chapter uno.

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you and mirabel were like the two black sheep of the family. you both didn't have any powers.

this made occasions like putting up the decorations for a miracle ceremony just that tad bit harder, as you were both eager to help, yet inadequate to provide the aid the other members of the family did.

so you both slittered around the edges of the castia, hanging bunting to oomph up the party spirit. you liked to think of it as hand touched details. although isabela could most definitely get the job done in two seconds, you were spending time and effort on this. because you wanted it to be perfect.

after the perfect family took you in.

not in an adoption sense, instead after befriending a certain madrigal, it seemed you were then a part of the family madrigal.

you had just stuck around there long enough, to make it feel as if you were. you were like a second tia to all the cousins, and they all loved you.

i mean, who wouldn't love someone who gave you both christmas and birthday presents?

and so they were raised believing you were as close to the family as blood.

so that's why you didn't have any powers. you were an outsider on the inside. mirabel was still a mystery.

careful precision was put into the decorating. so much so that you hadn't even noticed mirabel was still on the ground floor, and you had raced up onto the top.

julieta's door.. you thought nothing of it. brighter than ever. and pepa's, she was truly like a sister to you.. had its beautiful golden glow.

but as you strayed further and further away, in a burning desire to make everything perfect, you came across a door with no glow. no enticing beauty in it.

but as you studied the intricacies of the woodwork, the tiny details to make up the bigger picture, you realised it was beautiful. truly beautiful.

but as your realised who's it was, a voice whispered in your head.


and a cold shiver ran down your spine like it always did. every hair on your body stood at its ends. every time you heard his name.

and a million memories of him flashed in your head. hanging out in his room, or talking on rooftops until your eyes both sagged, or julieta's wedding, and slow dancing until your legs were weak.

happy, sad, passionate or simple. your young adulthood; it was always you two, together.

up until the last moment.

you'll never know what was truly happening in his head at the time. you'll never know how he truly felt, but as you told him - told him finally after all these years you were in love with him, he simply stood there, expressionless. until he turned, and started to walk away.

right out of this door.

and you had never seen him again.

not after 10 years.

'y/n.. are you...?

you span on your heels. you swore the voice sounded familiar.

but it wasn't his wide inquisitive eyes you were met with, instead it was mirabel's.

concerned, like when someone accidentally said his name at the dinner table, and everyone would look your way to see how you'd react.

'we don't talk about bruno.'  they'd be told with a thwack to their shoulder, and the matter was not discussed again.

but the name still stuck to you, many moments after.

you tried to silence his name in your mind, but it would repeat and repeat like a cursed mantra.

but as mirabel's eyes only widened, you hushed your mind whilst answering, 'fine! yep, absolutely fine. i'm a-ok!'

'okay... do you wanna help me coax antonio out of his room? i've got the present we got for him, i just need you as backup. you're so great with him, y'know.'

it's true, you were a pure expert with children. perhaps that's why you were the godmother of all the 3rd generation madrigals.

you constantly wished you had kids of your own. it's not that you didn't appreciate caring for them enough, it's just, the idea of having your own well, it felt like...


but there was always that voice in the back of your head telling you not to. that you weren't ready. it was like you were constantly waiting for something...

as you nodded, mirabel grabbed your arm, and edged you further and further away from the door you were magnetized to.

a million memories, yet the photo reel ended so suddenly.

the only question was why?

why did he leave?

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