Chapter 13. Happy New Year!

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Nathan's P.O.V

Hi guys, I'm sorry for the delay. I have been having some health issues. I hope to provide you guys with some entertainment with this chapter. I'll be uploading the next installment on Saturday. Stay safe, my friends, and until soon.

Xander went quiet after his birthday party. I heard from my mother that his grandmother's health had deteriorated. I let him be. I wasn't looking forward to my birthday. My friends liked to drag me to clubs on the last day of December. I begged Carter not to organize anything outrageous. I was glad when he told me that everyone had plans with their families on the thirty-first of December. The company was closed for the holidays. I concentrated on my project while I was free. I was busy cleaning my father's car's radiator when I received the news that one of our janitors had fallen from a ladder.

I took a quick shower, then drove to the company. I wanted to be ready for the worst. Alvin, the janitor, tried to convince me that he was okay. Alvin had a deep cut on the back of his head. Anyone could see that he was not alright. It was late, and Alvin had gone pale. More concerned with his health than the possibility of a lawsuit, I took Alvin to the nearest hospital. The emergency room was busy. Alvin and I had to wait in line. I contacted Alvin's family to notify them about his health. I laid Alvin down on a bench. I made sure that Alvin was comfortable, then went to buy some food and drinks for him. Alvin started throwing up the moment I returned.

I panicked and called a nurse. The woman took one look at Alvin, then stated, "We are busy, sir. He can wait." I got furious. I tried to approach other nurses. Everyone ignored me. I lost my mind when Alvin fell unconscious. I was just about to call my father when I heard someone say, "What seems to be the problem here, sir?" The only thing I noticed at that moment was a white doctor's coat. I threw my arm around Alvin and started explaining to the man what had happened. The doctor examined Alvin's wound. He waved at a nurse, then said, "Take him inside. The patient needs a C.T. scan." I realized that the doctor was someone important when no one complained. I should have had a better look at the person who had helped me.  Alvin's wife, Ellie, arrived just in time.

Ellie asked me to assist her. So I did. I followed her to the treatment room. Ellie was worried about the hospital bill. I assured her that our company would cover all the expenses. She sighed in relief when the C.T. scan showed that nothing serious had happened to Alvin. Alvin got admitted to the hospital. He would have to stay there for a few days for observation. I felt sorry for the guy. No one would like to spend new year's eve at a hospital. I paid the bill after Alvin's treatment was over. I would later take care of the additional expenses. It was one a.m, and I was exhausted. I was glad that I had taken my medicines before leaving the house.

I took a seat in the hallway, then called my father. My parents were worried about me. Caleb wanted to pick me up. I begged him not to tire himself out. I smiled when my mother told me that she had organized a small dinner party for Alvin and his family at the hospital. I leaned back in the chair and closed my eyes after talking to my parents. I just wanted to rest my eyes for a bit. I got startled when I heard someone say, "I'm glad to see that there are still employers around who are concerned about their workers' well-being no matter how late it gets." I opened my eyes to see who had addressed me. I frowned when I saw a handsome doctor standing before me.

I stood up, then asked the doctor, "Are you the one who assisted me last night, sir?" The doctor laughed, then reached his hand out to me. He smiled, then stated, "Yeah, and you don't have to thank me for it. It's my job to save people. I'm Dr. Luke Harrison. I just joined this hospital." I had read about the doctor before. He was the former president of Doctors Without Borders. I never expected the doctor to be this young. I shook the man's hand, then said to him, "I'm glad that you were around when I needed help, sir. Everyone ignored us before you came." Luke sighed while looking at his watch. It seemed like his shift was over.

Kidnapped by my stalker (No stalking involved, BoyxBoy, MXM) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now