Sex,Food, and backstabbing assholes

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Louis POV

"Hey mate what took you so long?" My best mate Niall questioned as I walked up beside him and Liam.
"Sorry got caught up, lost track of time."
"Yeah 'caught up' didn't know that was code for flirting with the cheerleaders." Liam piped up this time nudging me in the shoulder. Damn they get on my nerves but I love em to death. Sure Niall is quite annoying with his Irish accent and his constant partying. And Liam well, Liam is Liam, he's annoying simply because he acts like a dad and treat me and Niall like we're his two immature sons who are always getting into trouble. Now we are immature and we do get in trouble quite a lot but we aren't his damn sons so instead of going all daddy Payne on us he should be joining in and living a little. But what can you do, he's really the best and would do anything for us so I guess I'll just have to deal with it.
"For your information dad I wasn't flirting with the cheerleaders, I was talking to a professor about an assignment I was given today. Plus I really don't have to flirt with the cheerleaders, I can get some anytime I want. I mean being the captain of the footie team does have its perks." Lies all lies, why do I lie to my best mates about 'getting some' well I think you can figure that one out on your own.
"Damn mate I see how it is, no need to rub it in though." Niall replies shaking his head
"Please Niall if you were getting as much as Tommo here you'd be bragging to the whole damn school about it. Plus you're only upset because you haven't gotten anything but your hand for months." Liam says with a snort winking at me
"Well fuck Payno way to hit me where it hurts." Niall retorts, clutching his chest in fake unbelief
"Okay okay enough talk about our sex lives. Let's go I'm fucking starving and this is my cheat day so we better go somewhere good." And with that me and the boys headed to our favorite restaurant. It's been awhile since we've all three got to hang out. I mean with school,footie, and partying our schedules are pretty full.
Everything was going great, we were laughing having a good time. When all of a sudden the one motherfucker who's always there to ruin my life decides to make an appearance. Him and his asshole friend strut through the door as if they own the place.
Now I know I shouldn't be judging his friend;Zac, Zen, Zayn, whatever the fuck his name is; because well I've never met him but he's gotta be an asshole to hang out with someone like Styles. I can just tell that they are the most stuck up, better than anyone else, dirtbags just by watching them. Seriously if you didn't even know them you could tell who they really were with one glance their way.
I finally realize I'm staring when Styles makes eye contact with me from his table in the back of the room. Me being my petty self flips him off and I slowly turn my attention back to Liam and Niall's conversation. However I can't seem to focus on a word they are saying, I'm trying but all that's running through my mind is all the hatred I have for the guy that is most likely staring a hole into my back. But at least the hole will go nicely with the knife he stuck there all those years ago.

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