Avengers forget Peter's Birthday

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*Peter wakes up excited about his birthday today*

*Peter runs down to the living room where Tony, Steve, Nat, Bucky, Sam, Clint are*

Peter happy: hey guys guess what

Tony: not now Peter

Steve: please we're busy

Peter: мама паук?

Nat: go annoy someone else who cares

Peter thinking: did they really forget my birthday?

*Wanda comes in hugs Peter*

Wanda: I have something to show you Peter

Peter sad: ok

*Wanda and Peter go to her room and she set a mini surprise party*


Peter: Wanda thank you so much *kisses Wanda*

Wanda blushes: n -no problem

Reality POV

I go to the living room and rant about a stupid meeting I didn't need to be apart of I mean c'mon don't waste my time I have better things like Peter's Birthday, the one year anniversery of my Sister dying 

Tony ignoring Reality: Steve I feel like we're forgetting something

Steve: Reality what Day is it today?

Reality: Peter's birthday and it's the aniversery of Talia dying

*Avengers feel bad*

Reality: look do a suprise party I'll go with Peter and Wanda

Sam: wait hang on are they dating

*Reality shrugs ignoring the question*

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