+ fluffy cuddles +

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"Dammit Blitz! Ugh.. just go home! We can clean up without you.." Moxxie was yelling at Blitz as usual. "The fuck, Moxxie?" Moxxie turned his head. "Call Stolas or some shit to pick you up! We can manage the kills. We don't need you here right now." Blitz frowned. "Fuck that. I'm taking the book back to Stolas." Moxxie scoffed. "We can't do our job." Blitz chuckled. "Have you forgotten this is partially my fucking book?" Blitz snatched the book from Moxxie's desk. 

"Plus, I said to keep Stolas's shit in my office." Moxxie scowled at Blitz. "Pft. I don't know what he thought when he married you."  Blitz kneed Moxxie and backhanded him causing Moxxie to fall. "Keep your arrogant mouth shut." Blitz slammed the door and made a portal to Stolas's. Stolas was off on that day and was confused when the angry imp walked through the portal only giving him a weak smile. 

After he noticed he had changed he watched Blitz. Blitz faceplanted the bed groaning into the bed. "Another argument with Moxxie?" Stolas smiled. "Yea.." Stolas held his arms out and Blitz put his head on his chest. "It's okay Blitz.." Blitz squeezed a little tighter than usual. "You wanna talk about it?" Blitz sniffled. "Mhm.." 


Blitz had gotten a few weapons and asked Moxxie and Millie if they were ready to go. "Yes sir! Blitz smiled and created a portal to a place in Oregon. Blitz checked his phone for the targets. It was a big family they had to kill, and they already reminded him of the insane bitch Martha they had to deal with. They made their way into the shack. The family looked over and saw the imps with guns. They had a huge table with over 10 chairs. 

"Shit." Blitz bit his lip. The dad was at least 7 feet tall, but Blitz had an 11 foot husband. Blitz jumped at his shoulder and swung his legs around ending up next to his head where Blitz shot him. "How the hell..?" Moxxie looked extremely confused. "I have a tall ass owl for a husband." One kid broke grabbed a bat. They swung for Moxxie but Moxxie bounced next to them and shot them in the arm, letting Millie get an advantage  and snap their neck. 

Kid after kid after kid they got through to them and killed each. All that was left was the grandmother and mother. The grandma threw a knife at Blitz's tail and managed to get the tip. "Ugh! You bitch!" Blitz tore the knife out of his tail and stabbed the grandma in the back and neck. The mother broke a bottle and managed to stab Millie in the chest. "Ah..!" Millie fell to the ground. "Millie!" Blitz sighed. "Mox, leave her! I need help." Moxxie growled. 

"If Stolas was here you'd do it too!" Blitz cried out and hit the mom, who managed to yank him and hit his chest. "Moxxie!" Moxxie tried patching Millie up and Blitz helplessly was getting beaten by this insane woman. "UGH! FINE!" Moxxie broke a plate over her head and shot her. He immediately went  back to Millie and carried her to the portal. Blitz looked at her and knocked Moxxie off of her. "Calm down Mox! I got her she'll be fine." Moxxie's eyes twitched. "Your a fucking hypocrite! 

Blitz sighed and looked at Moxxie. "Get me a bandage, some rubbing alcohol and a thread and needle." Moxxie looked at his boss in shock. "You are not-" Blitz sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Shut up Moxxie. I need gloves as well. If you want me to save your wife I suggest you hurry up." Moxxie ran to the medical room and grabbed everything Blitz asked for. He poured some rubbing alcohol on the wound, then cleaned the needle. He only did a few and then snipped it off. "I'm no fucking doctor but this can get her brea-" Moxxie slapped him. "You never help! God.." Blitz shook his head.

"Moxxie you aren't helping either. I'm just trying to patch her up so you can get her to a-" Moxxie interrupted. "Dammit Blitz! Ugh.. just go home! We can clean up without you.." Moxxie was yelling at Blitz as usual. "The fuck, Moxxie?" Moxxie turned his head. "Call Stolas or some shit to pick you up! We can manage the kills. We don't need you here right now." Blitz frowned. "Fuck that. I'm taking the book back to Stolas." Moxxie scoffed. "We can't do our job." Blitz chuckled. "Have you forgotten this is partially my fucking book?" Blitz snatched the book from Moxxie's desk.

"Plus, I said to keep Stolas's shit in my office." Moxxie scowled at Blitz. "Pft. I don't know what he thought when he married you." Blitz kneed Moxxie and backhanded him causing Moxxie to fall. "Keep your arrogant mouth shut." Blitz slammed the door and made a portal to Stolas's.

                                                                                END OF FLASHBACK 

"Oh Blitzy.." Blitz nestled into Stolas's fluff. Stolas chuckled a little and teasingly caressed his horns. "You're comfy there, hm?" Blitz purred at Stolas touching his horns and nodded. "Moxxie, I'm sure didn't understand what he was saying, and if he did he didn't mean it.. if he did though and tells you that, let me know. Okay?"  Stolas was still talking softly but Blitz could tell he was talking firmly as well. "Yes Stolas." 

--an hour goes by--

Moxxie and Millie had finally gotten home from the hospital. Blitz had fallen asleep and Stolas got up to talk to them. "Moxxie." Stolas said in a flat tone. "Yes- Yes your highness?" Moxxie started to sweat. "I'm going to say this once. Don't ever make Blitz wonder if I question our marriage, because I don't. If it happens again I'm not going to be this friendly. Understand?" Moxxie nodded. "I'm sorry." Stolas clicked his teeth. "Don't apologize to me. When Blitz wakes up apologize to him." Moxxie nodded. Stolas walked back to their room and smiled at the imp sleeping on his bed. He truly loved his life.

--THATS A FUCKING WRAP FOR THE FIRST DAMN CHAPTER! This was requested by: k01_f1sh_cut13! I know this wasn't exactly 'wholesome' but I tried! I hope you enjoyed! Please always request! 

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