Chapter 28

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''Good morning'' My mom says as she enters the kitchen with my dad and sits down by the table next to me.

''Good morning'' I reply while slowly sipping my morning cup of coffee. Sitting next to my sister and next to her was Zane.

''How did you sleep?'' I ask her and she gives me a sweet smile.

''Very good, thank you honey for all of this'' She says while placing her hand over mine and caresses it slowly.

''I thought I could show you a little bit of Italy if you guys are up for it'' I say looking for their reaction.

''We didn't come here for nothing'' My sister says before anyone else could say anything and it just makes me laugh.

''Great, then enjoy your breakfast and we will leave in 2 hours'' I say and they nod as I go to leave.

''Is it just us going or someone else too?'' My dad asks just as I was about to leave the kitchen to go get ready.

''Bella and Riccardo are also coming'' I say giving them a smile and leave.

I go up to mine and Riccardo's bedroom and go to take a shower. I get undressed and stand only in my underwear looking at my stomach that was still fairly flat but it defiantly was starting to show, but it looked like I only have had a bigger meal and not like I had a baby in there. I stop staring at myself and get in the shower and let the warm water kiss my skin.


We all had left the house and went to go show some part of Italy to my family. The car ride was fun, we all talked and laughed about all the things I had missed happening back home. I found out that my sister had gotten mad at her husband and threw a cup at him missing him but breaking the cup and then running away and crying. Judging by the look on her face when the story was getting told she looked like she could throw a cup at each one of us at the exact moment.

We arrived at our second destination. And as we walked Riccardo was holding my hand but no one seemed to be bothered by it like the first time they saw as together, but maybe they were just focused on the beauty around them.

''Hey, can I talk to you?'' I hear my sister say as she pats on my shoulder making me notice her. I nod my head and pull away from Riccardo and walking with her now.

''What is it?'' I ask her worriedly as she sounded serious.

''Are you coming home with us?'' She asks and I stop for a second before continuing to walk.

I sigh ''No'' I say looking at her and her face seems to grow confused.

''Why not? You haven't been home in almost two moths and you only meant to come for Christmas'' She says then as if trying to convince me to go back to America with them.

''I can't Amelia'' I say looking down t the floor.

''Why can't you?'' She asks almost sounding a little mad and stopping me while everyone else passes us and continuous to walk forward us staying behind.

''Because my home is here Amelia'''I say to her trying to make her not mad at me.

''Haley...'' She goes to say before I stop her.

''Amelia, please don't, I know all of you miss me but I just can't go back to America, my home is now here, with Riccardo'' I say defeated, why does everything have to be so complicated. My family has always stayed close by each other for many generations and I knew they wouldn't understand me wanting to move so far away from them.

''I love him Amelia, and I tried to let him go twice but both times the universe dragged us back together and I'm done fighting it, I want to be here, I belong here'' I say hoping she out of all people would understand.

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