Types Of Magic

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In the Magic World, magic can usually be placed into the following categories.

-Elemental Magic-

Elemental Wizards can command the forces of nature. They can learn certain spells for this, and some are gifted with the ability to manipulate the elements without the use of casting. Elemental Wizards can cause a fair amount of damage.

Once all four elements can be commanded at will, a wizard can be classified as an Element Master.

-Caster Magic-

Caster Wizards casts spells. These can be a wide range of things, and certain spells work best for certain wizards. It takes a long time to become a master at this magic, as it takes a lot of training.

Casters have many different spells, and many of them are known by heart.

-Holder Magic-

Holder Wizards often have a certain relic or staff that they use for magic. They can use their vessel to produce magic, and as they grow more skilled, the more advanced the magic becomes. Once a vessel has reached its magic capacity, the wizard can be classified as a master.

Along with basic magic, these wizards are also skilled in battle.

-Potions Magic-

Potion Wizard are usually less of the fighting type. They create powerful potions, and are sometimes referred to as Alchemists.

Some potion Wizards can sell their potions in magic shops.

-Arcane Magic-

Arcane Wizards are not the most common. Few are born Arcane wizards, but those who are are quite powerful. They draw upon the arcane realm for the stem of their magic. Arcane Wizards have mastery over magic energy, though it takes years to learn. Other talents are Summoning, Binding, and Animating along with basic magic.

There are very few Arcane Masters, as it takes so long to complete.

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