《 The Sand Shinobi 》

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*Second Person P

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*Second Person P.O.V*

You were awoken from your mighty slumber. 'WHY' you thought to yourself, as you saw Konahamaru jump on the window sill comfort area. "Konohamaru.... What is it?" you call out to the over excited boy. "You've got to come and see what's happening with Naruto!!" He yells back. 'Must be something stupid.' You make your way to the shower and get dressed up for the day.

"Gramps! Going out with Konohamaru. I'll have breakfast later!! Byeeeee!!" you call out to him from his room. Konohamaru begins pulling you towards a secluded area in the village lanes. There you see Naruto being chased by Sakura. "Konohamaru. Go wait next to Naruto." You soon appear behind Sakura, holding her by the waist.

"Sakura chan~" you quietly whisper in her ear. The familiar voice made Sakura jump slightly, as Naruto stared at the two of you interact. He was slightly jealous. "Sakura chan, what did he do now?" you question, as your grip on her waist loosens, so she can now face you and the two boys. "HE WAS TELLING EVERYONE THAT I'M HIS GIRLFRIEND!" Sakura yells in annoyance.

"Now Naru kun. You don't do that. You don't steal what's mine now, do you?" Your eyes turn slightly darker.

Sakura turns her head sharply at your statement and instantly blushes. "I WASN'T (Y/N) CHAN!!!" Naruto yells in response, as he goes running, grabbing Konohamaru. Your dark eyes turn back into a playful one, as you tackle Naruto down. While Konohamaru tried escaping you, he bumped into something... stiff...... "Who are you? LEAVE MEEEEE" He yells out, as the figure pulls his ear, lifting him off the ground.

*Third Person P.O.V*

The three of them go running towards Konohamaru's scream, as (Y/n) witnesses the sight infront of her. "HEY! LEAVE KONOHAMARU RIGHT NOW!" Naruto yells at the odd looking boy. The boy was dropped in a black outfit, his lips and eyes were drawn with purple make up. His head gear looked kind of cute, it looked like he wore cat ears, which kind off simplified his Gothic look. "The name is Kankuro. And I wouldn't mind pointing out, but that girl there seems to be enjoying the view eh?"

Kankuro called out to (Y/n), who did not realised, but made it pretty obvious, she was staring at Kankuro. A small tsundere blush appeared on her face, only which the readers could notice. "Nope, just staring at pure bad luck." she retorts back, before swiftly appearing near Kankuro and nearly breaking his wrist, while Sasuke from above a tree threw a rock at Kankuro.

"OWWW LEAVE ME-" Kankuro yelled into her ears, not before she blocked an attack from her blind spot, surprising the girl who was planning to attack her. "Try harder next time and I might give you a surprise in return." (Y/n) sneakily flirts with blonde girl, as she backs off. (Y/n) grabs Konohamaru, who had a shocked face now, blushing at his sister's cool moves.

"You touch him next time and I'll make sure that you won't be able to perform any sort of jutsu." Her voice darkens, as the aura around her slowly turns into something more than just anger. She looks back at Konohamaru and checks for any particular injury. "Can you two stop being an embarrassment to our Village?" A deep and rusty voice calls out, getting everybody's attention. Sasuke and Sakura soon appear near Naruto, Konohamaru and (Y/n), looking out at the new guest.

"Sorry about that. What's your name?" The rusty voice, who now comes infront of (Y/n) questions with a hint of anger and curiosity. He had beautiful teal eyes filled with sorrow, like she had seen herself in him, his red hair complimented his outfit and mark tatted on his forehead. The huge instrument he carried at the back was what caught everyone's eyes.

"Ryomen." she spoke back, as the boy introduced himself as Gaara. "I shall hope to fight with you at the Chunin exams." His voice hisses with anger and frustration, not only because he always looked like that, but maybe because the girl infront of him did not fear his power once. Maybe....

The three of them soon disperse as (Y/n) looks at Konohamaru with concern. Shikamaru, Kiba, Ino, Hinata, Choji and Shino come and greet team seven. "That's your brother (Y/n)..?" Kiba questions out of curiosity. "N-" "Yes. Got a problem dog breath?" (Y/n) replied back out of pure sacarsm. Maybe (Y/n) was the only one who did not notice this, but Konohamaru had a deep blush and a genuine smile on his face, which made the other genins heart melt.

"Kakashi sensei has called to meet yall by the way." Shikamaru responds in a bored tone. "Kay. Konohamaru, go straight home, or else no dinner. Go now." (Y/n) instructs her brother, as he happily agrees.

《《《《《《《《 ♤ ♤ 》》》》》》》》

"So I guess you've met and heard about the Chunin exams?" Kakashi questions with curiosity, as the four students nod in response. "But here's the thing. I won't let yall answer the exams." "Oh o- WHAT?" (Y/n) and Naruto speak in unison. "Yes. You all aren't very well prepared. The most important thing for the Chunin exam is something that you all need to work on."

"And....?" Sakura questions. "Well, teamwork. I thought it was pretty obvi-" "We're answering the exam. Right guys?" (Y/n) calls out to the rest of her teammates. "Heck yes we are!" Naruto responds with slight excitement. "See; there Kakashi sensei, you've got your answer. Put our names for the exam." Sasuke adds on, which was pretty odd, as he wouldn't be very vocal about such stuff.

"If you all say so. Although I do feel you all would still need training, I'll put up your names..." He continues talking, looking at Sakura. (Y/n) quickly notices Sakura slightly frown. "OI KAKASHI SENSEI, MY SAKURA CHAN IS LITERALLY SO STRONG! IF SHE WANTED TO, SHE WOULD KICK YOUR ASS RIGHT NO-" (Y/n)'s mouth was blocked by Sakura's, as a deep blush appeared on her face.

"I THINK SO WE SHOULD ALL PUT OUR NAMES!" she awkwardly announces, as Kakashi agrees to her request, chuckling at the team. 'So they finally unders-' "NARUTO AND SASUKE I WILL KILL BOTH OF Y-" "KAKASHI SENSEIIIIIIIII" Naruto yells as he uses Kakashi to shelter from (Y/n)'s flames. He awkwardly chuckles in a concern at this purely cute friendship.

 He awkwardly chuckles in a concern at this purely cute friendship

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