Chapter 1

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"Lets begin!"

The Eagle Fang and Miyagi-Do students glanced around at each other in confusion. What exactly were they beginning?

Demetri raised his hand, "begin what exactly?"

The two sensei's looked at each other. Andy glanced at her friends on her right and her boyfriend and best friend on her left. They shared the same look she did.

"Begin a new era," Daniel started. "Many of us used to be enemies. But rivalries...don't need to last forever. The All Valley Tournament is just a few months away, and this year, the stakes are higher than they've ever been. We know that Cobra Kai is gonna use every dirty trick in the book. There's only one we're gonna be able to beat-"

"By kicking their asses so hard they shit themselves," Johnny interrupted his fellow sensei. "You're gonna take things to the next level. We're gonna teach you an aggression stronger than anything Cobra Kai can throw at us. They strike first? We'll pre-strike!"

"Okay. Were getting ahead of ourselves. We are going to respond to what they do."

"Eagles do not respond. They swoop down and take whatever they want. That's what we're gonna do; Take back the Valley."

"Take it back in a measured and organized approach."

"We bite first!"

Andy glanced over at her boyfriend, who turned to look at her. Both held doubtful faces. Daniel and Johnny's karate teaching methods were much different. One was taught to respond and the other was taught to strike first. It would take a while before they found something to work for the both of them.

"Okay, let's just warm up with some simple exercises," Daniel finally ordered.

"Alright, line up!" Johnny ordered. The students did as told, lining up in front of their sensei's.

"Just breathe and follow me," Daniel instructed the students. Miyagi-do did as told.

"Fighting positions! Right leg back. Front kick ready. Hi-yah!" Mitch ended up kicking Nate to the floor. Andy gasped softly and ran down to see if he was alright.

"Shit dude I'm sorry," Mitch apologized. Nate let out a weak groan.

"You okay?" Andy asked, turning him on his stomach so she could investigate the wound. It wasn't really nothing, just probably would bruise.

"Yep." He nodded and took her hand to help him up. Andy rubbed the part of his back that got kicked for a moment before she went back over to her boyfriend.

Next was sparing. Bert and Mitch were up first. They used their techniques to fight and strike which really looked like they were slapping each other.

"Hey, you're just swinging at each other." Daniel quickly broke them up. "Don't you teach any defense?" He turned towards Johnny.

"Best defense is more offense," Mitch informed his new sensei. Using his distraction to his advantage, Bert kicked him in the side and then kick him back into a rock. Mitch landed harshly and fell to the floor.

Andy put her head into her hands as Mitch groaned out. Miguel rubbed her back as he sighed himself. This was not turning out well.

"Why do you have a rock in your dojo?" Johnny turned towards Daniel.

Demetri and Sam were up next. the two kept circling each other, not actually fighting. It was actually a little boring as Daniel continued to encourage them to circle.

"alright one of you two do something. What the hell is this?" Johnny interrupted.

"That's not really how this works. One of us has to be provoked," Demetri explained. Johnny took his empty water bottle and threw it at the boy.

"Provoked yet?"

Andy sighed at her father, turning to hide her face in her boyfriend's chest.

Next was the simple training of Miyagi-Do, the wax on and off. While they were doing just that, Johnny was using this as an advantage to clean out his car.

"That's right, clean it good. Want it to look brand-spanking-new." Johnny called out to the Eagle Fang students. "Get all the cans out of there. If you find any loose change it belongs to me or Andy."

And then a very dangerous obstacle course. Using fire and broken glass, Johnny had them running and kicking and swinging. It ended in Chris barfing in some boat, while Daniel tried to get him to stop.

And some more sparing, this time inside so nobody would get kicked into a rock. Hawk and Mitch stood in front of each other, waiting on the other to attack. Hawk was first to attack, hitting him back and back until Mitch dodged and Hawk's foot went right through the paper wall.

"Oh shit," Hawk quickly stepped back.

"You see, this is why we don't spar in here," Daniel spoke in anger, although he was calm.

"Alright, who's next?"

Class concluded that day with exhausted students and angry sensei's.

"Do you think they'll ever get along?" Miguel asked on the drive home.

"Probably not. This is a 40 year rivalry they have, it's not easy to brush under the bridge. Not to mention their karate styles are much much different," Andy sighed, glancing at the boy next to her before looking back at the road.

"If we can't figure something out, Cobra Kai wins."

"I know, Diaz. We can figure this out. It's only the first class." Andy held out her hand. Miguel smiled softly, taking her hand into his own, pressing a kiss to the back of hers.

"I love you."

"I know."

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