chapter tres.

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'well get down, otherwise they'll see you!'

you didn't wish to argue with that logic.

you immediately ducked, crawling over to where the boy was sitting against a crate.

'how many rounds has it been now?' he asked, as if you weren't some stranger, and he had known you all his life.

'6.' it somewhat baffled you, how he correctly assumed you were playing.

'ah, i lose track around two.' you mellowed over the idea, laughing slightly. he didn't seem cocky about it. in fact, it was as if he was simply stating it like a fact. when he noticed your reaction, it only somewhat spurred him on, wanting to be the class clown.

'they seem to forget me..' and he chuckled slightly too.

as if to ignore the sad sentiment behind his words

your eyesight slid across to him, and now you were nearer you got the chance to properly study him. you noticed the light freckles scattered across his nose and the emerald green shade of his eyes, seemingly rather familiar... to pepa's. suddenly, it hit you that he must be the brother they hadn't found for 6 rounds. you knew you had found his lair of secrecy.

as your eyes widened, he double took, recoiling.

'hang on, who are you?'

it felt slightly as if things were going around in circles.

'i'm y/n.'

as you looked across, it seemed for the first time, he met your gaze. and as you shared eye contact, a fluttering sensation resonated in your stomach.


'bruno i know'

'oh jeez, what have my dear sisters said about me?'

'nothing..' you trailed off, making him give you an uneasy look.

'nothing! i swear nothing!' you emplored, not wanting him to feel preyed upon. but in plain fact, they hadn't really mentioned much, except for him being a triplet. it was strange he assumed they would have said otherwise, and supposedly worse.

nonetheless, you cast the thought aside, as he asked the next question.

'how did you find my spot anyway?'

'well, it's a pretty obvious spot, when you climb that pole...' she gestured, referencing her climbing route earlier.

'and boost yourself up onto the railing...' he finished her sentence for her. a look of amazed bewilderment striking his face. he had gone round after round after round of no one finding him. for this random girl he had never met before, just climb up the same route as he did.. well it was...

he had nothing else to say, but to smile, and say.

'well, i suppose welcome to my spot.' he outstretched his hands out wide as if he owned the place.

but you were quick to argue, pointing a clear finger at him, 'i think you mean welcome to MY spot. i found it as well!'

a look came upon him, and he just knew, even at that point, you weren't someone that was going to go down without a fight. 'okay.. okay, it can be OUR spot. and no one else knows about it, except me and you.'

a spot. it felt rather important. it was like she already owned a part of this town. even if it was with a boy she had only just met. but he seemed nice enough.

'like a hideout.' you trailed, feeling the word on your tongue.

'or den.' he offered.

'a secret base!' you theatrically presented, with jazz hands and all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2022 ⏰

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