002. ❛ weird dinner ❜

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"ROSA, CAMILO! CAN YOU GUYS SET UP THE TABLE?" Julieta asked us, handing me a bunch of plates and handing Camilo some cups

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"ROSA, CAMILO! CAN YOU GUYS SET UP THE TABLE?" Julieta asked us, handing me a bunch of plates and handing Camilo some cups.

"Follow me hermosa" I still don't know what that means, as Julieta looks at Camilo teasingly.

"Hermosa?" Julieta asks Camilo, making him smile.

"What? Ella es hermosa!" Camilo drags, as his Tia Julieta smirked at the two of us. I was about to question it but Camilo ushered me to the dining table. I started setting down the plates, as he did the same with the cups.

"So Rosa? What made your family come here to Encanto?" Camilo asks sitting in one of the chairs, grabbing my hand and pulling in the seat in front of him.

It was funny honestly. He was a very touchy person- it's not that I didn't like it, I guess. It just shows he feels comfortable with me and was a good people person.

"To be honest I don't know-" That was false, I know my mom would never say it but I heard her talking about it to Gael.

They discussed about how, it would be better for me to be surrounded by other people with 'gifts'. But again, I don't want to tell everyone on the first day being here that I have the manipulation of the four elements. Maybe I can just reveal it when I start to feel comfortable with my tattoos.

"I just think my mom thought it would be nice for her children to know where she grew up" I said with a small shrug. He had a sly grin, as he looked at me keeping eye contact.


"Oh nothing, it just you seems like there's allot more about you that your hiding" He says with a flirty smirk, making me laugh slightly.

"Your tattoos make me extremely curious-" Suddenly, his skin sprouted with similar ink drawings like mine. My eyes widen.

"Wait um-"

"Hey I'm not gonna judge I think it's pretty hot, but I didn't know 15 year olds could get tattoos?" I chuckled leaning on my hand as I sat my elbow on the table.

"How'd you know I'm 15?"

"Well I sure hope you are, cause I feel like that would be the best for the both of us" I cup my face with my hands, finding his flirtatious chatter amusing.

"We just met each other and your already a huge flirt... What a good first impression between us" I remarked, making him shrug with a smirk.

"I just plan on getting to know you better" He leaned in closer over the table, setting his chin on his hand.

✓ 𝐌𝐈 𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐑 ↝ camilo madrigalWhere stories live. Discover now