Formation of Dream Team

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*Third Person P

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*Third Person P.O.V*

After the events of Naruto trying to steal the scroll and him being promoted to a Genin, the three went for a treat, celebrating the cause of Naruto becoming a Genin. It was day time and today was the day the Genin's would be placed in their own teams. (Y/n) got dressed and made her way to the academy.

She entered her classroom and sat next to Sakura. "Morning Sakura chan~" (y/n) cooed in her ears, her hot breath tickling Sakura's neck. "M- mor- morning (y/n) chan!" Sakura responded. Her face was a bright pink colour, the thought of her friend being so close to her got her flustered. Sasuke was jealous. It should have been him. "Ne Sakura chan, who do you want in your team?" (y/n) asked.

"I'd love to be paired with you (y/n) chan! To be honest, anyone would do except Naruto." she replied. (Y/n) understood why she wouldn't want him, he had been a very loud person since he was five, who could blame him for throwing such tantrums, anyone would do such a thing if they are being treated like a monster. "Sakura chan! I think if you spend more time with Naruto, you would like him!" she responded.

At that moment, Naruto made his way to the two girls, but Ino beat him to it. "Good morning (y/n) chan!" she spoke in the most sweetest tone ever. Sakura was upset. Why did she have to come here and talk to her (y/n)? "Morning." (y/n) responded, uninterested in the follow up conversation. Luckily God heard (y/n)'s prayers and Iruka sensei came to class. "Childern I'll be right back, I'll go get the list." He said as he left the class.

Naruto soon sat beside (y/n). He was a blushing mess because he was sitting beside Sakura as well. He was sitting with two very beautiful girls. Sasuke soon shifted and sat beside (y/n), pushing Naruto away from her. He got upset and sat on the table. "Man. You're so annoying." Sasuke spoke up. Naruto was intensely staring at Sasuke when (y/n) grabbed Naruto's face and began scolding at him.

Sasuke, Ino, Sakura, Shikamaru, Hinata and Kiba were watching the scene as (y/n) was sarcastically scolding him. As they were talking the people were adding fuel to the fire, when something very unexpected happened. The boy sitting infront of Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto and (y/n) suddenly hit Naruto's back, he fell forward. The people watching were in complete shock.

Naruto's lips connected with (y/n)'s. Both of their eyes in shock. To be honest, to Naruto, (y/n) had such soft and delicate lips, so kissable. He was a blushing mess. He would definitely brag about it. To (y/n), his lips were soft, it tasted like fruits? But she definitely found it fun. She was going to tease him for the rest of his life. The two parted lips, Naruto had a dark blush on his face and (y/n) had a cocky look.

"Na. Ru. To." Sakura and Ino looked at Naruto and (y/n), as (y/n) teasingly called out to him. "Naruto! I bet you enjoyed it~" she cooed, teasing the poor boy. Sasuke, Kiba and Shikamaru were super pissed. It's should have been them. Not Naruto! Hinata was just there.. sitting and maybe planning to confront him. "Oh my Naruto~ you must be very blessed!" (y/n) again spoke up, teasing the hell out of the boy.

Before any of the boy's could attack him, Iruka sensei made his way back to class, saving Naruto. "Okay students! So since this class has an uneven number of students, one team will have an extra member. In total, we have formed ten teams. Everyone line up beside me. As I'll be calling your names, make your way to a bench. After getting into your teams, your team leader will come to escort you guys. Good luck!" Iruka sensei explained. Everyone stood next to him. He began taking team names.

"In Team seven, we have Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke and (y/n)." He spoke. Naruto was happy about the fact that his team had the two girls he found the prettiest in class. Sasuke was.. happy. He was happy. Yea. Sakura began crying, whereas (y/n) would enjoy teasing Everyone on her team. "Iruka sensei, I have a question." (y/n) spoke up after Ituka formed the teams.

"Why am I in team seven?" she asked. "Well, Sakura has good marks in her exam and is pretty good at Chakra control, she would succeed as a medical ninja. Sasuke got the second highest marks in written examination and he would be a good fit for being the smart kid, but he needs to work on teamwork. Naruto.... is a lost cause. And you have the potential of making this team a Dream Team!"

Those last words, just added on to her ego, making her feel like a bad bitch. "Thank you Iruka sensei~" (y/n) responded in the most cockiest tone ever. "Now then, your sensei will be coming to pick you guys up! All the best and Congratulations once again!" Iruka said, he was slightly upset, this was one of his favorite class. (Y/n) soon went up to him and hugged him. She pulled away soon as she is bad at expressing physical affection and those people would call her out for it again and again.

"Byee sensei, you will be missed because you're the best!" she told her sensei, breaking away from the hug. His eyes began to water, he went as the teachers of each team came to pick up their students. Soon there were three teams left. Shikamaru, Ino and Choji, Kiba, Shino and Hinata and Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto and (y/n). "Choji! Do you have anything to eat?" (y/n) asked him. He hands her a candy bar. As she was savoring the treat, she noticed many eyes on her.

"Sakura chan~ you look hungry. Here, take a bite." (y/n) said, before giving Sakura a bite from her bitten bar. 'OMG IT'S AN INDITECT KISS' Sakura's alter ego thought. She happily took a bit as now it was only their team that was left. "When is our sensei going to come!" Naruto screamed, frustration showing on his tired body.

When was their sensei going to come...?


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