Chapter 29: Infiltration

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-Gura's Pov

Gura: So how is it?

Henchmen: No luck my lady. We were unable to find a way in.

Gura: Darn it. Tch, he'll find me sooner or later.

Henchmen: I will try my best milady.

Gura: Forget that, launch operation Nyx.

Henchmen: Yes milady. Its in progress as we speak of.

-Y/n's pov-

So now we'll wait behind this van and just wait for the maintenance workers to come back

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So now we'll wait behind this van and just wait for the maintenance workers to come back.

-minutes later-

Y/n: Ok Ina its your que.

Ina: *Walks up behind the office workers*

Worker 1: Oh, hello young lady?

Ina: *Cute voice* Uh, uh. Mwister cwan you hwelp me.

Worker 2: How can we help you?

Ina: Mom asked me to find the meat store but I don't know where it is. 

Worker 1: The butcher you mean? Well its a bit far from here but I can show you the way.

Ina: Nwever mind mwister. *grins* I already found some amazing tenderloins

While the workers we looking at Ina confused, me and Calli both knocked them out. I used a bat and Calli went a bit overboard with a literal car door.

Y/n: And done, great job Ina. Calli though, are you sure he's gonna wake up from that?

Calli: Probably, its just a car door. 

Y/n: Yeah from a Land Cruiser. 

Calli: What's a Land Cruiser?

Y/n: Never mind, as long as he's knocked out. let's pull them behind the van. 

We quickly changed our clothes and drove off.

Ina: Wait what do I do while you guys go in?

Y/n: You're just gonna sit inside and wait for us.

Calli: Do we look suspicious? My name tag isn't really a female name y'know.

Y/n: What do you mean Salman? You're name is perfectly fine.

Calli: Haha very funny. 

Y/n: Just get rid of the tag, it's not like they would check.

I drove near the facility and got flagged down by a security guard.

Guard: Hello there where are you from?

Y/n: Did some maintenance at Hololive.

Guard: Alrighty, pass please.

Y/n: *whispering* Ina stay quiet.

Guard: Welcome back Greggory.

Calli was holding her laugh so bad. Ina banged her a head in laughter.

Guard: What was that?

Y/n: Oh it was some, rats.

Guard: Rats? In your van?

Y/n: Yep.

Guard: O-oh alright you can go now.

The guard looked disgusted after knowing that. I drove in and we made it, into Senzawa Technologies. 

Calli: Man, this place is lit. They even had to do the mirror thing under the van so you know its heavy.

Ina: Ok boomer. No need to act cool in front of the youngsters with your sick vocabulary.

I parked the van in a designated parking lot for the workers.

Y/n: Alright Ina, we're going in. Message us if anything comes up.

Me and Calli went inside. It was huge, humongous, [insert better adjective here]. I was stunned.

Calli: Y/n, don't go there. We need to find where Gura is.

Y/n: Oh ok.

Since Calli memorized the layout I should just follow her. We walked through the worker's lounge and went to the information desk upfront.

Y/n: Um, excuse me. Is it possible to meet Gu- I mean the president?

Lady: The president isn't available at the moment but may I know why would you want to meet her?

Y/n: Well I just wanted to ask her something but it's fine. Thanks.

I walked away to where Calli was waiting.

Calli: No luck?

Y/n: Yeah.

Calli: Should've known. The office is just right over there.

Y/n: Really?

Calli: Yep. Let's go.

Me and Calli walked into an elevator which would bring us up but then. Looks like we had a speedbump in our way.

 Looks like we had a speedbump in our way

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