Chapter 2

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Johnny decided to make dinner for the Diaz and Lawrence households. Surprisingly his dish was culture friendly and actually really good.

"Dinner is served. Tonight's main course is fajitas and grilled vegetables. I have pick de gallo, and corn and flour tortillas." Andy smiled proudly at her father as he listed off the foods.

"Wow. This looks delicious, Johnny," Carmen smiled fondly.

"Thanks. I got the recipe off the Chili's website. I wanted it to be authentic." Andy glanced at Miguel in amusement.

"autentico para quien? Somos exuadorianos, no mexicanos. (Authentic for who? We're Ecuadorian not Mexican.)" Rosa spoke in spanish. Andy almost choked on the food in her mouth.

"Mama." Carmen laughed.

"Here try this." Johnny held up a jar. "Spicy Mango. Just like the old country." He untwisted the top and started to poor onto Rosa's plate. Rosa quickly stopped him, thanking him.

"So how was the big first day?" Carmen asked the three.

"Uh, you know, it's the first day. Work in progress." Johnny answered, not wanting to go into detail.

"I'm happy you and Daniel are working together. I just want to make sure Miggy and Andy are safe."

"I said my back's in better shape than ever, okay?" Miguel defended.

"You don't have to worry, I keep a very good eye on him." Andy smirked a little. Miguel turned towards her and winked, the two laughing in response.

"She's your mom, she's always gonna worry," Johnny defended the woman. "But don't worry, I'm watching him." He reassured her.

"Entonces mijo, dime, ¿cómo te gusta hacer kárate con tu novia? (So tell me, how do you like doing karate with your girlfriend?)" Rosa spoke in a teasing tone. "¿Ustedes disfrutan mucho del combate uno a uno? (You guys enjoy a lot of one-on-one sparring)" She punched her fists together in amusement before giggling.

"I'm glad you two are finally together. You're cute." Carmen smiled at the two. Andy quickly leaned over and pressed a kiss to her boyfriend's cheek.

"We're not the only ones getting together, huh, Sensei?" Johnny's face quickly fell at Miguel's words. "He had a date with the love of his life."

"The one that got away?" Andy teased.

"Is that right?" Carmen asked in a strained tone.

"It wasn't a date, no."

"He's being modest. We took those cool pictures and made you look-not to say you didn't look cool already, but you know, he had to look special for the special lady." Miguel smiled down at his girlfriend. "Like this one." He pressed a quick kiss to her head.

"Why don't you tell them about the sushi?" Andy teased her father.

"We don't have to talk about it," Johnny quickly answered.

Miguel sighed, "I don't know what he's being shy right now. Look, we went to the sushi spot because Ali likes sushi, or so we thought. So we got the dragon roll..."

Dinner ended a half hour later. Andy was quick to drag Miguel off to her room, the two giggling the whole way. The parents watched them go with fond eyes.

The couple collapsed on the bed, Miguel's arm behind her head.

"We barely get any alone time anymore." Andy groaned out, turning on her side to wrap her arms around his waist.

"I know," He sighed, wrapping his arms around her as well. "With school and karate and you working..."

"I wish we could be together all the time."

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