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Outside the doors of the Garrison, I thought about my poor mother and prayed to God not to let her suffer if I bled out on Watery Lane. As my vision narrowed down a darkening tunnel, the last words Tommy spoke sprung to my mind- I need you. Remembering his words, I gained enough strength to clench my shoulder in an attempt to stop the bleeding. A nasty metallic scent surged through my nostrils, making my knees weak and my head dizzy. I wasn't afraid of blood, but the pain radiating in my shoulder felt like a colossal iron fist lodged inside me. It was enough pain to send me straight to the cobblestone ground.


"Stay with me, Adeline!" With the sound of Tommy's voice, my eyes fluttered open, and my body rocked back and forth. The only thing that could keep my eyes open and my mind present were Tommy's piercing blue eyes, and there they were, staring back at me with a flicker of hope. I wanted to ask Tommy what was going on, but instead, growls of pain splurged out of my mouth, masking the howls of winter wind. 

"Adeline! You're going to have to bite on this!" Tommy demanded as his hands worked at the speed of light to cram a piece of cloth between my teeth, muffling my wails of pain. I hated Tommy for it, but I trusted he knew a thing or two about bullets and wounds. 

Tommy's voice pierced through the night as his fists beat down a door, calling for his older brother. For a while, I could only hear and feel the movement of objects and materials around me. I didn't know what was happening, and I didn't care. I was in despair for the pain to cease. 

"Tom! You need to go outside!" I heard Arthur order. Arthur's voice was out of the ordinary. Marked with concern and distress, Arthur meant business. He quickly took charge of the situation and clasped my head between his robust arms, trying to steady and brace my jerking body. I couldn't help it. The shock-like pulses of misery that tortured my body caused me to jolt unexpectedly. I must have looked as if the devil possessed me.  

"Tommy, go outside, brother!" Arthur called again, wanting Tommy to obey. I couldn't see what was around me, but through the corner of my eye, I watched John use all his force to escort Tommy out of the room. Tommy put up a fight, but he was outnumbered when Polly jumped in, assisting John. I wanted Tommy to stay by my side. I craved his caring aura and affection to guide me through the pain, and I longed for his eyes to send me to a better place. I tried to call for him, but my voice was far too weak for words. 

"Alright, Miss Yardley, we're gonna remove the bullet now, eh? Try to stay still for me, alright?" Arthur pleaded as he did his best to keep me from moving. The agony in my shoulder and arm was enough to ask God to take me. Somehow, I managed to wail and groan until starbursts appeared behind my eyelids and lines of sweat poured down my face and neck, covering my body in a cool layer of dampness. Spitting the cloth from my mouth, I twitched again, fisting the material of my dress, and finally, God answered my prayers. A throbbing burn and firey sting passed through my shoulder, and the pain slowly began to lessen. I was lucky. I couldn't take much more.

"Drink, Adeline. Drink!" Arthur shrieked, shoving a glass of dark alcohol under my nose. Without thinking twice, I chugged the whiskey. It ran down my throat smoother than a sea of fish travelling down the mouth of a killer whale.

"One more!" With a final swig, I threw my head back against the sofa and settled my aching body. The worst part was over. The bullet was out, and the hole in my shoulder was empty. 


Awaking from a deep sleep, I adjusted to the familiar and silky feeling against my skin. As I ran my fingers along the sheets covering me, I realized I was in my bed, under my covers, and tucked away in my room. I was home. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2023 ⏰

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