Unexpected Meeting

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After meeting Thomas, he was impossible to get out of my mind! I felt like a giddy school girl, especially when I sat at my typewriter staring off into space, thinking about his gorgeous eyes and plump lips.

"Adeline! I need that receipt typed out! Come on!" James shouted, pulling me out of my romantic daydream.

"What's gotten into you these days. It's like you're in space!" He laughed, taking the paper from me. I ignored him, slipping back into my daydream. I felt guilty for a moment, knowing it was wrong to think of another man while I was engaged, but I couldn't help it. 

"When is Charles returning from America? We're going to have to look for your replacement, Adeline!" Jack screeched from his office, interrupting James. I dreaded my future with Charles Darcy. The stiff, egotistical manufacturer from Manchester, who called me his fiancee. I didn't even wear the huge engagement ring he placed on my finger. It meant nothing to me. It was his way of displaying his wealth and ego. It was not given to me out of love and because of that, I refused to wear it.

"Replacement?" James questioned, looking at me with pure confusion.

"Adeline won't have to work once she marries Charles. She'll be enjoying breakfast in bed and sherry at night!" Jack was drunk. Ever since Jack returned from France, he turned to the bottle and carried a flask in his jacket. Alcohol was a terrible way of coping, but James said it was probably the only thing that made him escape the war in his head.

"I'm not leaving. I'll still work, even if I have to marry the beast!" I spat just before some clients walked into the office, ending our awful conversation. 

When there was a slow period in the office, I darted out and fetched a ride to the department store where my friend Lily worked. I had a hunch that I would be seeing Mr. Shelby again, and I wanted to be prepared for when I did.

"Psst! Lily!" I whispered, trying to catch her attention as she wiped down the beauty section of the department store.

"Adeline, I'm working!" She spat, keeping her voice low.

"I'm shopping! Help me pick a shade of lipstick!" Lily was caught off guard and confused. I wasn't a lipstick girl. I had never worn makeup before, but that was about to change.

After convincing Lily to help me, we found the perfect shade of lip tint for me. It was a soft red that melted into my skin perfectly. I looked and felt like a new woman, and I loved it!

"Charles is going to die when he sees you with red lips!" Lily cheered as she placed my lipstick in a small box. 

"It's not for him, Lily." I teased with a wink as I left the store. I didn't care what Charles thought about anything I did. I was nothing more than a piece of fresh meat to him.

Returning to the shop, I could hear James completing a deal with someone in his office. I swore there were no scheduled meetings today, so I briefly listened in through the door, but I was caught off guard when the door flung open and a man bumped into me.

"Adeline!" James's raspy voice echoed through my ears as he shooed me away with his eyes. But when I didn't move, the man had something to say.

"My apologies, Miss Yardley." It was Thomas Shelby with his thick Brummie accent and peaked cap, riding low on his face. Offering him a gentle smile, I was relieved to have worn my red lipstick. I stepped aside when two additional men wearing peaked caps poured out of James's office. I noticed, one of the men, the one with the toothpick hanging from the corner of his mouth shared the same plump lips and black hair as Thomas. They must have been related. 

"James didn't tell us he had women working for him!" One of the men teased with a cheeky grin. Before the men could say anything else, Thomas spoke up. 

"Adeline, my brothers, Arthur and John Shelby." 

"Adeline Yardley. James's sister," I added, hoping to befriend Thomas's brothers. Like Thomas, they were well dressed and had a certain grove to their step. A mysterious bounce that was alluring.

"You must be proud of your brother, ere', operating a business like this, eh?" The brother with the mustache, Arthur cheered. I was proud, but it was all my father's work.

"How about another drink then?" James cheered, trying to raise the mood. He knew my mind instantly thought of our dear father.

While the men chugged down their whiskey, it was incredibly challenging for me to not stare at Thomas. I would catch myself looking at him for too long. Whenever he puffed his cigarette, I watched his lips slowly part almost seductively. Sometimes when our eyes met, we shared a tempting stare over the conversation. It was discrete, of course, but it was there.

When the conversation turned to me, I felt my body crumble inside. I didn't want to talk about myself, especially in front of Thomas and his intimidating brothers.

"Miss Yardley, a beautiful gal like you must be married by now!" Arthur exclaimed, slamming his whiskey glass on the table. As the room filled with smoke, I choked on my words before speaking.

"No. Not yet," I nervously replied, looking into my lap.

"Adeline's engaged!" Jack praised, nudging me on the shoulder,  delighted for me. James rolled his eyes. He didn't fancy Charles as Jack did.

"Well, why didn't you tell us earlier? Here I am thinking I had a chance!" Arthur gasped. My heart was crushed. Thomas's lust-filled eyes towards me faded. I felt awful, but I wanted him. I knew it was wrong to think I could have him, but a feeling inside kept pulling me towards him. What was I thinking?

"Congratulations, Adeline." Thomas sternly spoke as he followed his brothers out of James's office. The only way I could respond was with sorrow in my eyes. I didn't want to be engaged, and it showed. I hope he saw the disheartening look in my eyes and took it as a hint.

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