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Y/n pov
After the field trip was over and I got home grandpa looked at me and smiled

Grandpa: hey there champ how was your trip?

Y/n:*sick* I don't feel well I'm gonna go to bed.

Grandma: are you sure? Do you want a bite to eat?

Y/n: no thanks, already had one.

When I got to my room I take off my shirt because I was sweating heavily, and I grabbed a blanket fell on the floor with it and passed out.


Scientist: Dr Osborn please the performance enhancers aren't ready, the data doesn't justify this test. Now I'm asking you this one last time, please don't do this

Norman: don't be a coward doctor. Risks are apart of laboratory science.

Scientist: please let me reschedule, with the proper medical staff, and  a proper volunteer, just give me two weeks.

Norman: Two weeks? Two weeks we'll have lost the contract and OScorp will be dead. Sometimes you have to do things yourself.*points to vile on desk* hand me that vile doctor.

Scientist: *hands it to him* why do you need it?

Norman: it begins catalyzation when the vapor hits the blood stream. Now this needs to work, we've put almost all our funding into trying to recreate Dr Erskine super soldier serum and if this doesn't work it'll be for nothing. Forty thousand years of human evolution we've barely tapped the vastness of human potential that Erskine figured out.

He drinks the entire vile then slams it on the ground shattering it. He then gets on the table as the scientist puts the clamps down

Norman: oh that's cold

The scientist finishes strapping him in and presses a button which slides him in the chamber, the scientist types a few more keys on the computer before looking at Osborn. He nods at him and the scientist presses enter which releases green gas into the chamber that covers Osborn in it, the scientist looks at the monitor and sees muscle strength increase and heart beat increase at rapid rate, he looks back at the chamber in concern

Scientist: Norman?

Inside the gas clears a bit where he sees Norman thrashing around like crazy with his eyes rolled into the back of his head until he suddenly stops and the monitor flat lines. The scientist presses a button that airs out the gas and he opens the chamber to help Osborn

Scientist: Norman! Oh my God Norman!

He looks at him in fear thinking he's dead so he gives him chest compressions a few times before he hears and looks back and sees the heartbeat monitor go off and sighs in relief before he grabbed by the throat by Osborn who has a look of pure rage as he says

Norman: back to formula?

He throws him with great force through the glass and into machinery killing him.

Y/n pov next morning
I wake up and I feel a lot better than I was yesterday I get and walk past my mirror to my closet before I go back to my mirror and see I'm ripped, not to suggest I wasn't scrawny but this was very different from what I was before.

Y/n pov next morningI wake up and I feel a lot better than I was yesterday I get and walk past my mirror to my closet before I go back to my mirror and see I'm ripped, not to suggest I wasn't scrawny but this was very different from what I was before

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