Chapter 22

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Riccardo's POV:

It's been a week since I received the picture of Haley and we have no lead of where she could be or who had taken her. We thought it might be the Agnello's because they came on to us with a threat just the day before Haley was taken, but we got their leader in our basement and he is begging for forgiveness and saying he didn't even know about Haley and he was meaning Isabella when he said that threat and weirdly I believed him. That doesn't mean he will walk free after threatening my family, so I am keeping him there until I have time for his bullshit.

Alessio did a background check on the phone and it was purchased in USA which also didn't make sense. She couldn't went back to USA so quickly so she for sure was still somewhere in Europe. My men who were guarding her where both killed by a small cafe shop which also tells me that she hadn't left, because then they would of left with her. And I promise to seek revenge for Haley, and for the two men we lost and any more we may loose trying to end that mother fucker.

All other my jobs were put aside and my priority was to find Haley. Me and my men worked all day and night looking at the CCTV footage of the streets in Italy and looking for the slightest clue which might lead us to her, but there was nothing. Who ever took her knew what they were doing and looked like they had been planing this for a long time.

My parents came over to help, I didn't tell them what happened but Isabella did and she was angry at me for all this, and I don't blame her, I should of never let her out of my sight. My dad helped with mafia business while my mom and sister tried to keep us all sane and would make us go to sleep every night at least for 6 hours.

Me and Alessio and Dante were all looking for clues.

''Anything new?'' I asked Alessio hoping he would have found something in the CCTV footage.

''No, everything is clear only the camera at the small cafe shop has lost 2 hours of recording on that day between 1pm to 3pm which makes me believe that she was taken from there.'' Alessio tells me giving me a slight hope that we have something but also making me sad knowing that this information doesn't give us anything.

''Is there any suspicious movements around the area of the cafe?'' I hear Dante ask Alessio and just as Alessio goes to answer my phone rings and I go to look it was another unknown number.

''Hello'' I go to answer to see who's calling.

''Well hello Ricky, how did you like the picture I had sent you like a week ago?'' I hear the unknown voice say and my blood boils, I put on a speaker and let Alessio know to track the call from where it's coming from.

''I swear if you have laid a hand on her even once I will make you suffer until you will beg me to kill you'' I tell the man who's voice starts to sound familiar and I try to remember who it is.

''Oh you don't even know how many times I have toughed her and more than that'' The voice over the phone says and laughs making me want to grab his neck through the phone and suffocate him till he turns purple. My heart breaks at the thought of him touching Haley.

''Anyway, Ricky, just wanted to check in on how your doing'' The voice says sounding serious now.

''What do you want? Money?'' I ask him trying to keep the call going so that Alessio can trace it.

''See Ricky I don't have much time to talk to you because there's only 30 seconds left before one of your minions can track me so I'll keep it short this time, any last world Haley?'' The man speaks as if he can see us through the phone and my heart breaks at the mention of Haley being there.

''I'm sorry Riccardo, sull'isola'' I hear her say just at the call cuts off and all three of us look at each other and we laugh for our victory.

Haley's POV:

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