Chapter 26. Finally in a relationship

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Nathan's P.O.V

I was nervous about my date with Xander. I needed time to calm myself down. That's why I asked my parents to drop me off at the restaurant. Krista was busy training. I hadn't told her about the progress yet. I took a deep breath before entering the restaurant. I could see from the outside that it was busy. The receptionist brought me to a private room when I told her who I was. My heart skipped a beat when I saw Xander. He looked gorgeous, as ever. I started to relax when Xander hugged me. I had always wondered what it was like to date someone like him. I guess I was about to find out.

Xander and I talked about everything and nothing while enjoying our meal. I was surprised when Xander told me that he wanted to show me something. Who would have thought that the place I loved the most was my own? I had never expected Xander to care so much about me. I was happy that Xander had consulted my mother about the date. I wouldn't know how to surprise Xander either.

We hadn't met each other for so long. Our thoughts and tastes had changed. Xander and I held each other tightly while dancing. I suddenly got overwhelmed by my emotions. I was so scared when I got released from the detention center. I felt like I didn't have a future then. Caleb and Dahlia were my saviors. They had supported me in my darkest hours. I was ready to do anything for them. I got tired after a while. I asked Xander if we could lie down for a bit. Xander grabbed my hand and uttered, "Of course, Nathan. Come with me." I followed Xander to the top floor. Xander led me to the room at the far end of the corridor. He opened the door, then stated, "This is the room I decorated for you, Nathan. I thought that you would need a quiet place to study."

I gasped when I saw the balcony of the room. It had a desk and bookshelves. There was even a laptop on the desk. Xander hugged me from behind, then asked me, "Do you like it, Nathan?" I turned around to face Xander and said, "Yes, but how did you expect me to maintain such a place. And what about the laptop? Has it been sitting there all these years?" Xander kissed me, then stated, "I expected you to ask those questions." Xander took his shoes and jacket off and climbed into the bed. He patted next to him and said, "Come on. You are tired, right?" I joined Xander on the bed. Xander pulled me closer, then put his head on my chest.

He closed his eyes, then declared, "I hired a team to look after the house and you. Some of the staff members still come by to clean the house. They came in today to get everything ready. The staff uses the laptop to send me inspection reports. So it has been active all this time. I don't know how the deck got unnoticed by them, though. I used to come here before we moved to Spain as well. I loved to work on the balcony." I stroked Xander's head, then declared, "The staff probably didn't expect someone to use the deck, Xander." Xander hummed and stated, "I'll talk to them about it on Monday."

Xander lifted his head, then stared into my eyes. He looked so attractive that I couldn't hold myself back. I grabbed Xander's face and kissed him passionately. Xander groaned in pleasure. He kissed me back, then asked me, "Would you be my boyfriend, Nathan?" I laughed and asked Xander, "Are we in high school or what?" Xander bit my lip, then stated, "I made unjustifiable mistakes in the past. You have finally forgiven me. So I want to do everything right this time." I kissed Xander's cheek, then declared, "Yes, Xander. I would love to be your boyfriend."

Xander grinned like a kid. I pulled him into my arms and hugged him tightly. I frowned when Xander said, "I have to tell you something, Nathan." I ran my fingers through my hair, then stated, "Go ahead. I'm listening." Xander sat up, then leaned against the headboard. I could sense that It was something serious, so I did the same. Xander laced his fingers through mine, then uttered, "I already told you about how Carson found out about Elijah, Right?" I nodded at Xander. Xander sighed and stated, "I had to manage my grandmother's estate after she died. Elijah was a fussy baby. He would cry for hours. My parents and I couldn't look after him alone. Carson offered to help. I was so desperate to conceal Elijah from the outside world that I accepted his aid. Carson moved in with us and stayed till Elijah turned three. He left because of his job. Carson is an architect and needed to travel to Sweden for work. Carson has completed his project. I expect him to return to the U.S soon. Nothing happened between us in those three years we lived together. I'm celibate since I met you in that garage with Krista. It's not like I didn't get the opportunity to have sex. It's just that I'm only attracted to you and no one else."

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