With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

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3rd pov
After discovering his new powers and failed web swinging and looking for a way to find a car he signed up for a fight which if he won he would win 3000 dollars and making a costume for himself he gets ready to go to the 'public library'

Y/n: hey I'm heading out I'll be back in a bit.

Grandpa: I'll take you there make the trip easier.

Y/n: oh no grandpa that's okay I'll just take the train.

Grandpa: no I'll take ya plus I need the exercise.

Grandpa grabs his coat and motions for y/n out the door which he does and as he goes to follow he gives wife an 👌 sign and walks out the door.

Small timeskip
After driving in silence to the library they eventually get there and y/n goes to get out but his grandpa stops him before he could.

Grandpa: wait y/n I wanna talk to you for a sec.

Y/n: we can talk later grandpa

Grandpa: no we can talk now.

Y/n hesitates for a moment before closing the door to listen to his grandpa.

Grandpa: y/n we haven't really talked in a while and me and your grandma don't even know who you are anymore. I mean you blow off your chores, have those weird experiments in your room and start fights at school-

Y/n:(defensively) I didn't start that fight I told you that.

Grandpa: well you sure as hell finished it.

Y/n:(frustrated) well what the hell was I supposed to do just stand there and take it?

Grandpa: don't you take that tone with me. And no you're not supposed to stand there and take it but....y/n look you're changing I know I went through the exact same thing when I was your age.

Y/n: no not exactly the same.

Grandpa: y/n these are the years where a man changes into who he's gonna become for the rest of his life...just be careful who you change into.

Y/n takes in the words feeling frustrated yet conflicted and didn't know how to respond then his grandpa spoke again which got his attention.

Grandpa: this flash Thompson kid, he probably deserved what happened, but just because you can beat him up doesn't give you the right to. Remember with great power comes great responsibility.

Y/n looks at his grandfather now more irritated by what he said.

Y/n: are you afraid that I'm going to turn into some kind of criminal? Quit worrying about me, something's different I'll figure it out, just stop lecturing me please.

Grandpa: I don't mean to lecture and I don't mean to preach. And I know I'm not your father-

Y/n:(angry) Then stop pretending to be! Dad had a chance to stay and he fucking blew it and that's why mom killed herself! Dad never said he loved me, he never even told me he liked me, and it's because of that I'm stuck wondering every day why he left and why he thought to leave and not stay with his own son!!!

Grandpa looked down upset by his grandson's words as y/n was close to letting his tears flow but he kept his composure. He goes to exit the car but stops and thinks about everything his grandpa said before taking a deep breath and closing the door and looks at his father-figure apologetically.

Y/n: I'm sorry for what I said.... it's just that I can never forgive dad for leaving like he did and it's just not something I want to talk about ever and I shouldn't have taken it out on you. I'm sorry grandpa.

I. AM. SPIDER-MAN: Spider-Man male reader x MCUWhere stories live. Discover now