chapter dos.

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a/n a well-deserved long chapter for a long wait. thank you so much for all your reads and votes, this book's one chapter actually has more reads than four chapters of my camilo x reader put together. so hats off to you guys - bruno lovers come through strong. ily all <3


the gifting ceremony had been a joy - a pure joy. although you had to admit you felt anxious when antonio called both you and mirabel over and enlisted you to take a hand each. nevertheless, all your fears left you, and as antonio's door shone brighter, you smiled wider than you had in a long time.

everyone danced until the late hours of the night, you felt alive by the sound of the music and the beat of the drum. dancing with pepa and felix and enough animals to fit in a zoo almost made you forget about everything.

but soon enough, memories of the last gifting ceremony caught up with you. every so often, your mind would flashback to that night, stomach dropping as you remembered the events that coincided. you thought of the anxiety on mirabel's face as her door faded. you recalled the feelings you admitted to him that evening. and you remembered the sight of the back of his head, as he flew through the door, and didn't even look back.

the last time you saw him in 10 years.

and it was so similar to today, you couldn't help the memories arising in your mind.

had he been planning to leave for a long time, and your admittance had pushed him over the edge?

or was it a spur of the moment decision? did he just not want to live a life where he knew you were in love with him?

these questions had kept you up many a sleepless night. luckily, the consistency of this happening had fizzled down after the five-year mark of him not being here. It was a long time, and ten years was even longer. but the gifting ceremony seemed to reawake every question that flittered around your mind before. it was like the pure memory of it, forced you to relive the past.

your rhythm slowed until you were no longer dancing. your body felt like it was swimming. treading water. it was strange, how someone so distant from your life could still have such an impact on you... such a...

suddenly you were walking. fast footsteps away from the dancefloor. you didn't know if anyone had noticed, but your breath had quickened, and your heart was beating heavily in your chest and sweat slickened your forehead. it always happened if you thought too much about someone in particular and abruptly you knew you had to get out of there.

there was only one place you wanted to go.

before you knew it, you were standing in front of his door again. the music distant, the pace of your breath slowing, and your eyes tracing the intricate details of the woodwork.

you were mesmerized. so transfixed in the past, and so certain it was better to the present, oblivious to the fact that you could be living here and now in the moment.

sure, it wouldn't be with him. but it would be with the rest of your family.

and suddenly it seemed as if your wish had been granted. because suddenly, everyone from the party filed into the balcony, led by mirabel.

but you knew you didn't want everyone to see you like this. you knew you didn't want them to bring up the b-word, not tonight, it was antonio's night. so you ducked behind a pillar. a master of disguise.

but as you focused your attention to the hoard of people again, you noticed everyone had a strained face of fear upon them.

and mirabel's eyes looked bigger than luisa's biceps.

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