This is a continuation story. The original was made @S1mp_Senpa1. All Credits for the first 11 Chapters goes to them. I've modified the story but it is still the same storyline. I hope you will enjoy this story!
*Y/n walks to the couch while Ame was still holding tight and sobbing*
Amelia: Don't go...baka...
Y/n: *sigh*
Narration: I should've expected this. I knew something was up. Since we played fear pong she was never the same. I gotta give it to her though, confessing openly like this. Its a bit awkward now, I can't do anything.
Ina: So I guess you guys are going to date huh.
Y/n: Well I'm not sure ye-
*Door rings*
Lucas: Y/n! Its me!
Y/n: Crap! Guys go hide, its my friend. Ame! Ame! Stand up I need to answer the door.
Narration: I just can't get a W today can I? I answered the door and Lucas was standing there grinning.
Lucas: Funny meeting your here Y/n.
Y/n: Hello creepy stalker. Why are you here?
Lucas: I followed your car. *Waves at taxi driver*
Lucas: What happened to that girl from the bookstore. *Pushes Y/n to get in*
Y/n: Hey, the hell are you doing?
Lucas: Where is she?
Y/n: I don't know what you are talking about.
Lucas: This house is pretty huge, even by Japanese standards.
-Gura's pov:
Gura: Why are we all in here?
Kiara: Shh we can't let them hear us.
Gura: Why are we in this tiny closet.
Calli: We didn't have any time to hide somewhere else.
*Peeks outside*
Gura: Who is this guy? Why is he here?
Calli: Gura! Don't move too much. We're gonna fall out of this thing. I'm holding the door with all my might.
Ina: Gu- gu- Hachoo!
-Y/n's pov:
Y/n: You should leave. I have stuff to do.
Lucas: Come one we can hang out some mo-
Narration: The disappointment. I've never felt this much disappointment in my life as I slowly turn my back and see 5 girls falling cartoonishly out of a closet.
*Face palm*
Lucas: Well, well, well. *Claps slowly*
Y/n: Those are mannequins. Anyway, nice having you here. *Slowly pushing Lucas out*
Amelia: Ina what the heck!
Ina: I'm sorry! Kiara's hair was in my face.
Kiara: Well I'm sorry for having such lush hair.
Lucas: *walks towards the girls* Hello there. I'm Lucas.
Narration: I don't have a plan. This is horrible, what should I tell him.
Lucas: Oh btw I know you work for Hololive.
Y/n: What?!
The girls: What?!
Narration: We all sat in the living room.
Calli: So you knew he was the new member?
Lucas: Yes.
Y/n: How?
Lucas: Fine print. I read the fine prints of the audition. Then I just connected the dots.
Y/n: What?
Lucas: *pulls up his phone* "If chosen, you will be instructed orders to move. Your transportation shall be fully paid by Cover Corp."
Y/n: I never knew it was written there.
Lucas: Yeah, you moving here suddenly. You rarely play games anymore and your voice is very similar to the new member. Oh and also your car, it literally had a Cover Corp. logo at the back.
Y/n: ....
Lucas: Well, now you know the truth I hope you wouldn't hide things from me now.
Y/n: I'm sorry.
Kiara: Uh, Lucas is it? Do you want anything? Water or food?
Lucas: No but, can I stay here for the night?
Y/n: Dude!
Gura: Great idea! We can play games together. You play games right?
Lucas: Yes sir! Wait you sound like Gura.
Y/n: Well I don't know if you realize but she is Gura.
Lucas: What?! *Runs to Gura*
Gura: Hello shrimp, it is I! Your rightful master!
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