up against Lisa's thigh; the move hikes her shorts higher. Fine, wanna play? She arches her brow, enjoying the small gasp that falls from her girlfriend's parted lips as she inches closer to her face, and just like that, she knows exactly just how much of a mess she's making.


Something about that distinct break in Lisa's tone snaps something in her; instead, she finds herself surging upward, crossing the gap and meeting Lisa's lips, hands threaded behind her head as she pulls her closer. Fuck this, she thinks, hyperaware of the way the fabric of Lisa's shirt drags against her skin, and clawing at her covered back.

"Come on, Lis–"

A small whimper slips out of Lisa as she bites down hard on her lip, nibbling at it briefly before letting it go. Shit, Jennie thinks, too hard? Lisa pushes off her briefly, and when she opens her eyes to see what she's up to, she's already tugging off her shirt.

Fucking hell. Jennie swallows hard, drinking her in; Lisa looks back with eyes already somewhat fogged with want, and it takes all of her not to reach out and touch.

Okay. We can take a moment to breathe.

"Jennie?" It's out so softly that she pushes herself up slightly, resting back on her elbows on the bed. Lisa's knelt between her legs, her head tilted, and her face – where should Jennie even start?

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