I'll sleep when I'm dead

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"Leo? Why aren't you asleep?"

Three. Flaming. Days. That's how long it had been since he'd talked to Nico. Three days since he'd had that visitor. Three days since they'd heard the news about Persephone being an abusive-



"Come here sweetie."

He felt a pair of warm arms wrap around him and turned to face his step-mother. Finally, after three days of little or no emotion the walls broke. He clutched the front of her dressing gown and sobbed.

"It's okay Repair Boy. He's fine, safe and away from her. No-one knew that she could be like that. Not even your father and they grew up together. Same school, everything. Please don't blame yourself. It wasn't your fault. You got him to open up, made him happy. He smiled Leo, all because of you."


"Yep. You. And only you. No-one could get him to open up. Then you came along and he's making progress. Leo, please believe me when I say this, you are the best person I have ever met. I am not, and never will try to replace your mother, I simply want to be your friend. Like, the kind who's always there for you."

She paused and noticed that the sobs had stopped. She looked down and saw Leo curled up on her. Like a small child who'd had a nightmare. She smiled and placed him on his bed, and tucked him in. Slowly, she backed out of the room and walked down the stairs.

"Hephy? Where are you?"

"In the living room Aphro!"


Her husband stuck his head around the door and she smiled.

"How is he?"

"Exhausted. Blames himself for this."

"Is he asleep yet? Three days without sleep has got to have taken its toll by now."

"Passed out. Curled up on my lap after I talked to him."

"Come sit down sweetie. We've tried and acomplished what we can for tonight."

"Not yet. I need to make a phone call."

"At this time of night?"


"But wh- Oh. I see. You're going to say yes?"

"If it makes Leo happy, I'm willing to try it."


What is it? Tell me what you think below!

On a completley unrelated subject, I am going to the Sea Life Centre in Birmingham tomorrow so no updates on ANYTHING! Unless I get back early in which case, expect an update!

Sayonara demigods!

~Zoe xx

Broken beyond repair (A Leico/Valedangelo story)Where stories live. Discover now