My mind streams through traces of the past,
Trying to clutch the fragile strings of joy,
Knowing it's only tears that could overflow,
Recalling the pain that would last.
And here you are, in front of me,
A figment of what you were before,
Mirthful days of laughter spent with you,
Just stained pictures, etched in my heart to see.
Every time I heard your pearls of laughter,
That are now witnesses to miracles,
I wonder, how did I ever miss
The sobs you hid within; your inner slaughter.
Your joy was my treasury,
And yet, I failed to notice
Grim tears caught up in your eyelashes,
The starlit sky, illuminating the shades of your misery.
Now, looking at you, casting the same smile over,
Looking through an endless summer,
I wonder what we meant by forever,
When all that was destined for us was 'never'?
My hand in yours, my senses
Tingling, desperate to escape from the danger
You held within, unknowingly so,
Oh, will I ever free myself from these pretenses?
I could sense the darkness you were,
Still, I couldn't unshackle myself from this yearning
Concealed deep within, consuming my heart,
But even if I had the privilege to run,
I still wouldn't abandon this self of you,
Broken, battered, and bruised,
But with a tender smile, disguising the tears under.
Because I'd sworn I'd fight till the end,
And forevermore, for you,
My best friend.
Thank you for reading this poem! If you liked it, please do consider voting! I hope you enjoy reading the rest as well! :D
(PS: This may or may not be a reference to Mitsuba and Kou from JSHK. ^^")
Devil's Workshop
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