Chapter Thirteen ♡

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You woke up on a medical bed in a dreary room. Your head was fuzzy, and there was a searing pain in your arm. The room was completely empty, a singular tiny window high up on the stone walls that were dark and damp.

There was an iron door with a massive bolt, and you realised you were strapped to the bed in the middle of the room. "Great," you muttered, trying to move the arm that wasn't killing you. It was to no avail.

You spent hours strapped to the bed, staring at the mouldy ceiling. When you heard the iron bolt move across, you had counted three thousand bricks on the ceiling.

A guard pulled you from the table, gripping the arm that had bandage around it. "Ow, can you not see the fucking bandage?" you said, as you were pulled into an even larger, drearier room.

Buck was strapped to a chair, with a huge metal device thing above his head. He looked asleep, but was slapped awake the second you arrived. You were stood in the corner of the room, another guard holding your other arm to stop you from moving.

"What are you gonna do to him?" you asked, as Buck's eyes flickered around the room. He was scared. It was obvious. "What are you gonna do to him?" you asked again, but louder this time.

The machine was switched on, making a loud whirring noise. "Stop," you said, but the guards gripped your arms tighter. The machine was placed equal to his face, electric cackling noises laughing at you as you could do nothing but watch. "Stop,"

"You failed your mission, now you must pay the price,"


The machine was placed onto Buck's face, and he flinched in pain. Electric sparks shot across his face, as he screamed in pain. You tried to fight your way out to help him, but the guards were too strong.

You closed your eyes, telling yourself it would be okay but it was all just lies to make yourself feel better.

The room fell silent moments later, and when you opened your eyes your gaze fell over Buck. His eyes flicked around the room, they had no light in them, no knowledge in them, they were completely empty. Like a blank canvas. He looked at you, and you watched his brows furrow. As if he was trying to remember you.

"Soldat?" the guard spoke, you blinked back a few tears. The guard then turned to you, "Put her on the next plane for the Russian base,"

"You can't split us up, we're a team," you protested dispute knowing it wouldn't make a difference.

The guard laughed, "He doesn't remember you sweetheart, you're a nobody to him," you shook your head, feeling nothing but rage, "He doesn't love you anymore, you're worth nothing to him,"

"Shut up,"

Buck had been silent the entire time. His eyes wandered to every corner of the room. Everything he had learnt, everything he knew. It had disappeared in an instant.

And as if as soon as you had arrived at this place you were forced to leave. You travelled in the back of the van, this time alone without Buck to catch you every time you were thrown around a corner.

You arrived at an abandoned airport, it was quiet and creepy. A dark grey plane kind of thing was in the middle of the landing/taking off strip. "Put her in freeze when she arrives," a guard said, as you were passed to another set of guards, "Don't wipe her, orders from the boss,"

After being thrown into the underside of a plane, with weapons and armoury you sat in a pile of suits that were about as uncomfortable as they looked.

Your mind kept going back to what the guards had said. 'Don't wipe her'. Why keep your memory and not Buck's? Why make sure you know everything that happened but that he didn't? It made no sense to you. Was it to hurt you, or was it for tactics. But every question led you straight back to the question you needed answering the most.

Would you ever see Buck again?

It replayed over and over in your mind. When would you see him, if you would see him. Did it even matter now? He didn't remember you. He didn't remember anything.

You awoke with a start, as the carrier landed so suddenly. It took you a moment to realise where you were, but all the events of the previous day came crashing back to you. Allowing you to remember that it wasn't just a bad dream.

"Get up Зимний ангел," came a loud voice, as you heard them tear through where you were trapped in.

You were dragged to your feet, gaining your steadiness as you were pushed into a blanket of fresh white snow. It was completely clean. No footsteps across it. It looked gorgeous. Of course there was this massive ugly building right in the middle of it.

"Hurry," the soldier said as you followed him through the snow. He opened the door, pushing it open to reveal a rusty old elevator behind steel bars. "We are late,"

"I don't know why you think that's my fault," you muttered under your breath as you stepped inside the elevator. "Where are we going?"

The elevator ride was both long and fast. It felt like your life was flying by you. For all you knew, they could take you down there to kill you. Or worse.

When the elevator doors opened, the whole room was cold. Freezing. You shivered, realising you were wearing your suit. Except all the weapons had been detached. A brown file was on an old desk, with your name written across the front.

"y/n y/l/n, Winter's Angel, partner of the infamous Winter Soldier," the guard read from the first page of the file. "You are a great asset to hydra, your work thus far is appreciated, but due to your recent failure on the Captain America project,"

"Which was meant to kill me?"

"Do not interrupt," you stood back, "hydra have decided to place you in freeze until your skills are needed."

That was why it was so cold. The guard opened a steel door to a chamber where literal icicles were forming. You were pushed inside by the shoulders, without time to realise. "Wow it's cold," you said, as the steel door was slammed close in front of you. "Oh great,"

It was then that your eyes felt heavy as a cold mist fell over your body.

Authors Note: this took me so long and I'm so sorry

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