Chapter five: The Ball (Tamaki x Reader)

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hey guys sorry i didnt update in a while... but i hope you enjoy this chapter and tell me what you think about it.... because i dont know what x reader i should make in this you know since it can be any character.......... so go ahead and tell me over PM if you want :3
kimberly~  <3

it was a bright and early morning... although i didnt want to i fel tlike i was being watched by eyes in my room. i know mori and honey-senpai are sleeping over but..... there are more then one pair of eyes looking at me at the moment. 

i pop my head out of my blanket and just about open my eyes at the people in the room. my vision was terrible this mornign so i didnt know who i was looking at. but i saw a bunch of people. "ah! you we woke her!" said a cheerful voice. that was honey-senpai's voice i presume. i gotten used to how tehy all sound by now. "yeah..." i heard mori say. he has been talking a lot recently.

but why do tehy always come to my house why not someone elses? why always my house i dont get it anymore...... "w-what are you doing here...." i said hiding my face under the covers. it was nice and warm in there. "we came to pick you up....... its school remember?" asked the twins. shoot!! i dont want to be late!!

i through off my covers and ran to my dresser. "you guys get out" i said getting my stuff together..... they all just left on my command.... this has to be some sort of dream..... or do they want somethign from me...

i put on my clothes in a hurry and run out of my room. i run down the stairs into the dinning room where my father sat drinking tea. "good morning" he said and i nodded and just ran into the kitchen grabbing some bread. "i bid you good morning father.... now i better be off to school! bye!" i said and ran out the door slipping on my black shoes. the host club already in the car i face palmed myself. 

why must they always be here... off all places first my room and now i have to share a car with them? i rushed to the car and tamaki opened the door for me. we both sat next to each other and the entire limo was filled with laughter an chatting. as for me who is still half asleep. i nibble on my toast. tamaki looked at me. "your not a morning person are you..." he said and i smiled a bit as i stretched. "im more of a person who sleeps in in the morning........" i said and then rubbed my eyes.

that didnt really help though. "what did ye do last night you seem rekt (Y/N)" said hikaru. "oh no im fine...." i said and then we arrived at the campus. teh beautiful school stood before us. i can never get over how beautiful it is..... "oh yeah (N/N)!! we are holding a ball later this night! you have to come and dance with me!!" said honey-senpai excited. i saw haruhi walking into the campus and i smiled as we both waved at each other.

haruhi is a nice lad..... he is so cute and innocent yet he always speacks his mind. i could have never thought that a guy liek him existed.... he is even really easy to talk to since we have nearly everything in common which is weird......

we got to the classroom and i sat in my place. my best friend coming beside me. "you have been really friendly with the host club recently..... like...... uhm..... youve even been coming to school with them..." she said. there was something in her tone of voice that cought me..... is she jelouse? "may you be jelouse?" i asked and she gasped. "how dare you think that!!" she said surprised. it was so easy to read that she was jelouse. she probably thinks i took her tamaki away from her btu i didnt....

although he makes me feels warm inside when he hugs me...... and how he gives me butterflies.... but the twins do that sometimes but they only tease...... honey is a sweet tooth aswell he is so fun to be around and he is so cute. mori is reall strong yet silent and kyoya..... well he is just kyoya i guess i dont know much about him....

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