New Student (Chap 11)

403 14 4

*Third Person POV*


The serenity of the room was blatantly clear compared to bustling outside. A young man was on his feet, with a broom in his grasp, painstakingly ridding the ground of any grime.

"W-what are you doing here!?"

His vision shifted towards the voice, puzzled.

"Because I work here?"

"No you freaking idiot! You vanished from class yesterday and now you show up for work!"

Shindo: "Didn't Fuutarou or Itsuki mention to you that I did come to school today?"

Nino: "Well it's not like I give a damn about what happened to you."

Shindo: "I could tell."

A head poked out from the backroom, before a set of growing footsteps were heard amongst the pair.

"Ah Nakano-san, you're here early."

Nino: "Hello manager, I just got here."

Manager: "I see. Where are the other two?"

Nino: "They should be arriving soon, dunno what's taking them so long though..."

Manager: "Alright then, today looks like it's going to be quite quiet. This would be a good time for you to learn something."

Nino: "Really?"

Manager: "Yeah, head to the back first. I'll be there soon."


The girl soon evaporated from Shindo's sight, with a gleeful grin visible.

Shindo: "What's up with her?"

Manager: "Ah nothing much. Over the last week, I have just been teaching her a bit more on the style of cooking here."

Shindo: "Ah I see, how's she like?"

Manager: "She's a very passionate girl, she's very hardworking and determined to succeed. I think she'll be a really promising chef in the future."

Shindo: "Well I wasn't expecting like that but alright."

Manager(Resting against a table): " Yeah, now the issue is she practically knows most of the items by the back of her hand,"

Shindo(Still busy sweeping the floor): "Ahmph."


Manager: "I don't know what else I could provide her to improve and learn from."

Shindo(Still busy sweeping the floor): "Ahmph."

Manager: "That's why I thought the next time you are available you should try having a go at what you can teach her."

Shindo(Still busy sweeping the floor): "Ahmph I se- WAIT WHAT?!"

Shindo now stared directly into the eyes of his boss who just had a confused expression.

Manager: "What? You have kind of surpassed me with your skills and I don't feel like there's any better teacher than the one and only."

Shindo: "No no you seem to be missing something out right now."

Manager(○' ― ')ゞ: "Which is?"

Shindo: "We are not on good terms."

Manager: "Pfft, nice one but that's not going to save you."

Shindo: "I am not lying, she'll scream bloody mary if she learns of this."

Manager┐( '∀`)┌: "Well even if that is true, not much else I can teach. It all comes down to you."

Shindo: "*sigh* Alright then, when do I start?"

Manager(Checking his watch): "In about 5 minutes."

The broom that had been fighting to stand up this time, collapsed onto the ground.

"IN 5 MINUTES!?!?"


"What do you want from me?" The voice rasped through gritted teeth.

Shindo(Leaning against the kitchen wall): "*sigh* Not much other than your temporary attention."

Nino: "Yeah- No."

Shindo(Arms folded): "Well if that's how you want to act then why are you so enthusiastic about the little 'lesson' you mentioned earlier."

Nino: "Sod off and go clean the floor outside, I don't have time to deal with your rubbish."

Shindo(Getting up to leave): "*sigh* Why do I even bother?"

Manager(Walking in): "Now now you too. I don't wish to sound like a parent but would it kill for both of you to at least have the courtesy to treat each other as proper coworkers?"

Shindo: "My apologies, but it would seem that my manners are to be classified as rubbish."

Nino: "Tsch, sorry manager, but this guy just gets on my nerves."

Manager: "Well I am afraid to say that there's nothing that I can do about it."


Manager: "You two are better off working in the kitchen as compared to outside it, so you both should learn to accept each other's assistance and work something off that. In the meantime, Nakano-san, I think there's a lot you can learn from Kurouzu-kun. So from this moment on you'll be under his care now."

A bullet train of thoughts were running through the tsun's mind with her neutral facial expression reverting back to where her growling teeth were visible.

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