Beware The Sound Ninja

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*Anko's P

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*Anko's P.O.V*

I woke up with a painful headache, the voices echoing did not help as well. I tried to collect myself, looking around and realizing that I have been saved. "LORD HOKAGE! OROCHI-" "Yes. I've heard the details already. Let us continue with the Chunin exams, reduce the phase two from a week till five days. Am I clear?" I nodded back hesitantly, as I requested the security getting tighter around the Forest of Death.

*Third Person P.O.V*

Sakura took great care of (Y/n), which led to her instant recovery. The two sat together, taking care of Sasuke and Naruto. "(Y/n).... They've got fever...." Sakura's voice echoed in the trunk. "Don't worry Sakura chan! I believe that your medicine will work pretty well on them. I have re-" Her voice was cut off, as the two noticed a small line of wire set up, indicating a trap.

"But when?!" Sakura whispered, as (Y/n) came up with a plan. "Sakura. Take care of the two. I'll go release the trap." She soon took two steps forward, not before dodging the incoming log. She cut off the wire, resulting in another log crashing down. She was knocked out.

"HA! LOSER! WASNT SHE THE ONE TO UNDERESTIMATE US?" A womanly voice called out, pulling Sakura our from the tree trunk. Sakura, who had been exhausted and had no sleep for the past two days, struggled to get away from her hold.

The near by bush suddenly shifted.

"Choji! Stop Moving so much! I need to see Sakura get destroyed by this team! Ha!" Ino whisper shouted, although it sounded fake, she won't accept any positive remarks towards Sakura. Shikamaru looked in pure concern. The log had been a bit too heavy, pressing down on (Y/n)'s body. He tried to move away, but Ino pulled him back.

Right then Rock Lee appeared, launching numerous attacks, with his powerful and incredible jutsu. But before he could ward off another genin, the huge genin crushed him against a rock, making his body lie flat.

"Well, looks like your little crush can't do anything but lie down! HAHAHAH!" The other genin snorted, not before Sakura looking at (Y/n)'s direction.

Sakura began fighting all the attacks, a shuriken passing right next to her forehead, stay and bruise marks appearing on her fresh sweaty skin. Before Sakura coukd attack the genin, the female kicked her back, making her kneel. She forcefully grabbed onto her long cherry hair. And began the taunting words.

"Well, well. You really think I'm that weak?" Sakura lowly growled. The grip on her tightens, making her let out a small yet painful grunt. "You say something, you whore?" Ino shook in anger, much to Shikamaru's guess. "Le- let's help them." Was all she said. Before Ino could do anything, Sakura did something shocking.

She looked magnificent and powerful, her hair flying. The little baby hair stuck to her sweaty and bloody face. Sakura had chopped her hair.

She soon landed a kick on the woman's shin, right after passing out in a specific woman's arms. It was (Y/n). Oh no. She was angered.

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