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Spring walked down the hallway, dressed in a dark green hoodie with a backpack slung over her shoulders. She glanced to her left and right as she walked, hearing the many whispers that floated from her fellow classmates. The microscopic pollen particles that hovered through the air echoed their words; words Spring had hoped to avoid.

"...saw her fighting with the Protectors..."

"...the teachers are so biased towards her..."

"...thinks she some kind of superhero..."

"...prissy, stuck-up b---h..."

Spring adjusted her backpack and kept her head down as her cheeks turned red. "Shut up, guys," she muttered to the pollen particles under her breath. "I don't wanna hear all that."

"Oh, dear!"

Spring froze and looked up sharply as a frighteningly familiar voice broke through the whispers.

Standing in front of her was Baltimore Starlena, the so-called "princess" of the SHEPAARD Academy, and her gang of Avian girls.

"Look at this, ladies!" the oriole Shifter trilled. "Our resident heroine is talking to herself again!"

"C'mon, Starlena. Move it," Spring said, turning redder. "I gotta get to class."

Baltimore scoffed and leaned toward her, hands on her hips. "Saw you on the news last night, sweetie," she cooed. "How's it feel fighting ghosts in the spotlight?"

"They're not ghosts!" Spring argued, knowing she was referring to the Masked Men. "They just... they turn... invisible." Her eyes darted upward, spotting a clock on the wall. "Now move before I end up being late!" she ordered. "And before I make you!"

"'Make' me?" Baltimore repeated with a faux gasp, putting a hand on her chest. "That's not very heroic of you, flower child."

"Hey, leave her alone, guys."

Baltimore and her crew turned as another transfer student from Z.P.A., an Avian boy named Kestral, walked toward them. "It's the first day back from break," Kestral said to the girls, pausing a few feet away. "Lay off."

"HA! Or what, small fry?" Baltimore sneered, shifting her weight.

Kestral smirked. "Or you'll be late, too," he pointed out. "Wouldn't be a good look for the 'princess' to lose her perfect attendance record in her senior year."

Baltimore's sneer gave way to a scowl. She searched for a reply for a few moments before simply huffing, turning up her nose, and storming away with her crew in tow.

Kestral mimicked playing a trumpet with one hand and then gave a small pump of his fist. "Kestral to the rescue again!" he said, smiling at Spring. "How're you doing, my perennial damsel-in-distress?"

"I'm sorry, which one of us is the superhero here again?" Spring asked innocently, falling in stride with Kestral.

Kestral laughed. "Point made." Then he sobered, lowered his voice, and asked, "How was it last night? You hurt?"

"I'm fine," Spring replied breezily.

Kestral raised an eyebrow, stopping outside the door of their classroom.

14. P O W E R : HeroesWhere stories live. Discover now