The End of Unlocked- SPOILERS AHEAD- Also basic Keefe analysis.

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Ok, that ending just killed me.

And I don't mean that in a good way

I literally sat in my room for about 2 hours and freaked my parents out by staring at the book and crying.

The thing is, I'm pretty sure Keefe did the right thing.

Which is why I hate the ending

So, we know Keefe ran away. And he did it with good reason. In fact, if he had told, say, Mr. Forkle, he probably would have hidden him in a hideout or safe house of some sort.

But, given the patterns that the Neverseen have, Keefe would have been found and kidnapped a few weeks after going to the hideout

The thing he did right was to go and give no one any clue where he is. The Neverseen is smart. They know he's in the human world.

But look at the globe. We aren't exactly known for being stuck in one spot.

He could be in the Bahamas for all we know, so the Neverseen can't do anything

But, they can keep an eye on what the Black Swan does

The thing is, no one can tell me Sophie won't go looking for Keefe. And she's obviously going to get help from Mr. Forkle and his egg spy room ( i forgot the name and don't have the patience to search it up)

And Mr. Forkle has too many identities to keep up with

So he's going to have other people monitor it

And any of those could be either a mole, or reporting to a mole (whether through threats, or one just out-ranking another)

Or they could enlist the help of a mole.

And Rex. I'm probably biased here, considering the fanfic I'm writing(Ps this is going to be loaded with spoilers for that), but it's pretty obvious he's going to figure out he's talentless

And when he does? what would he do?

I find there to be 2 options: either he runs away to the neverseen, or he runs away to Keefe(or basically the humans in general).

So um spoilers to my fic but the plot I have there is basically Rex runs off to join the neverseen because he was promised an ability.

And it's likely-ish. He would believe them, and while it doesn't make sense with how Keefe was born with stuff in Gisela's system, what's to say he won't be used as a lab rat?

spoilers done

The second theory is that he runs off to join Keefe. This one seems less harsh, and brash. He would just join the humans, who aren't exactly known for having abilities. It's gonna take him a hot minute to learn English, but eventually, he will.

And while he has his fancy body temperature regulation and telekinesis and blinking and outward channeling (how many talents do the elves have?) it doesn't really matter because I'm pretty sure you don't learn how to use that stuff unless you've gone to exilium(or, you know, the foxfire splotching championships) or have personal training.

But those are rash reactions. It's possible he just stays where he is and tries to deal with it.

Or, he stays where he is and pretends to have an ability. 

For example, we know vociferators do something with their voice. He could use outward challeling to explode stuff, and telekenisis to move objects around. It would eventually catch up to him, obviously, but yeah.

On top of all this, Dex will eventually tell Sophie. I doubt its going to be right away, but rather when he accidentally tells Rex or something. Then, he would be looking around for advice, and who's the only keeper with a much younger sister? Sophie. 

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